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     1 \section{Gluing - needs to be rewritten/replaced}
     2 \label{sec:gluing}%
     4 We now turn to establishing the gluing formula for blob homology, restated from Property \ref{property:gluing} in the Introduction
     5 \begin{itemize}
     6 %\mbox{}% <-- gets the indenting right
     7 \item For any $(n-1)$-manifold $Y$, the blob homology of $Y \times I$ is
     8 naturally an $A_\infty$ category. % We'll write $\bc_*(Y)$ for $\bc_*(Y \times I)$ below.
    10 \item For any $n$-manifold $X$, with $Y$ a codimension $0$-submanifold of its boundary, the blob homology of $X$ is naturally an
    11 $A_\infty$ module for $\bc_*(Y \times I)$.
    13 \item For any $n$-manifold $X$, with $Y \cup Y^{\text{op}}$ a codimension
    14 $0$-submanifold of its boundary, the blob homology of $X'$, obtained from
    15 $X$ by gluing along $Y$, is the $A_\infty$ self-tensor product of
    16 $\bc_*(X)$ as an $\bc_*(Y \times I)$-bimodule.
    17 \begin{equation*}
    18 \bc_*(X') \iso \bc_*(X) \Tensor^{A_\infty}_{\mathclap{\bc_*(Y \times I)}} \!\!\!\!\!\!\xymatrix{ \ar@(ru,rd)@<-1ex>[]}
    19 \end{equation*}
    20 \end{itemize}
    22 Although this gluing formula is stated in terms of $A_\infty$ categories and their (bi-)modules, it will be more natural for us to give alternative
    23 definitions of `topological' $A_\infty$-categories and their bimodules, explain how to translate between the `algebraic' and `topological' definitions,
    24 and then prove the gluing formula in the topological langauge. Section \ref{sec:topological-A-infty} below explains these definitions, and establishes
    25 the desired equivalence. This is quite involved, and in particular requires us to generalise the definition of blob homology to allow $A_\infty$ algebras
    26 as inputs, and to re-establish many of the properties of blob homology in this generality. Many readers may prefer to read the
    27 Definitions \ref{defn:topological-algebra} and \ref{defn:topological-module} of `topological' $A_\infty$-categories, and Definition \ref{???} of the
    28 self-tensor product of a `topological' $A_\infty$-bimodule, then skip to \S \ref{sec:boundary-action} and \S \ref{sec:gluing-formula} for the proofs
    29 of the gluing formula in the topological context.
    31 \subsection{`Topological' $A_\infty$ $n$-categories}
    32 \label{sec:topological-A-infty}%
    34 This section prepares the ground for establishing Property \ref{property:gluing} by defining the notion of a \emph{topological $A_\infty$-$n$-category}.
    35 The main result of this section is
    37 \begin{thm}
    38 Topological $A_\infty$-$1$-categories are equivalent to the usual notion of
    39 $A_\infty$-$1$-categories.
    40 \end{thm}
    42 Before proving this theorem, we embark upon a long string of definitions.
    43 For expository purposes, we begin with the $n=1$ special cases,\scott{Why are we treating the $n>1$ cases at all?} and define
    44 first topological $A_\infty$-algebras, then topological $A_\infty$-categories, and then topological $A_\infty$-modules over these. We then turn
    45 to the general $n$ case, defining topological $A_\infty$-$n$-categories and their modules.
    46 \nn{Something about duals?}
    47 \todo{Explain that we're not making contact with any previous notions for the general $n$ case?}
    48 \kevin{probably we should say something about the relation
    49 to [framed] $E_\infty$ algebras
    50 }
    52 \todo{}
    53 Various citations we might want to make:
    54 \begin{itemize}
    55 \item \cite{MR2061854} McClure and Smith's review article
    56 \item \cite{MR0420610} May, (inter alia, definition of $E_\infty$ operad)
    57 \item \cite{MR0236922,MR0420609} Boardman and Vogt
    58 \item \cite{MR1256989} definition of framed little-discs operad
    59 \end{itemize}
    61 \begin{defn}
    62 \label{defn:topological-algebra}%
    63 A ``topological $A_\infty$-algebra'' $A$ consists of the following data.
    64 \begin{enumerate}
    65 \item For each $1$-manifold $J$ diffeomorphic to the standard interval
    66 $I=\left[0,1\right]$, a complex of vector spaces $A(J)$.
    67 % either roll functoriality into the evaluation map
    68 \item For each pair of intervals $J,J'$ an `evaluation' chain map
    69 $\ev_{J \to J'} : \CD{J \to J'} \tensor A(J) \to A(J')$.
