changeset 696 b98e16c7a2ba
parent 695 1d99796a73f3
child 698 f2a4a0788f06
equal deleted inserted replaced
695:1d99796a73f3 696:b98e16c7a2ba
    24 \usepackage{tikz}
    24 \usepackage{tikz}
    25 \usetikzlibrary{shapes}
    25 \usetikzlibrary{shapes}
    27 \newcommand{\selfarrow}{\ensuremath{\smash{\tikz[baseline]{\clip (0,0.36) rectangle (0.48,-0.16); \draw[->] (0,0.2) .. controls (0.6,0.8) and (0.6,-0.6) .. (0,0);}}}}
    27 \newcommand{\selfarrow}{\ensuremath{\smash{\tikz[baseline]{\clip (0,0.36) rectangle (0.48,-0.16); \draw[->] (0,0.175) .. controls (0.6,0.65) and (0.6,-0.45) .. (0,0.025);}}}}
    29 \usepackage{hyperref}
    29 \usepackage{hyperref}
    30 \newcommand{\arxiv}[1]{\href{}{\tt arXiv:\nolinkurl{#1}}}
    30 \newcommand{\arxiv}[1]{\href{}{\tt arXiv:\nolinkurl{#1}}}
    32 \newcommand{\bdy}{\partial}
    32 \newcommand{\bdy}{\partial}
    33 \newcommand{\iso}{\cong}
    33 \newcommand{\iso}{\cong}
    34 \newcommand{\tensor}{\otimes}
    34 \newcommand{\tensor}{\otimes}
    35 \newcommand{\Tensor}{\bigotimes}
    36 \newcommand{\restrict}[2]{#1{}_{\mid #2}{}}
    37 \newcommand{\restrict}[2]{#1{}_{\mid #2}{}}
    37 \newcommand{\set}[1]{\left\{#1\right\}}
    38 \newcommand{\set}[1]{\left\{#1\right\}}
    38 \newcommand{\setc}[2]{\setcl{#1}{#2}}
    39 \newcommand{\setc}[2]{\setcl{#1}{#2}}
    58 % \DeclareMathOperator{\pr}{pr} etc.
    59 % \DeclareMathOperator{\pr}{pr} etc.
    59 \def\declaremathop#1{\expandafter\DeclareMathOperator\csname #1\endcsname{#1}}
    60 \def\declaremathop#1{\expandafter\DeclareMathOperator\csname #1\endcsname{#1}}
    60 \applytolist{declaremathop}{Maps}{Diff}{Homeo}{Hom};
    61 \applytolist{declaremathop}{Maps}{Diff}{Homeo}{Hom};
    62 \title{Fields and local relations}
    63 \title{Fields and local relations}
    63 \author{Scott Morrison}
    64 \author{Scott Morrison \\ Notes for Teichner's hot topics course}
    64 \date{January 25 2011}
    65 \date{January 25 2011}
    66 \begin{document}
    67 \begin{document}
    67 \maketitle
    68 \maketitle
   169 \end{tikzpicture}
   170 \end{tikzpicture}
   170 $$
   171 $$
   171 What is the element $x'$? It should be an element of $\Hom(a \tensor c^*, b)$, and in a pivotal $2$-category this space is naturally isomorphic to $\Hom(a, b \tensor c)$, so we just choose $x'$ to be the image of $x$ under this isomorphism.
   172 What is the element $x'$? It should be an element of $\Hom(a \tensor c^*, b)$, and in a pivotal $2$-category this space is naturally isomorphic to $\Hom(a, b \tensor c)$, so we just choose $x'$ to be the image of $x$ under this isomorphism.
   173 Finally, when $Y$ is a ball, how do we interpret a string diagram on $Y$ as a $2$-morphism in $\cC$? First choose a parametrization of $Y$ as a standard bihedron; now `sweep out' the interior of $Y$. We'll build a $2$-morphism from the tensor product of the $1$-morphisms labeling the $1$-cells meeting the lower boundary to the tensor product of the $1$-morphisms labelling the upper boundary. As we pass critical points in the $1$-cells, apply a pairing or copairing map from the category. As we pass $0$-cells, modify the parametrization to match the direction we're sweeping out, and compose with the label of the $0$-cell, acting on the appropriate tensor factors.
