changeset 134 395bd663e20d
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child 135 b15dafe85ee1
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     1 %!TEX root = ../blob1.tex
     3 \section{Families of Diffeomorphisms}  \label{sec:localising}
     5 Lo, the proof of Lemma (\ref{extension_lemma}):
     7 \nn{should this be an appendix instead?}
     9 \nn{for pedagogical reasons, should do $k=1,2$ cases first; probably do this in
    10 later draft}
    12 \nn{not sure what the best way to deal with boundary is; for now just give main argument, worry
    13 about boundary later}
    15 Recall that we are given
    16 an open cover $\cU = \{U_\alpha\}$ and an
    17 $x \in CD_k(X)$ such that $\bd x$ is adapted to $\cU$.
    18 We must find a homotopy of $x$ (rel boundary) to some $x' \in CD_k(X)$ which is adapted to $\cU$.
    20 Let $\{r_\alpha : X \to [0,1]\}$ be a partition of unity for $\cU$.
    22 As a first approximation to the argument we will eventually make, let's replace $x$
    23 with a single singular cell
    24 \eq{
    25     f: P \times X \to X .
    26 }
    27 Also, we'll ignore for now issues around $\bd P$.
    29 Our homotopy will have the form
    30 \eqar{
    31     F: I \times P \times X &\to& X \\
    32     (t, p, x) &\mapsto& f(u(t, p, x), x)
    33 }
    34 for some function
    35 \eq{
    36     u : I \times P \times X \to P .
    37 }
    38 First we describe $u$, then we argue that it does what we want it to do.
    40 For each cover index $\alpha$ choose a cell decomposition $K_\alpha$ of $P$.
    41 The various $K_\alpha$ should be in general position with respect to each other.
    42 We will see below that the $K_\alpha$'s need to be sufficiently fine in order
    43 to insure that $F$ above is a homotopy through diffeomorphisms of $X$ and not
    44 merely a homotopy through maps $X\to X$.
    46 Let $L$ be the union of all the $K_\alpha$'s.
    47 $L$ is itself a cell decomposition of $P$.
    48 \nn{next two sentences not needed?}
    49 To each cell $a$ of $L$ we associate the tuple $(c_\alpha)$,
    50 where $c_\alpha$ is the codimension of the cell of $K_\alpha$ which contains $c$.
    51 Since the $K_\alpha$'s are in general position, we have $\sum c_\alpha \le k$.
    53 Let $J$ denote the handle decomposition of $P$ corresponding to $L$.
    54 Each $i$-handle $C$ of $J$ has an $i$-dimensional tangential coordinate and,
    55 more importantly, a $k{-}i$-dimensional normal coordinate.
    57 For each (top-dimensional) $k$-cell $c$ of each $K_\alpha$, choose a point $p_c \in c \sub P$.
    58 Let $D$ be a $k$-handle of $J$, and let $D$ also denote the corresponding
    59 $k$-cell of $L$.
    60 To $D$ we associate the tuple $(c_\alpha)$ of $k$-cells of the $K_\alpha$'s
    61 which contain $d$, and also the corresponding tuple $(p_{c_\alpha})$ of points in $P$.
    63 For $p \in D$ we define
    64 \eq{
    65     u(t, p, x) = (1-t)p + t \sum_\alpha r_\alpha(x) p_{c_\alpha} .
    66 }
    67 (Recall that $P$ is a single linear cell, so the weighted average of points of $P$
    68 makes sense.)
    70 So far we have defined $u(t, p, x)$ when $p$ lies in a $k$-handle of $J$.
    71 For handles of $J$ of index less than $k$, we will define $u$ to
    72 interpolate between the values on $k$-handles defined above.
    74 If $p$ lies in a $k{-}1$-handle $E$, let $\eta : E \to [0,1]$ be the normal coordinate
    75 of $E$.
    76 In particular, $\eta$ is equal to 0 or 1 only at the intersection of $E$
    77 with a $k$-handle.
    78 Let $\beta$ be the index of the $K_\beta$ containing the $k{-}1$-cell
    79 corresponding to $E$.
    80 Let $q_0, q_1 \in P$ be the points associated to the two $k$-cells of $K_\beta$
    81 adjacent to the $k{-}1$-cell corresponding to $E$.
    82 For $p \in E$, define
    83 \eq{
    84     u(t, p, x) = (1-t)p + t \left( \sum_{\alpha \ne \beta} r_\alpha(x) p_{c_\alpha}
    85             + r_\beta(x) (\eta(p) q_1 + (1-\eta(p)) q_0) \right) .
    86 }
    88 In general, for $E$ a $k{-}j$-handle, there is a normal coordinate
    89 $\eta: E \to R$, where $R$ is some $j$-dimensional polyhedron.
    90 The vertices of $R$ are associated to $k$-cells of the $K_\alpha$, and thence to points of $P$.
    91 If we triangulate $R$ (without introducing new vertices), we can linearly extend
    92 a map from the vertices of $R$ into $P$ to a map of all of $R$ into $P$.
    93 Let $\cN$ be the set of all $\beta$ for which $K_\beta$ has a $k$-cell whose boundary meets
    94 the $k{-}j$-cell corresponding to $E$.
    95 For each $\beta \in \cN$, let $\{q_{\beta i}\}$ be the set of points in $P$ associated to the aforementioned $k$-cells.