    70 \item For each decomposition of intervals $J = J'\cup J''$,
    71 a gluing map $\gl_{J',J''} : A(J') \tensor A(J'') \to A(J)$.
    72 % or do it as two separate pieces of data
    73 %\item along with an `evaluation' chain map $\ev_J : \CD{J} \tensor A(J) \to A(J)$,
    74 %\item for each diffeomorphism $\phi : J \to J'$, an isomorphism $A(\phi) : A(J) \isoto A(J')$,
    75 %\item and for each pair of intervals $J,J'$ a gluing map $\gl_{J,J'} : A(J) \tensor A(J') \to A(J \cup J')$,
    76 \end{enumerate}
    77 This data is required to satisfy the following conditions.
    78 \begin{itemize}
    79 \item The evaluation chain map is associative, in that the diagram
    80 \begin{equation*}
    81 \xymatrix{
    82  & \quad \mathclap{\CD{J' \to J''} \tensor \CD{J \to J'} \tensor A(J)} \quad \ar[dr]^{\id \tensor \ev_{J \to J'}} \ar[dl]_{\compose \tensor \id} & \\
    83 \CD{J' \to J''} \tensor A(J') \ar[dr]^{\ev_{J' \to J''}} & & \CD{J \to J''} \tensor A(J) \ar[dl]_{\ev_{J \to J''}} \\
    84  & A(J'') &
    85 }
    86 \end{equation*}
    87 commutes up to homotopy.
    88 Here the map $$\compose : \CD{J' \to J''} \tensor \CD{J \to J'} \to \CD{J \to J''}$$ is a composition: take products of singular chains first, then compose diffeomorphisms.
    89 %% or the version for separate pieces of data:
    90 %\item If $\phi$ is a diffeomorphism from $J$ to itself, the maps $\ev_J(\phi, -)$ and $A(\phi)$ are the same.
    91 %\item The evaluation chain map is associative, in that the diagram
    92 %\begin{equation*}
    93 %\xymatrix{
    94 %\CD{J} \tensor \CD{J} \tensor A(J) \ar[r]^{\id \tensor \ev_J} \ar[d]_{\compose \tensor \id} &
    95 %\CD{J} \tensor A(J) \ar[d]^{\ev_J} \\
    96 %\CD{J} \tensor A(J) \ar[r]_{\ev_J} &
    97 %A(J)
    98 %}
    99 %\end{equation*}
   100 %commutes. (Here the map $\compose : \CD{J} \tensor \CD{J} \to \CD{J}$ is a composition: take products of singular chains first, then use the group multiplication in $\Diff(J)$.)
   101 \item The gluing maps are \emph{strictly} associative. That is, given $J$, $J'$ and $J''$, the diagram
   102 \begin{equation*}
   103 \xymatrix{
   104 A(J) \tensor A(J') \tensor A(J'') \ar[rr]^{\gl_{J,J'} \tensor \id} \ar[d]_{\id \tensor \gl_{J',J''}} &&
   105 A(J \cup J') \tensor A(J'') \ar[d]^{\gl_{J \cup J', J''}} \\
   106 A(J) \tensor A(J' \cup J'') \ar[rr]_{\gl_{J, J' \cup J''}} &&
   107 A(J \cup J' \cup J'')
   108 }
   109 \end{equation*}
   110 commutes.
   111 \item The gluing and evaluation maps are compatible.
   112 \nn{give diagram, or just say ``in the obvious way", or refer to diagram in blob eval map section?}
   113 \end{itemize}
   114 \end{defn}
   116 \begin{rem}
   117 We can restrict the evaluation map to $0$-chains, and see that $J \mapsto A(J)$ and $(\phi:J \to J') \mapsto \ev_{J \to J'}(\phi, \bullet)$ together
   118 constitute a functor from the category of intervals and diffeomorphisms between them to the category of complexes of vector spaces.
   119 Further, once this functor has been specified, we only need to know how the evaluation map acts when $J = J'$.
   120 \end{rem}
   122 %% if we do things separately, we should say this:
   123 %\begin{rem}
   124 %Of course, the first and third pieces of data (the complexes, and the isomorphisms) together just constitute a functor from the category of
   125 %intervals and diffeomorphisms between them to the category of complexes of vector spaces.
   126 %Further, one can combine the second and third pieces of data, asking instead for a map
   127 %\begin{equation*}
   128 %\ev_{J,J'} : \CD{J \to J'} \tensor A(J) \to A(J').
