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     1 %!TEX root = ../blob1.tex
     3 \section{TQFTs via fields}
     4 \label{sec:fields}
     5 \label{sec:tqftsviafields}
     7 In this section we review the construction of TQFTs from ``topological fields".
     8 For more details see \cite{kw:tqft}.
    10 We only consider compact manifolds, so if $Y \sub X$ is a closed codimension 0
    11 submanifold of $X$, then $X \setmin Y$ implicitly means the closure
    12 $\overline{X \setmin Y}$.
    15 \subsection{Systems of fields}
    17 Let $\cM_k$ denote the category with objects 
    18 unoriented PL manifolds of dimension
    19 $k$ and morphisms homeomorphisms.
    20 (We could equally well work with a different category of manifolds ---
    21 oriented, topological, smooth, spin, etc. --- but for definiteness we
    22 will stick with unoriented PL.)
    24 %Fix a top dimension $n$, and a symmetric monoidal category $\cS$ whose objects are sets. While reading the definition, you should just think about the case $\cS = \Set$ with cartesian product, until you reach the discussion of a \emph{linear system of fields} later in this section, where $\cS = \Vect$, and \S \ref{sec:homological-fields}, where $\cS = \Kom$.
    26 A $n$-dimensional {\it system of fields} in $\cS$
    27 is a collection of functors $\cC_k : \cM_k \to \Set$ for $0 \leq k \leq n$
    28 together with some additional data and satisfying some additional conditions, all specified below.
    30 Before finishing the definition of fields, we give two motivating examples
    31 (actually, families of examples) of systems of fields.
    33 The first examples: Fix a target space $B$, and let $\cC(X)$ be the set of continuous maps
    34 from X to $B$.
    36 The second examples: Fix an $n$-category $C$, and let $\cC(X)$ be 
    37 the set of sub-cell-complexes of $X$ with codimension-$j$ cells labeled by
    38 $j$-morphisms of $C$.
    39 One can think of such sub-cell-complexes as dual to pasting diagrams for $C$.
    40 This is described in more detail below.
    42 Now for the rest of the definition of system of fields.
    43 \begin{enumerate}
    44 \item There are boundary restriction maps $\cC_k(X) \to \cC_{k-1}(\bd X)$, 
    45 and these maps are a natural
    46 transformation between the functors $\cC_k$ and $\cC_{k-1}\circ\bd$.
    47 For $c \in \cC_{k-1}(\bd X)$, we will denote by $\cC_k(X; c)$ the subset of 
    48 $\cC(X)$ which restricts to $c$.
    49 In this context, we will call $c$ a boundary condition.
    50 \item The subset $\cC_n(X;c)$ of top fields with a given boundary condition is an object in our symmetric monoidal category $\cS$. (This condition is of course trivial when $\cS = \Set$.) If the objects are sets with extra structure (e.g. $\cS = \Vect$ or $\Kom$), then this extra structure is considered part of the definition of $\cC_n$. Any maps mentioned below between top level fields must be morphisms in $\cS$.
    51 \item $\cC_k$ is compatible with the symmetric monoidal
    52 structures on $\cM_k$, $\Set$ and $\cS$: $\cC_k(X \du W) \cong \cC_k(X)\times \cC_k(W)$,
    53 compatibly with homeomorphisms, restriction to boundary, and orientation reversal.
    54 We will call the projections $\cC(X_1 \du X_2) \to \cC(X_i)$
    55 restriction maps.
    56 \item Gluing without corners.
    57 Let $\bd X = Y \du -Y \du W$, where $Y$ and $W$ are closed $k{-}1$-manifolds.
    58 Let $X\sgl$ denote $X$ glued to itself along $\pm Y$.
    59 Using the boundary restriction, disjoint union, and (in one case) orientation reversal
    60 maps, we get two maps $\cC_k(X) \to \cC(Y)$, corresponding to the two
    61 copies of $Y$ in $\bd X$.