    96 Now define, for $p \in E$,
    97 \eq{
    98     u(t, p, x) = (1-t)p + t \left(
    99             \sum_{\alpha \notin \cN} r_\alpha(x) p_{c_\alpha}
   100                 + \sum_{\beta \in \cN} r_\beta(x) \left( \sum_i \eta_{\beta i}(p) \cdot q_{\beta i} \right)
   101              \right) .
   102 }
   103 Here $\eta_{\beta i}(p)$ is the weight given to $q_{\beta i}$ by the linear extension
   104 mentioned above.
   106 This completes the definition of $u: I \times P \times X \to P$.
   108 \medskip
   110 Next we verify that $u$ has the desired properties.
   112 Since $u(0, p, x) = p$ for all $p\in P$ and $x\in X$, $F(0, p, x) = f(p, x)$ for all $p$ and $x$.
   113 Therefore $F$ is a homotopy from $f$ to something.
   115 Next we show that if the $K_\alpha$'s are sufficiently fine cell decompositions,
   116 then $F$ is a homotopy through diffeomorphisms.
   117 We must show that the derivative $\pd{F}{x}(t, p, x)$ is non-singular for all $(t, p, x)$.
   118 We have
   119 \eq{
   120 %   \pd{F}{x}(t, p, x) = \pd{f}{x}(u(t, p, x), x) + \pd{f}{p}(u(t, p, x), x) \pd{u}{x}(t, p, x) .
   121     \pd{F}{x} = \pd{f}{x} + \pd{f}{p} \pd{u}{x} .
   122 }
   123 Since $f$ is a family of diffeomorphisms, $\pd{f}{x}$ is non-singular and
   124 \nn{bounded away from zero, or something like that}.
   125 (Recall that $X$ and $P$ are compact.)
   126 Also, $\pd{f}{p}$ is bounded.
   127 So if we can insure that $\pd{u}{x}$ is sufficiently small, we are done.
   128 It follows from Equation xxxx above that $\pd{u}{x}$ depends on $\pd{r_\alpha}{x}$
   129 (which is bounded)
   130 and the differences amongst the various $p_{c_\alpha}$'s and $q_{\beta i}$'s.
   131 These differences are small if the cell decompositions $K_\alpha$ are sufficiently fine.
   132 This completes the proof that $F$ is a homotopy through diffeomorphisms.
   134 \medskip
   136 Next we show that for each handle $D \sub P$, $F(1, \cdot, \cdot) : D\times X \to X$
   137 is a singular cell adapted to $\cU$.
   138 This will complete the proof of the lemma.
   139 \nn{except for boundary issues and the `$P$ is a cell' assumption}
   141 Let $j$ be the codimension of $D$.
   142 (Or rather, the codimension of its corresponding cell.  From now on we will not make a distinction
   143 between handle and corresponding cell.)
   144 Then $j = j_1 + \cdots + j_m$, $0 \le m \le k$,
   145 where the $j_i$'s are the codimensions of the $K_\alpha$
   146 cells of codimension greater than 0 which intersect to form $D$.
   147 We will show that
   148 if the relevant $U_\alpha$'s are disjoint, then
   149 $F(1, \cdot, \cdot) : D\times X \to X$
   150 is a product of singular cells of dimensions $j_1, \ldots, j_m$.
   151 If some of the relevant $U_\alpha$'s intersect, then we will get a product of singular
   152 cells whose dimensions correspond to a partition of the $j_i$'s.
   153 We will consider some simple special cases first, then do the general case.
   155 First consider the case $j=0$ (and $m=0$).
   156 A quick look at Equation xxxx above shows that $u(1, p, x)$, and hence $F(1, p, x)$,
   157 is independent of $p \in P$.
   158 So the corresponding map $D \to \Diff(X)$ is constant.
   160 Next consider the case $j = 1$ (and $m=1$, $j_1=1$).
   161 Now Equation yyyy applies.
   162 We can write $D = D'\times I$, where the normal coordinate $\eta$ is constant on $D'$.
   163 It follows that the singular cell $D \to \Diff(X)$ can be written as a product
   164 of a constant map $D' \to \Diff(X)$ and a singular 1-cell $I \to \Diff(X)$.
   165 The singular 1-cell is supported on $U_\beta$, since $r_\beta = 0$ outside of this set.
   167 Next case: $j=2$, $m=1$, $j_1 = 2$.
   168 This is similar to the previous case, except that the normal bundle is 2-dimensional instead of
   169 1-dimensional.
   170 We have that $D \to \Diff(X)$ is a product of a constant singular $k{-}2$-cell
   171 and a 2-cell with support $U_\beta$.
   173 Next case: $j=2$, $m=2$, $j_1 = j_2 = 1$.
   174 In this case the codimension 2 cell $D$ is the intersection of two
   175 codimension 1 cells, from $K_\beta$ and $K_\gamma$.
   176 We can write $D = D' \times I \times I$, where the normal coordinates are constant
   177 on $D'$, and the two $I$ factors correspond to $\beta$ and $\gamma$.
   178 If $U_\beta$ and $U_\gamma$ are disjoint, then we can factor $D$ into a constant $k{-}2$-cell and
   179 two 1-cells, supported on $U_\beta$ and $U_\gamma$ respectively.
   180 If $U_\beta$ and $U_\gamma$ intersect, then we can factor $D$ into a constant $k{-}2$-cell and
   181 a 2-cell supported on $U_\beta \cup U_\gamma$.
   182 \nn{need to check that this is true}
   184 \nn{finally, general case...}
   186 \nn{this completes proof}
   188 \input{text/explicit.tex}