   129 %\end{equation*}
   130 %(Any $k$-parameter family of diffeomorphisms in $C_k(\Diff(J \to J'))$ factors into a single diffeomorphism $J \to J'$ and a $k$-parameter family of
   131 %diffeomorphisms in $\CD{J'}$.)
   132 %\end{rem}
   134 To generalise the definition to that of a category, we simply introduce a set of objects which we call $A(pt)$. Now we associate complexes to each
   135 interval with boundary conditions $(J, c_-, c_+)$, with $c_-, c_+ \in A(pt)$, and only ask for gluing maps when the boundary conditions match up:
   136 \begin{equation*}
   137 \gl : A(J, c_-, c_0) \tensor A(J', c_0, c_+) \to A(J \cup J', c_-, c_+).
   138 \end{equation*}
   139 The action of diffeomorphisms (and of $k$-parameter families of diffeomorphisms) ignores the boundary conditions.
   140 \todo{we presumably need to say something about $\id_c \in A(J, c, c)$.}
   142 At this point we can give two motivating examples. The first is `chains of maps to $M$' for some fixed target space $M$.
   143 \begin{defn}
   144 Define the topological $A_\infty$ category $C_*(\Maps(\bullet \to M))$ by
   145 \begin{enumerate}
   146 \item $A(J) = C_*(\Maps(J \to M))$, singular chains on the space of smooth maps from $J$ to $M$,
   147 \item $\ev_{J,J'} : \CD{J \to J'} \tensor A(J) \to A(J')$ is the composition
   148 \begin{align*}
   149 \CD{J \to J'} \tensor C_*(\Maps(J \to M)) & \to C_*(\Diff(J \to J') \times \Maps(J \to M)) \\ & \to C_*(\Maps(J' \to M)),
   150 \end{align*}
   151 where the first map is the product of singular chains, and the second is precomposition by the inverse of a diffeomorphism,
   152 \item $\gl_{J,J'} : A(J) \tensor A(J')$ takes the product of singular chains, then glues maps to $M$ together.
   153 \end{enumerate}
   154 The associativity conditions are trivially satisfied.
   155 \end{defn}
   157 The second example is simply the blob complex of $Y \times J$, for any $n-1$ manifold $Y$. We define $A(J) = \bc_*(Y \times J)$.
   158 Observe $\Diff(J \to J')$ embeds into $\Diff(Y \times J \to Y \times J')$. The evaluation and gluing maps then come directly from Properties
   159 \ref{property:evaluation} and \ref{property:gluing-map} respectively. We'll often write $bc_*(Y)$ for this algebra.
   161 The definition of a module follows closely the definition of an algebra or category.
   162 \begin{defn}
   163 \label{defn:topological-module}%
   164 A topological $A_\infty$-(left-)module $M$ over a topological $A_\infty$ category $A$
   165 consists of the following data.
   166 \begin{enumerate}
   167 \item A functor $K \mapsto M(K)$ from $1$-manifolds diffeomorphic to the standard interval, with the upper boundary point `marked', to complexes of vector spaces.
   168 \item For each pair of such marked intervals,
   169 an `evaluation' chain map $\ev_{K\to K'} : \CD{K \to K'} \tensor M(K) \to M(K')$.
   170 \item For each decomposition $K = J\cup K'$ of the marked interval
   171 $K$ into an unmarked interval $J$ and a marked interval $K'$, a gluing map
   172 $\gl_{J,K'} : A(J) \tensor M(K') \to M(K)$.
   173 \end{enumerate}
   174 The above data is required to satisfy
   175 conditions analogous to those in Definition \ref{defn:topological-algebra}.
   176 \end{defn}
   178 For any manifold $X$ with $\bdy X = Y$ (or indeed just with $Y$ a codimension $0$-submanifold of $\bdy X$) we can think of $\bc_*(X)$ as
   179 a topological $A_\infty$ module over $\bc_*(Y)$, the topological $A_\infty$ category described above.
   180 For each interval $K$, we have $M(K) = \bc_*((Y \times K) \cup_Y X)$.
   181 (Here we glue $Y \times pt$ to $Y \subset \bdy X$, where $pt$ is the marked point of $K$.) Again, the evaluation and gluing maps come directly from Properties
   182 \ref{property:evaluation} and \ref{property:gluing-map} respectively.
   184 The definition of a bimodule is like the definition of a module,
   185 except that we have two disjoint marked intervals $K$ and $L$, one with a marked point
   186 on the upper boundary and the other with a marked point on the lower boundary.
   187 There are evaluation maps corresponding to gluing unmarked intervals
   188 to the unmarked ends of $K$ and $L$.