    62 Let $\Eq_Y(\cC_k(X))$ denote the equalizer of these two maps.
    63 Then (here's the axiom/definition part) there is an injective ``gluing" map
    64 \[
    65 	\Eq_Y(\cC_k(X)) \hookrightarrow \cC_k(X\sgl) ,
    66 \]
    67 and this gluing map is compatible with all of the above structure (actions
    68 of homeomorphisms, boundary restrictions, orientation reversal, disjoint union).
    69 Furthermore, up to homeomorphisms of $X\sgl$ isotopic to the identity,
    70 the gluing map is surjective.
    71 From the point of view of $X\sgl$ and the image $Y \subset X\sgl$ of the 
    72 gluing surface, we say that fields in the image of the gluing map
    73 are transverse to $Y$ or splittable along $Y$.
    74 \item Gluing with corners.
    75 Let $\bd X = Y \cup -Y \cup W$, where $\pm Y$ and $W$ might intersect along their boundaries.
    76 Let $X\sgl$ denote $X$ glued to itself along $\pm Y$.
    77 Note that $\bd X\sgl = W\sgl$, where $W\sgl$ denotes $W$ glued to itself
    78 (without corners) along two copies of $\bd Y$.
    79 Let $c\sgl \in \cC_{k-1}(W\sgl)$ be a be a splittable field on $W\sgl$ and let
    80 $c \in \cC_{k-1}(W)$ be the cut open version of $c\sgl$.
    81 Let $\cC^c_k(X)$ denote the subset of $\cC(X)$ which restricts to $c$ on $W$.
    82 (This restriction map uses the gluing without corners map above.)
    83 Using the boundary restriction, gluing without corners, and (in one case) orientation reversal
    84 maps, we get two maps $\cC^c_k(X) \to \cC(Y)$, corresponding to the two
    85 copies of $Y$ in $\bd X$.
    86 Let $\Eq^c_Y(\cC_k(X))$ denote the equalizer of these two maps.
    87 Then (here's the axiom/definition part) there is an injective ``gluing" map
    88 \[
    89 	\Eq^c_Y(\cC_k(X)) \hookrightarrow \cC_k(X\sgl, c\sgl) ,
    90 \]
    91 and this gluing map is compatible with all of the above structure (actions
    92 of homeomorphisms, boundary restrictions, orientation reversal, disjoint union).
    93 Furthermore, up to homeomorphisms of $X\sgl$ isotopic to the identity,
    94 the gluing map is surjective.
    95 From the point of view of $X\sgl$ and the image $Y \subset X\sgl$ of the 
    96 gluing surface, we say that fields in the image of the gluing map
    97 are transverse to $Y$ or splittable along $Y$.
    98 \item There are maps $\cC_{k-1}(Y) \to \cC_k(Y \times I)$, denoted
    99 $c \mapsto c\times I$.
   100 These maps comprise a natural transformation of functors, and commute appropriately
   101 with all the structure maps above (disjoint union, boundary restriction, etc.).
   102 Furthermore, if $f: Y\times I \to Y\times I$ is a fiber-preserving homeomorphism
   103 covering $\bar{f}:Y\to Y$, then $f(c\times I) = \bar{f}(c)\times I$.
   104 \end{enumerate}
   106 There are two notations we commonly use for gluing.
   107 One is 
   108 \[
   109 	x\sgl \deq \gl(x) \in \cC(X\sgl) , 
   110 \]
   111 for $x\in\cC(X)$.
   112 The other is
   113 \[
   114 	x_1\bullet x_2 \deq \gl(x_1\otimes x_2) \in \cC(X\sgl) , 
   115 \]
   116 in the case that $X = X_1 \du X_2$, with $x_i \in \cC(X_i)$.
   118 \medskip
   120 Using the functoriality and $\cdot\times I$ properties above, together
   121 with boundary collar homeomorphisms of manifolds, we can define the notion of 
   122 {\it extended isotopy}.
   123 Let $M$ be an $n$-manifold and $Y \subset \bd M$ be a codimension zero submanifold
   124 of $\bd M$.