   190 Let $X$ be an $n$-manifold with a copy of $Y \du -Y$ embedded as a
   191 codimension-0 submanifold of $\bdy X$.
   192 Then the the assignment $K,L \mapsto \bc_*(X \cup_Y (Y\times K) \cup_{-Y} (-Y\times L))$ has the
   193 structure of a topological $A_\infty$ bimodule over $\bc_*(Y)$.
   195 Next we define the coend
   196 (or gluing or tensor product or self tensor product, depending on the context)
   197 $\gl(M)$ of a topological $A_\infty$ bimodule $M$. This will be an `initial' or `universal' object satisfying various properties.
   198 \begin{defn}
   199 We define a category $\cG(M)$. Objects consist of the following data.
   200 \begin{itemize}
   201 \item For each interval $N$ with both endpoints marked, a complex of vector spaces C(N).
   202 \item For each pair of intervals $N,N'$ an evaluation chain map
   203 $\ev_{N \to N'} : \CD{N \to N'} \tensor C(N) \to C(N')$.
   204 \item For each decomposition of intervals $N = K\cup L$,
   205 a gluing map $\gl_{K,L} : M(K,L) \to C(N)$.
   206 \end{itemize}
   207 This data must satisfy the following conditions.
   208 \begin{itemize}
   209 \item The evaluation maps are associative.
   210 \nn{up to homotopy?}
   211 \item Gluing is strictly associative.
   212 That is, given a decomposition $N = K\cup J\cup L$, the chain maps associated to
   213 $K\du J\du L \to (K\cup J)\du L \to N$ and $K\du J\du L \to K\du (J\cup L) \to N$
   214 agree.
   215 \item the gluing and evaluation maps are compatible.
   216 \end{itemize}
   218 A morphism $f$ between such objects $C$ and $C'$ is a chain map $f_N : C(N) \to C'(N)$ for each interval $N$ with both endpoints marked,
   219 satisfying the following conditions.
   220 \begin{itemize}
   221 \item For each pair of intervals $N,N'$, the diagram
   222 \begin{equation*}
   223 \xymatrix{
   224 \CD{N \to N'} \tensor C(N) \ar[d]_{\ev} \ar[r]^{\id \tensor f_N} & \CD{N \to N'} \tensor C'(N) \ar[d]^{\ev} \\
   225 C(N) \ar[r]_{f_N} & C'(N)
   226 }
   227 \end{equation*}
   228 commutes.
   229 \item For each decomposition of intervals $N = K \cup L$, the gluing map for $C'$, $\gl'_{K,L} : M(K,L) \to C'(N)$ is the composition
   230 $$M(K,L) \xto{\gl_{K,L}} C(N) \xto{f_N} C'(N).$$
   231 \end{itemize}
   232 \end{defn}
   234 We now define $\gl(M)$ to be an initial object in the category $\cG{M}$. This just says that for any other object $C'$ in $\cG{M}$,
   235 there are chain maps $f_N: \gl(M)(N) \to C'(N)$, compatible with the action of families of diffeomorphisms, so that the gluing maps $M(K,L) \to C'(N)$
   236 factor through the gluing maps for $\gl(M)$.
   238 We return to our two favourite examples. First, the coend of the topological $A_\infty$ category $C_*(\Maps(\bullet \to M))$ as a bimodule over itself
   239 is essentially $C_*(\Maps(S^1 \to M))$. \todo{}
   241 For the second example, given $X$ and $Y\du -Y \sub \bdy X$, the assignment
   242 $$N \mapsto \bc_*(X \cup_{Y\du -Y} (N\times Y))$$ clearly gives an object in $\cG{M}$.
   243 Showing that it is an initial object is the content of the gluing theorem proved below.
   245 The definitions for a topological $A_\infty$-$n$-category are very similar to the above
   246 $n=1$ case.
   247 One replaces intervals with manifolds diffeomorphic to the ball $B^n$.
   248 Marked points are replaced by copies of $B^{n-1}$ in $\bdy B^n$.
   250 \nn{give examples: $A(J^n) = \bc_*(Z\times J)$ and $A(J^n) = C_*(\Maps(J \to M))$.}
   252 \todo{the motivating example $C_*(\maps(X, M))$}
   256 \newcommand{\skel}[1]{\operatorname{skeleton}(#1)}
   258 Given a topological $A_\infty$-category $\cC$, we can construct an `algebraic' $A_\infty$ category $\skel{\cC}$. First, pick your
   259 favorite diffeomorphism $\phi: I \cup I \to I$.