   125 Let $x \in \cC(M)$ be a field on $M$ and such that $\bd x$ is splittable along $\bd Y$.
   126 Let $c$ be $x$ restricted to $Y$.
   127 Let $M \cup (Y\times I)$ denote $M$ glued to $Y\times I$ along $Y$.
   128 Then we have the glued field $x \bullet (c\times I)$ on $M \cup (Y\times I)$.
   129 Let $f: M \cup (Y\times I) \to M$ be a collaring homeomorphism.
   130 Then we say that $x$ is {\it extended isotopic} to $f(x \bullet (c\times I))$.
   131 More generally, we define extended isotopy to be the equivalence relation on fields
   132 on $M$ generated by isotopy plus all instance of the above construction
   133 (for all appropriate $Y$ and $x$).
   135 \nn{should also say something about pseudo-isotopy}
   138 \nn{remark that if top dimensional fields are not already linear
   139 then we will soon linearize them(?)}
   141 We now describe in more detail systems of fields coming from sub-cell-complexes labeled
   142 by $n$-category morphisms.
   144 Given an $n$-category $C$ with the right sort of duality
   145 (e.g. pivotal 2-category, 1-category with duals, star 1-category, disklike $n$-category),
   146 we can construct a system of fields as follows.
   147 Roughly speaking, $\cC(X)$ will the set of all embedded cell complexes in $X$
   148 with codimension $i$ cells labeled by $i$-morphisms of $C$.
   149 We'll spell this out for $n=1,2$ and then describe the general case.
   151 If $X$ has boundary, we require that the cell decompositions are in general
   152 position with respect to the boundary --- the boundary intersects each cell
   153 transversely, so cells meeting the boundary are mere half-cells.
   155 Put another way, the cell decompositions we consider are dual to standard cell
   156 decompositions of $X$.
   158 We will always assume that our $n$-categories have linear $n$-morphisms.
   160 For $n=1$, a field on a 0-manifold $P$ is a labeling of each point of $P$ with
   161 an object (0-morphism) of the 1-category $C$.
   162 A field on a 1-manifold $S$ consists of
   163 \begin{itemize}
   164     \item A cell decomposition of $S$ (equivalently, a finite collection
   165 of points in the interior of $S$);
   166     \item a labeling of each 1-cell (and each half 1-cell adjacent to $\bd S$)
   167 by an object (0-morphism) of $C$;
   168     \item a transverse orientation of each 0-cell, thought of as a choice of
   169 ``domain" and ``range" for the two adjacent 1-cells; and
   170     \item a labeling of each 0-cell by a morphism (1-morphism) of $C$, with
   171 domain and range determined by the transverse orientation and the labelings of the 1-cells.
   172 \end{itemize}
   174 If $C$ is an algebra (i.e. if $C$ has only one 0-morphism) we can ignore the labels
   175 of 1-cells, so a field on a 1-manifold $S$ is a finite collection of points in the
   176 interior of $S$, each transversely oriented and each labeled by an element (1-morphism)
   177 of the algebra.
   179 \medskip
   181 For $n=2$, fields are just the sort of pictures based on 2-categories (e.g.\ tensor categories)
   182 that are common in the literature.
   183 We describe these carefully here.
   185 A field on a 0-manifold $P$ is a labeling of each point of $P$ with
   186 an object of the 2-category $C$.
   187 A field of a 1-manifold is defined as in the $n=1$ case, using the 0- and 1-morphisms of $C$.
   188 A field on a 2-manifold $Y$ consists of
   189 \begin{itemize}
   190     \item A cell decomposition of $Y$ (equivalently, a graph embedded in $Y$ such
   191 that each component of the complement is homeomorphic to a disk);
   192     \item a labeling of each 2-cell (and each partial 2-cell adjacent to $\bd Y$)
   193 by a 0-morphism of $C$;
   194     \item a transverse orientation of each 1-cell, thought of as a choice of
   195 ``domain" and ``range" for the two adjacent 2-cells;
   196     \item a labeling of each 1-cell by a 1-morphism of $C$, with
   197 domain and range determined by the transverse orientation of the 1-cell
   198 and the labelings of the 2-cells;
   199     \item for each 0-cell, a homeomorphism of the boundary $R$ of a small neighborhood
   200 of the 0-cell to $S^1$ such that the intersections of the 1-cells with $R$ are not mapped
   201 to $\pm 1 \in S^1$; and
   202     \item a labeling of each 0-cell by a 2-morphism of $C$, with domain and range
   203 determined by the labelings of the 1-cells and the parameterizations of the previous
   204 bullet.
   205 \end{itemize}
   206 \nn{need to say this better; don't try to fit everything into the bulleted list}
   208 For general $n$, a field on a $k$-manifold $X^k$ consists of
   209 \begin{itemize}
   210     \item A cell decomposition of $X$;
   211     \item an explicit general position homeomorphism from the link of each $j$-cell
   212 to the boundary of the standard $(k-j)$-dimensional bihedron; and
   213     \item a labeling of each $j$-cell by a $(k-j)$-dimensional morphism of $C$, with
   214 domain and range determined by the labelings of the link of $j$-cell.
   215 \end{itemize}
   217 %\nn{next definition might need some work; I think linearity relations should
   218 %be treated differently (segregated) from other local relations, but I'm not sure
   219 %the next definition is the best way to do it}
   221 \medskip
   223 For top dimensional ($n$-dimensional) manifolds, we're actually interested
   224 in the linearized space of fields.
   225 By default, define $\lf(X) = \c[\cC(X)]$; that is, $\lf(X)$ is
   226 the vector space of finite
   227 linear combinations of fields on $X$.
   228 If $X$ has boundary, we of course fix a boundary condition: $\lf(X; a) = \c[\cC(X; a)]$.
   229 Thus the restriction (to boundary) maps are well defined because we never
   230 take linear combinations of fields with differing boundary conditions.
   232 In some cases we don't linearize the default way; instead we take the
   233 spaces $\lf(X; a)$ to be part of the data for the system of fields.
   234 In particular, for fields based on linear $n$-category pictures we linearize as follows.
   235 Define $\lf(X; a) = \c[\cC(X; a)]/K$, where $K$ is the space generated by
   236 obvious relations on 0-cell labels.
   237 More specifically, let $L$ be a cell decomposition of $X$
   238 and let $p$ be a 0-cell of $L$.
   239 Let $\alpha_c$ and $\alpha_d$ be two labelings of $L$ which are identical except that
   240 $\alpha_c$ labels $p$ by $c$ and $\alpha_d$ labels $p$ by $d$.
   241 Then the subspace $K$ is generated by things of the form
   242 $\lambda \alpha_c + \alpha_d - \alpha_{\lambda c + d}$, where we leave it to the reader
   243 to infer the meaning of $\alpha_{\lambda c + d}$.
   244 Note that we are still assuming that $n$-categories have linear spaces of $n$-morphisms.
   246 \nn{Maybe comment further: if there's a natural basis of morphisms, then no need;
   247 will do something similar below; in general, whenever a label lives in a linear
   248 space we do something like this; ? say something about tensor
   249 product of all the linear label spaces?  Yes:}
   251 For top dimensional ($n$-dimensional) manifolds, we linearize as follows.
   252 Define an ``almost-field" to be a field without labels on the 0-cells.
   253 (Recall that 0-cells are labeled by $n$-morphisms.)
   254 To each unlabeled 0-cell in an almost field there corresponds a (linear) $n$-morphism
   255 space determined by the labeling of the link of the 0-cell.
   256 (If the 0-cell were labeled, the label would live in this space.)
   257 We associate to each almost-labeling the tensor product of these spaces (one for each 0-cell).
   258 We now define $\lf(X; a)$ to be the direct sum over all almost labelings of the
   259 above tensor products.
   263 \subsection{Local relations}
   264 \label{sec:local-relations}
   267 A {\it local relation} is a collection subspaces $U(B; c) \sub \lf(B; c)$,
   268 for all $n$-manifolds $B$ which are
   269 homeomorphic to the standard $n$-ball and all $c \in \cC(\bd B)$, 
   270 satisfying the following properties.
   271 \begin{enumerate}
   272 \item functoriality: 
   273 $f(U(B; c)) = U(B', f(c))$ for all homeomorphisms $f: B \to B'$
   274 \item local relations imply extended isotopy: 
   275 if $x, y \in \cC(B; c)$ and $x$ is extended isotopic 
   276 to $y$, then $x-y \in U(B; c)$.