   260 \begin{defn}
   261 We'll write $\skel{\cC} = (A, m_k)$. Define $A = \cC(I)$, and $m_2 : A \tensor A \to A$ by
   262 \begin{equation*}
   263 m_2 \cC(I) \tensor \cC(I) \xrightarrow{\gl_{I,I}} \cC(I \cup I) \xrightarrow{\cC(\phi)} \cC(I).
   264 \end{equation*}
   265 Next, we define all the `higher associators' $m_k$ by
   266 \todo{}
   267 \end{defn}
   269 Give an `algebraic' $A_\infty$ category $(A, m_k)$, we can construct a topological $A_\infty$-category, which we call $\bc_*^A$. You should
   270 think of this as a generalisation of the blob complex, although the construction we give will \emph{not} specialise to exactly the usual definition
   271 in the case the $A$ is actually an associative category.
   273 We'll first define $\cT_{k,n}$ to be the set of planar forests consisting of $n-k$ trees, with a total of $n$ leaves. Thus
   274 \todo{$\cT_{0,n}$ has 1 element, with $n$ vertical lines, $\cT_{1,n}$ has $n-1$ elements, each with a single trivalent vertex, $\cT_{2,n}$ etc...}
   275 \begin{align*}
   276 \end{align*}
   278 \begin{defn}
   279 The topological $A_\infty$ category $\bc_*^A$ is doubly graded, by `blob degree' and `internal degree'. We'll write $\bc_k^A$ for the blob degree $k$ piece.
   280 The homological degree of an element $a \in \bc_*^A(J)$
   281 is the sum of the blob degree and the internal degree.
   283 We first define $\bc_0^A(J)$ as a vector space by
   284 \begin{equation*}
   285 \bc_0^A(J) = \DirectSum_{\substack{\{J_i\}_{i=1}^n \\ \mathclap{\bigcup_i J_i = J}}} \Tensor_{i=1}^n (\CD{J_i \to I} \tensor A).
   286 \end{equation*}
   287 (That is, for each division of $J$ into finitely many subintervals,
   288 we have the tensor product of chains of diffeomorphisms from each subinterval to the standard interval,
   289 and a copy of $A$ for each subinterval.)
   290 The internal degree of an element $(f_1 \tensor a_1, \ldots, f_n \tensor a_n)$ is the sum of the dimensions of the singular chains
   291 plus the sum of the homological degrees of the elements of $A$.
   292 The differential is defined just by the graded Leibniz rule and the differentials on $\CD{J_i \to I}$ and on $A$.
   294 Next,
   295 \begin{equation*}
   296 \bc_1^A(J) = \DirectSum_{\substack{\{J_i\}_{i=1}^n \\ \mathclap{\bigcup_i J_i = J}}} \DirectSum_{T \in \cT_{1,n}} \Tensor_{i=1}^n (\CD{J_i \to I} \tensor A).
   297 \end{equation*}
   298 \end{defn}
   300 \begin{figure}[!ht]
   301 \begin{equation*}
   302 \mathfig{0.7}{associahedron/A4-vertices}
   303 \end{equation*}
   304 \caption{The vertices of the $k$-dimensional associahedron are indexed by binary trees on $k+2$ leaves.}
   305 \label{fig:A4-vertices}
   306 \end{figure}
   308 \begin{figure}[!ht]
   309 \begin{equation*}
   310 \mathfig{0.7}{associahedron/A4-faces}
   311 \end{equation*}
   312 \caption{The faces of the $k$-dimensional associahedron are indexed by trees with $2$ vertices on $k+2$ leaves.}
   313 \label{fig:A4-vertices}
   314 \end{figure}
   316 \newcommand{\tm}{\widetilde{m}}
   318 Let $\tm_1(a) = a$.
   320 We now define $\bdy(\tm_k(a_1 \tensor \cdots \tensor a_k))$, first giving an opaque formula, then explaining the combinatorics behind it.
   321 \begin{align}
   322 \notag \bdy(\tm_k(a_1 & \tensor \cdots \tensor a_k)) = \\
   323 \label{eq:bdy-tm-k-1}   & \phantom{+} \sum_{\ell'=0}^{k-1} (-1)^{\abs{\tm_k}+\sum_{j=1}^{\ell'} \abs{a_j}} \tm_k(a_1 \tensor \cdots \tensor \bdy a_{\ell'+1} \tensor \cdots \tensor a_k) + \\
   324 \label{eq:bdy-tm-k-2}   &          +  \sum_{\ell=1}^{k-1} \tm_{\ell}(a_1 \tensor \cdots \tensor a_{\ell}) \tensor \tm_{k-\ell}(a_{\ell+1} \tensor \cdots \tensor a_k) + \\
   325 \label{eq:bdy-tm-k-3}   &          +  \sum_{\ell=1}^{k-1} \sum_{\ell'=0}^{l-1} (-1)^{\abs{\tm_k}+\sum_{j=1}^{\ell'} \abs{a_j}} \tm_{\ell}(a_1 \tensor \cdots \tensor m_{k-\ell + 1}(a_{\ell' + 1} \tensor \cdots \tensor a_{\ell' + k - \ell + 1}) \tensor \cdots \tensor a_k)
   326 \end{align}
   327 The first set of terms in $\bdy(\tm_k(a_1 \tensor \cdots \tensor a_k))$ just have $\bdy$ acting on each argument $a_i$.