   277 \item ideal with respect to gluing:
   278 if $B = B' \cup B''$, $x\in U(B')$, and $c\in \cC(B'')$, then $x\bullet r \in U(B)$
   279 \end{enumerate}
   280 See \cite{kw:tqft} for details.
   283 For maps into spaces, $U(B; c)$ is generated by things of the form $a-b \in \lf(B; c)$,
   284 where $a$ and $b$ are maps (fields) which are homotopic rel boundary.
   286 For $n$-category pictures, $U(B; c)$ is equal to the kernel of the evaluation map
   287 $\lf(B; c) \to \mor(c', c'')$, where $(c', c'')$ is some (any) division of $c$ into
   288 domain and range.
   290 \nn{maybe examples of local relations before general def?}
   292 \subsection{Constructing a TQFT}
   294 In this subsection we briefly review the construction of a TQFT from a system of fields and local relations.
   295 (For more details, see \cite{kw:tqft}.)
   297 Let $W$ be an $n{+}1$-manifold.
   298 We can think of the path integral $Z(W)$ as assigning to each
   299 boundary condition $x\in \cC(\bd W)$ a complex number $Z(W)(x)$.
   300 In other words, $Z(W)$ lies in $\c^{\lf(\bd W)}$, the vector space of linear
   301 maps $\lf(\bd W)\to \c$.
   303 The locality of the TQFT implies that $Z(W)$ in fact lies in a subspace
   304 $Z(\bd W) \sub \c^{\lf(\bd W)}$ defined by local projections.
   305 The linear dual to this subspace, $A(\bd W) = Z(\bd W)^*$,
   306 can be thought of as finite linear combinations of fields modulo local relations.
   307 (In other words, $A(\bd W)$ is a sort of generalized skein module.)
   308 This is the motivation behind the definition of fields and local relations above.
   310 In more detail, let $X$ be an $n$-manifold.
   311 %To harmonize notation with the next section, 
   312 %let $\bc_0(X)$ be the vector space of finite linear combinations of fields on $X$, so
   313 %$\bc_0(X) = \lf(X)$.
   314 Define $U(X) \sub \lf(X)$ to be the space of local relations in $\lf(X)$;
   315 $U(X)$ is generated by things of the form $u\bullet r$, where
   316 $u\in U(B)$ for some embedded $n$-ball $B\sub X$ and $r\in \cC(X\setmin B)$.
   317 Define
   318 \[
   319 	A(X) \deq \lf(X) / U(X) .
   320 \]
   321 (The blob complex, defined in the next section, 
   322 is in some sense the derived version of $A(X)$.)
   323 If $X$ has boundary we can similarly define $A(X; c)$ for each 
   324 boundary condition $c\in\cC(\bd X)$.
   326 The above construction can be extended to higher codimensions, assigning
   327 a $k$-category $A(Y)$ to an $n{-}k$-manifold $Y$, for $0 \le k \le n$.
   328 These invariants fit together via actions and gluing formulas.
   329 We describe only the case $k=1$ below.
   330 (The construction of the $n{+}1$-dimensional part of the theory (the path integral) 
   331 requires that the starting data (fields and local relations) satisfy additional
   332 conditions.
   333 We do not assume these conditions here, so when we say ``TQFT" we mean a decapitated TQFT
   334 that lacks its $n{+}1$-dimensional part.)
   336 Let $Y$ be an $n{-}1$-manifold.
   337 Define a (linear) 1-category $A(Y)$ as follows.
   338 The objects of $A(Y)$ are $\cC(Y)$.
   339 The morphisms from $a$ to $b$ are $A(Y\times I; a, b)$, where $a$ and $b$ label the two boundary components of the cylinder $Y\times I$.
   340 Composition is given by gluing of cylinders.
   342 Let $X$ be an $n$-manifold with boundary and consider the collection of vector spaces
   343 $A(X; \cdot) \deq \{A(X; c)\}$ where $c$ ranges through $\cC(\bd X)$.
   344 This collection of vector spaces affords a representation of the category $A(\bd X)$, where
   345 the action is given by gluing a collar $\bd X\times I$ to $X$.
   347 Given a splitting $X = X_1 \cup_Y X_2$ of a closed $n$-manifold $X$ along an $n{-}1$-manifold $Y$,
   348 we have left and right actions of $A(Y)$ on $A(X_1; \cdot)$ and $A(X_2; \cdot)$.
   349 The gluing theorem for $n$-manifolds states that there is a natural isomorphism
   350 \[
   351 	A(X) \cong A(X_1; \cdot) \otimes_{A(Y)} A(X_2; \cdot) .
   352 \]
   355 \section{The blob complex}
   356 \label{sec:blob-definition}
   358 Let $X$ be an $n$-manifold.
   359 Assume a fixed system of fields and local relations.
   360 In this section we will usually suppress boundary conditions on $X$ from the notation
   361 (e.g. write $\lf(X)$ instead of $\lf(X; c)$).
   363 We want to replace the quotient
   364 \[
   365 	A(X) \deq \lf(X) / U(X)
   366 \]
   367 of the previous section with a resolution
   368 \[
   369 	\cdots \to \bc_2(X) \to \bc_1(X) \to \bc_0(X) .
   370 \]
   372 We will define $\bc_0(X)$, $\bc_1(X)$ and $\bc_2(X)$, then give the general case $\bc_k(X)$.
   374 We of course define $\bc_0(X) = \lf(X)$.
   375 (If $X$ has nonempty boundary, instead define $\bc_0(X; c) = \lf(X; c)$.
   376 We'll omit this sort of detail in the rest of this section.)
   377 In other words, $\bc_0(X)$ is just the space of all linearized fields on $X$.
   379 $\bc_1(X)$ is, roughly, the space of all local relations that can be imposed on $\bc_0(X)$.
   380 Less roughly (but still not the official definition), $\bc_1(X)$ is finite linear
   381 combinations of 1-blob diagrams, where a 1-blob diagram to consists of
   382 \begin{itemize}
   383 \item An embedded closed ball (``blob") $B \sub X$.
   384 \item A field $r \in \cC(X \setmin B; c)$
   385 (for some $c \in \cC(\bd B) = \cC(\bd(X \setmin B))$).
   386 \item A local relation field $u \in U(B; c)$
   387 (same $c$ as previous bullet).
   388 \end{itemize}
   389 (See Figure \ref{blob1diagram}.)
   390 \begin{figure}[!ht]\begin{equation*}
   391 \mathfig{.9}{definition/single-blob}
   392 \end{equation*}\caption{A 1-blob diagram.}\label{blob1diagram}\end{figure}
   393 In order to get the linear structure correct, we (officially) define
   394 \[
   395 	\bc_1(X) \deq \bigoplus_B \bigoplus_c U(B; c) \otimes \lf(X \setmin B; c) .
   396 \]
   397 The first direct sum is indexed by all blobs $B\subset X$, and the second
   398 by all boundary conditions $c \in \cC(\bd B)$.
   399 Note that $\bc_1(X)$ is spanned by 1-blob diagrams $(B, u, r)$.
   401 Define the boundary map $\bd : \bc_1(X) \to \bc_0(X)$ by 
   402 \[ 
   403 	(B, u, r) \mapsto u\bullet r, 
   404 \]
   405 where $u\bullet r$ denotes the linear
   406 combination of fields on $X$ obtained by gluing $u$ to $r$.
   407 In other words $\bd : \bc_1(X) \to \bc_0(X)$ is given by
   408 just erasing the blob from the picture
   409 (but keeping the blob label $u$).
   411 Note that the skein space $A(X)$
   412 is naturally isomorphic to $\bc_0(X)/\bd(\bc_1(X))) = H_0(\bc_*(X))$.
   414 $\bc_2(X)$ is, roughly, the space of all relations (redundancies) among the 
   415 local relations encoded in $\bc_1(X)$.
   416 More specifically, $\bc_2(X)$ is the space of all finite linear combinations of
   417 2-blob diagrams, of which there are two types, disjoint and nested.