   328 The terms appearing in \eqref{eq:bdy-tm-k-2} and \eqref{eq:bdy-tm-k-3} are indexed by trees with $2$ vertices on $k+1$ leaves.
   329 Note here that we have one more leaf than there arguments of $\tm_k$.
   330 (See Figure \ref{fig:A4-vertices}, in which the rightmost branches are helpfully drawn in red.)
   331 We will treat the vertices which involve a rightmost (red) branch differently from the vertices which only involve the first $k$ leaves.
   332 The terms in \eqref{eq:bdy-tm-k-2} arise in the cases in which both
   333 vertices are rightmost, and the corresponding term in $\bdy(\tm_k(a_1 \tensor \cdots \tensor a_k))$ is a tensor product of the form
   334 $$\tm_{\ell}(a_1 \tensor \cdots \tensor a_{\ell}) \tensor \tm_{k-\ell}(a_{\ell+1} \tensor \cdots \tensor a_k)$$
   335 where $\ell + 1$ and $k - \ell + 1$ are the number of branches entering the vertices.
   336 If only one vertex is rightmost, we get the term $$\tm_{\ell}(a_1 \tensor \cdots \tensor m_{k-\ell+1}(a_{\ell' + 1} \tensor \cdots \tensor a_{\ell' + k - \ell}) \tensor \cdots \tensor a_k)$$
   337 in \eqref{eq:bdy-tm-k-3},
   338 where again $\ell + 1$ is the number of branches entering the rightmost vertex, $k-\ell+1$ is the number of branches entering the other vertex, and $\ell'$ is the number of edges meeting the rightmost vertex which start to the left of the other vertex.
   339 For example, we have
   340 \begin{align*}
   341 \bdy(\tm_2(a \tensor b)) & = \left(\tm_2(\bdy a \tensor b) + (-1)^{\abs{a}} \tm_2(a \tensor \bdy b)\right) + \\
   342                          & \qquad - a \tensor b + m_2(a \tensor b) \\
   343 \bdy(\tm_3(a \tensor b \tensor c)) & = \left(- \tm_3(\bdy a \tensor b \tensor c) + (-1)^{\abs{a} + 1} \tm_3(a \tensor \bdy b \tensor c) + (-1)^{\abs{a} + \abs{b} + 1} \tm_3(a \tensor b \tensor \bdy c)\right) + \\
   344                                    & \qquad + \left(- \tm_2(a \tensor b) \tensor c + a \tensor \tm_2(b \tensor c)\right) + \\
   345                                    & \qquad + \left(- \tm_2(m_2(a \tensor b) \tensor c) + \tm_2(a, m_2(b \tensor c)) + m_3(a \tensor b \tensor c)\right)
   346 \end{align*}
   347 \begin{align*}
   348 \bdy(& \tm_4(a \tensor b \tensor c \tensor d)) = \left(\tm_4(\bdy a \tensor b \tensor c \tensor d) + \cdots + \tm_4(a \tensor b \tensor c \tensor \bdy d)\right) + \\
   349                                              & + \left(\tm_3(a \tensor b \tensor c) \tensor d + \tm_2(a \tensor b) \tensor \tm_2(c \tensor d) + a \tensor \tm_3(b \tensor c \tensor d)\right) + \\
   350                                              & + \left(\tm_3(m_2(a \tensor b) \tensor c \tensor d) + \tm_3(a \tensor m_2(b \tensor c) \tensor d) + \tm_3(a \tensor b \tensor m_2(c \tensor d))\right. + \\
   351                                              & + \left.\tm_2(m_3(a \tensor b \tensor c) \tensor d) + \tm_2(a \tensor m_3(b \tensor c \tensor d)) + m_4(a \tensor b \tensor c \tensor d)\right) \\
   352 \end{align*}
   353 See Figure \ref{fig:A4-terms}, comparing it against Figure \ref{fig:A4-faces}, to see this illustrated in the case $k=4$. There the $3$ faces closest
   354 to the top of the diagram have two rightmost vertices, while the other $6$ faces have only one.
   356 \begin{figure}[!ht]
   357 \begin{equation*}
   358 \mathfig{1.0}{associahedron/A4-terms}
   359 \end{equation*}
   360 \caption{The terms of $\bdy(\tm_k(a_1 \tensor \cdots \tensor a_k))$ correspond to the faces of the $k-1$ dimensional associahedron.}
   361 \label{fig:A4-terms}
   362 \end{figure}
   364 \begin{lem}
   365 This definition actually results in a chain complex, that is $\bdy^2 = 0$.
   366 \end{lem}
   367 \begin{proof}
   368 \newcommand{\T}{\text{---}}
   369 \newcommand{\ssum}[1]{{\sum}^{(#1)}}
   370 For the duration of this proof, inside a summation over variables $l_1, \ldots, l_m$, an expression with $m$ dashes will be interpreted
   371 by replacing each dash with contiguous factors from $a_1 \tensor \cdots \tensor a_k$, so the first dash takes the first $l_1$ factors, the second
   372 takes the next $l_2$ factors, and so on. Further, we'll write $\ssum{m}$ for $\sum_{\sum_{i=1}^m l_i = k}$.
   373 In this notation, the formula for the differential becomes
   374 \begin{align}
   375 \notag
   376 \bdy \tm(\T) & = \ssum{2} \tm(\T) \tensor \tm(\T) \times \sigma_{0;l_1,l_2} + \ssum{3} \tm(\T \tensor m(\T) \tensor \T) \times \tau_{0;l_1,l_2,l_3} \\
   377 \intertext{and we calculate}
   378 \notag
   379 \bdy^2 \tm(\T) & = \ssum{2} \bdy \tm(\T) \tensor \tm(\T) \times \sigma_{0;l_1,l_2} \\
   380 \notag         & \qquad + \ssum{2} \tm(\T) \tensor \bdy \tm(\T) \times \sigma_{0;l_1,l_2} \\
   381 \notag         & \qquad + \ssum{3} \bdy \tm(\T \tensor m(\T) \tensor \T) \times \tau_{0;l_1,l_2,l_3} \\
   382 \label{eq:d21} & = \ssum{3} \tm(\T) \tensor \tm(\T) \tensor \tm(\T) \times \sigma_{0;l_1+l_2,l_3} \sigma_{0;l_1,l_2} \\
   383 \label{eq:d22} & \qquad + \ssum{4} \tm(\T \tensor m(\T) \tensor \T) \tensor \tm(\T) \times \sigma_{0;l_1+l_2+l_3,l_4} \tau_{0;l_1,l_2,l_3} \\
   384 \label{eq:d23} & \qquad + \ssum{3} \tm(\T) \tensor \tm(\T) \tensor \tm(\T) \times \sigma_{0;l_1,l_2+l_3} \sigma_{l_1;l_2,l_3} \\
   385 \label{eq:d24} & \qquad + \ssum{4} \tm(\T) \tensor \tm(\T \tensor m(\T) \tensor \T) \times \sigma_{0;l_1,l_2+l_3+l_4} \tau_{l_1;l_2,l_3,l_4} \\
   386 \label{eq:d25} & \qquad + \ssum{4} \tm(\T \tensor m(\T) \tensor \T) \tensor \tm(\T) \times \tau_{0;l_1,l_2,l_3+l_4} ??? \\
   387 \label{eq:d26} & \qquad + \ssum{4} \tm(\T) \tensor \tm(\T \tensor m(\T) \tensor \T) \times \tau_{0;l_1+l_2,l_3,l_4} \sigma_{0;l_1,l_2} \\
   388 \label{eq:d27} & \qquad + \ssum{5} \tm(\T \tensor m(\T) \tensor \T \tensor m(\T) \tensor \T) \times \tau_{0;l_1+l_2+l_3,l_4,l_5} \tau_{0;l_1,l_2,l_3}  \\
   389 \label{eq:d28} & \qquad + \ssum{5} \tm(\T \tensor m(\T \tensor m(\T) \tensor \T) \tensor \T) \times \tau_{0;l_1,l_2+l_3+l_4,l_5} ??? \\
   390 \label{eq:d29} & \qquad + \ssum{5} \tm(\T \tensor m(\T) \tensor \T \tensor m(\T) \tensor \T) \times \tau_{0;l_1,l_2,l_3+l_4+l_5} ???