   419 A disjoint 2-blob diagram consists of
   420 \begin{itemize}
   421 \item A pair of closed balls (blobs) $B_0, B_1 \sub X$ with disjoint interiors.
   422 \item A field $r \in \cC(X \setmin (B_0 \cup B_1); c_0, c_1)$
   423 (where $c_i \in \cC(\bd B_i)$).
   424 \item Local relation fields $u_i \in U(B_i; c_i)$, $i=1,2$. \nn{We're inconsistent with the indexes -- are they 0,1 or 1,2? I'd prefer 1,2.}
   425 \end{itemize}
   426 (See Figure \ref{blob2ddiagram}.)
   427 \begin{figure}[!ht]\begin{equation*}
   428 \mathfig{.9}{definition/disjoint-blobs}
   429 \end{equation*}\caption{A disjoint 2-blob diagram.}\label{blob2ddiagram}\end{figure}
   430 We also identify $(B_0, B_1, u_0, u_1, r)$ with $-(B_1, B_0, u_1, u_0, r)$;
   431 reversing the order of the blobs changes the sign.
   432 Define $\bd(B_0, B_1, u_0, u_1, r) = 
   433 (B_1, u_1, u_0\bullet r) - (B_0, u_0, u_1\bullet r) \in \bc_1(X)$.
   434 In other words, the boundary of a disjoint 2-blob diagram
   435 is the sum (with alternating signs)
   436 of the two ways of erasing one of the blobs.
   437 It's easy to check that $\bd^2 = 0$.
   439 A nested 2-blob diagram consists of
   440 \begin{itemize}
   441 \item A pair of nested balls (blobs) $B_0 \sub B_1 \sub X$.
   442 \item A field $r \in \cC(X \setmin B_0; c_0)$
   443 (for some $c_0 \in \cC(\bd B_0)$), which is splittable along $\bd B_1$.
   444 \item A local relation field $u_0 \in U(B_0; c_0)$.
   445 \end{itemize}
   446 (See Figure \ref{blob2ndiagram}.)
   447 \begin{figure}[!ht]\begin{equation*}
   448 \mathfig{.9}{definition/nested-blobs}
   449 \end{equation*}\caption{A nested 2-blob diagram.}\label{blob2ndiagram}\end{figure}
   450 Let $r = r_1 \bullet r'$, where $r_1 \in \cC(B_1 \setmin B_0; c_0, c_1)$
   451 (for some $c_1 \in \cC(B_1)$) and
   452 $r' \in \cC(X \setmin B_1; c_1)$.
   453 Define $\bd(B_0, B_1, u_0, r) = (B_1, u_0\bullet r_1, r') - (B_0, u_0, r)$.
   454 Note that the requirement that
   455 local relations are an ideal with respect to gluing guarantees that $u_0\bullet r_1 \in U(B_1)$.
   456 As in the disjoint 2-blob case, the boundary of a nested 2-blob is the alternating
   457 sum of the two ways of erasing one of the blobs.
   458 If we erase the inner blob, the outer blob inherits the label $u_0\bullet r_1$.
   459 It is again easy to check that $\bd^2 = 0$.
   461 As with the 1-blob diagrams, in order to get the linear structure correct it is better to define
   462 (officially)
   463 \begin{eqnarray*}
   464 	\bc_2(X) & \deq &
   465 	\left( 
   466 		\bigoplus_{B_0, B_1 \text{disjoint}} \bigoplus_{c_0, c_1}
   467 			U(B_0; c_0) \otimes U(B_1; c_1) \otimes \lf(X\setmin (B_0\cup B_1); c_0, c_1)
   468 	\right) \\
   469 	&& \bigoplus \left( 
   470 		\bigoplus_{B_0 \subset B_1} \bigoplus_{c_0}
   471 			U(B_0; c_0) \otimes \lf(X\setmin B_0; c_0)
   472 	\right) .
   473 \end{eqnarray*}
   474 The final $\lf(X\setmin B_0; c_0)$ above really means fields splittable along $\bd B_1$,
   475 but we didn't feel like introducing a notation for that.
   476 For the disjoint blobs, reversing the ordering of $B_0$ and $B_1$ introduces a minus sign
   477 (rather than a new, linearly independent 2-blob diagram).