   391 \end{align}
   392 Now, we see the the expressions on the right hand side of line \eqref{eq:d21} and those on \eqref{eq:d23} cancel. Similarly, line \eqref{eq:d22} cancels
   393 with \eqref{eq:d25}, \eqref{eq:d24} with \eqref{eq:d26}, and \eqref{eq:d27} with \eqref{eq:d29}. Finally, we need to see that \eqref{eq:d28} gives $0$,
   394 by the usual relations between the $m_k$ in an $A_\infty$ algebra.
   395 \end{proof}
   397 \nn{Need to let the input $n$-category $C$ be a graded thing (e.g. DG
   398 $n$-category or $A_\infty$ $n$-category). DG $n$-category case is pretty
   399 easy, I think, so maybe it should be done earlier??}
   401 \bigskip
   403 Outline:
   404 \begin{itemize}
   405 \item recall defs of $A_\infty$ category (1-category only), modules, (self-) tensor product.
   406 use graphical/tree point of view, rather than following Keller exactly
   407 \item define blob complex in $A_\infty$ case; fat mapping cones?  tree decoration?
   408 \item topological $A_\infty$ cat def (maybe this should go first); also modules gluing
   409 \item motivating example: $C_*(\maps(X, M))$
   410 \item maybe incorporate dual point of view (for $n=1$), where points get
   411 object labels and intervals get 1-morphism labels
   412 \end{itemize}
   415 \subsection{$A_\infty$ action on the boundary}
   416 \label{sec:boundary-action}%
   417 Let $Y$ be an $n{-}1$-manifold.
   418 The collection of complexes $\{\bc_*(Y\times I; a, b)\}$, where $a, b \in \cC(Y)$ are boundary
   419 conditions on $\bd(Y\times I) = Y\times \{0\} \cup Y\times\{1\}$, has the structure
   420 of an $A_\infty$ category.
   422 Composition of morphisms (multiplication) depends of a choice of homeomorphism
   423 $I\cup I \cong I$.  Given this choice, gluing gives a map
   424 \eq{
   425     \bc_*(Y\times I; a, b) \otimes \bc_*(Y\times I; b, c) \to \bc_*(Y\times (I\cup I); a, c)
   426             \cong \bc_*(Y\times I; a, c)
   427 }
   428 Using (\ref{CDprop}) and the inclusion $\Diff(I) \sub \Diff(Y\times I)$ gives the various
   429 higher associators of the $A_\infty$ structure, more or less canonically.
   431 \nn{is this obvious?  does more need to be said?}
   433 Let $\cA(Y)$ denote the $A_\infty$ category $\bc_*(Y\times I; \cdot, \cdot)$.
   435 Similarly, if $Y \sub \bd X$, a choice of collaring homeomorphism
   436 $(Y\times I) \cup_Y X \cong X$ gives the collection of complexes $\bc_*(X; r, a)$
   437 (variable $a \in \cC(Y)$; fixed $r \in \cC(\bd X \setmin Y)$) the structure of a representation of the
   438 $A_\infty$ category $\{\bc_*(Y\times I; \cdot, \cdot)\}$.
   439 Again the higher associators come from the action of $\Diff(I)$ on a collar neighborhood
   440 of $Y$ in $X$.
   442 In the next section we use the above $A_\infty$ actions to state and prove
   443 a gluing theorem for the blob complexes of $n$-manifolds.
   446 \subsection{The gluing formula}
   447 \label{sec:gluing-formula}%
   448 Let $Y$ be an $n{-}1$-manifold and let $X$ be an $n$-manifold with a copy
   449 of $Y \du -Y$ contained in its boundary.
   450 Gluing the two copies of $Y$ together we obtain a new $n$-manifold $X\sgl$.
   451 We wish to describe the blob complex of $X\sgl$ in terms of the blob complex
   452 of $X$.
   453 More precisely, we want to describe $\bc_*(X\sgl; c\sgl)$,
   454 where $c\sgl \in \cC(\bd X\sgl)$,
   455 in terms of the collection $\{\bc_*(X; c, \cdot, \cdot)\}$, thought of as a representation
   456 of the $A_\infty$ category $\cA(Y\du-Y) \cong \cA(Y)\times \cA(Y)\op$.
   458 \begin{thm}
   459 $\bc_*(X\sgl; c\sgl)$ is quasi-isomorphic to the the self tensor product
   460 of $\{\bc_*(X; c, \cdot, \cdot)\}$ over $\cA(Y)$.
   461 \end{thm}
   463 The proof will occupy the remainder of this section.
   465 \nn{...}
   467 \bigskip
   469 \nn{need to define/recall def of (self) tensor product over an $A_\infty$ category}