   479 Now for the general case.
   480 A $k$-blob diagram consists of
   481 \begin{itemize}
   482 \item A collection of blobs $B_i \sub X$, $i = 0, \ldots, k-1$.
   483 For each $i$ and $j$, we require that either $B_i$ and $B_j$have disjoint interiors or
   484 $B_i \sub B_j$ or $B_j \sub B_i$.
   485 (The case $B_i = B_j$ is allowed.
   486 If $B_i \sub B_j$ the boundaries of $B_i$ and $B_j$ are allowed to intersect.)
   487 If a blob has no other blobs strictly contained in it, we call it a twig blob.
   488 \item Fields (boundary conditions) $c_i \in \cC(\bd B_i)$.
   489 (These are implied by the data in the next bullets, so we usually
   490 suppress them from the notation.)
   491 $c_i$ and $c_j$ must have identical restrictions to $\bd B_i \cap \bd B_j$
   492 if the latter space is not empty.
   493 \item A field $r \in \cC(X \setmin B^t; c^t)$,
   494 where $B^t$ is the union of all the twig blobs and $c^t \in \cC(\bd B^t)$
   495 is determined by the $c_i$'s.
   496 $r$ is required to be splittable along the boundaries of all blobs, twigs or not.
   497 \item For each twig blob $B_j$ a local relation field $u_j \in U(B_j; c_j)$,
   498 where $c_j$ is the restriction of $c^t$ to $\bd B_j$.
   499 If $B_i = B_j$ then $u_i = u_j$.
   500 \end{itemize}
   501 (See Figure \ref{blobkdiagram}.)
   502 \begin{figure}[!ht]\begin{equation*}
   503 \mathfig{.9}{definition/k-blobs}
   504 \end{equation*}\caption{A $k$-blob diagram.}\label{blobkdiagram}\end{figure}
   506 If two blob diagrams $D_1$ and $D_2$ 
   507 differ only by a reordering of the blobs, then we identify
   508 $D_1 = \pm D_2$, where the sign is the sign of the permutation relating $D_1$ and $D_2$.
   510 $\bc_k(X)$ is, roughly, all finite linear combinations of $k$-blob diagrams.
   511 As before, the official definition is in terms of direct sums
   512 of tensor products:
   513 \[
   514 	\bc_k(X) \deq \bigoplus_{\overline{B}} \bigoplus_{\overline{c}}
   515 		\left( \otimes_j U(B_j; c_j)\right) \otimes \lf(X \setmin B^t; c^t) .
   516 \]
   517 Here $\overline{B}$ runs over all configurations of blobs, satisfying the conditions above.
   518 $\overline{c}$ runs over all boundary conditions, again as described above.
   519 $j$ runs over all indices of twig blobs. The final $\lf(X \setmin B^t; c^t)$ must be interpreted as fields which are splittable along all of the blobs in $\overline{B}$.
   521 The boundary map $\bd : \bc_k(X) \to \bc_{k-1}(X)$ is defined as follows.
   522 Let $b = (\{B_i\}, \{u_j\}, r)$ be a $k$-blob diagram.
   523 Let $E_j(b)$ denote the result of erasing the $j$-th blob.
   524 If $B_j$ is not a twig blob, this involves only decrementing
   525 the indices of blobs $B_{j+1},\ldots,B_{k-1}$.
   526 If $B_j$ is a twig blob, we have to assign new local relation labels
   527 if removing $B_j$ creates new twig blobs.
   528 If $B_l$ becomes a twig after removing $B_j$, then set $u_l = u_j\bullet r_l$,
   529 where $r_l$ is the restriction of $r$ to $B_l \setmin B_j$.
   530 Finally, define
   531 \eq{
   532     \bd(b) = \sum_{j=0}^{k-1} (-1)^j E_j(b).
   533 }
   534 The $(-1)^j$ factors imply that the terms of $\bd^2(b)$ all cancel.
   535 Thus we have a chain complex.
   537 \nn{?? say something about the ``shape" of tree? (incl = cone, disj = product)}
   539 \nn{?? remark about dendroidal sets}