   174 Finally, when $Y$ is a ball, how do we interpret a string diagram on $Y$ as a $2$-morphism in $\cC$? First choose a parametrization of $Y$ as a standard bihedron; now `sweep out' the interior of $Y$. We'll build a $2$-morphism from the tensor product of the $1$-morphisms labeling the $1$-cells meeting the lower boundary to the tensor product of the $1$-morphisms labelling the upper boundary. As we pass critical points in the $1$-cells, apply a pairing or copairing map from the category. As we pass $0$-cells, modify the parametrization to match the direction we're sweeping out, and compose with the label of the $0$-cell, acting on the appropriate tensor factors.
   176 As usual for fields based on string diagrams, the corresponding local relations are exactly the kernel of this `evaluation' map.
   178 \section{Axioms for fields}
   180 \section{TQFT from fields}
   181 Given a system of fields and local relations $\cF, \cU$, we define the corresponding vector space valued invariant of $n$-manifolds $A$ as follows. For $X$ an $n$-manifold, write $\cU(X)$ for the subspace of $\cF(X)$ consisting of the span of the images of a gluing map $\cU(B; c) \tensor \cF(X \setminus B; c)$ for any embedded $n$-ball $B \subset X$, and boundary field $c \in \cF(\bdy B)$. We then define
   182 $$A(X) = \cF(X) / \cU(X).$$
   183 It's clear that homeomorphisms of $X$ act on this space. Actually, this collapses to an action of the mapping class group:
   184 \begin{lem}
   185 Homeomorphisms isotopic to the identity act trivially on $A(X)$.
   186 \end{lem}
   187 \begin{proof}
   188 Any $1$-parameter family of homeomorphisms is homotopic (rel boundary) to a family for which during any sufficiently short interval of time, the homeomorphism is only being modified inside a ball. The difference between a field at the beginning of such an interval and the field at the end is in $\cU(X)$, and hence zero in $A(X)$.
   189 \end{proof}
   192 If $X$ has boundary, we can choose $c \in \cF(\bdy X)$ and similarly define a vector space $A(X; c) = \cF(X; c) / \cU(X; c)$.
   194 This invariant also extends to manifolds of other dimensions, associating to a codimension $k$ manifold $Y$ a linear $k$-category $A(Y)$. We'll spell this out below for small values of $k$, and postpone the full story until we have our own notion of $k$-category. Thus the TQFT we obtain from fields and local relations is `fully extended'. On the other hand, often a TQFT invariant that associates vector spaces to $n$-manifolds will also associate numbers to $(n+1)$-manifolds.  Such a TQFT is called `$(n+1)$-dimensional', while one that doesn't is called alternatively `$(n+\epsilon)$-dimensional', `decapitated' or `topless'. In general the TQFTs from fields and local relations are just $(n+\epsilon)$-dimensional, although with some extra conditions on the input we can produce $(n+1)$-dimensional TQFTs. This discussion is almost entirely orthogonal to the content of the blob complex paper (although c.f. \S 6.7 on the $(n+1)$-category of $n$-categories), so we won't pursue it here.
   196 To an $(n-1)$-dimensional manifold $Y$, we associate a $1$-category $A(Y)$. Its objects are simply $\cF(Y)$. The morphism spaces are given by $$\Hom(a,b) = A(Y \times [0,1]; a \bullet b).$$
   197 Composition of morphisms is via gluing then reparametrization:
   198 $$A(Y \times [0,1]; a \bullet b) \tensor A(Y \times [0,1]; b \bullet c) \to A(Y \times [0,2]; a \bullet c) \to A(Y \times [0,1]; a \bullet c).$$
   199 The gluing maps themselves are strictly associative, and by the lemma above we don't have worry about the reparametrization step here breaking associativity.
   202 If $Y$ itself has boundary, we have some alternatives here. One is to interpret $Y \times [0,1]$ as the `pinched product', where we collapse the copy of $[0,1]$ over each point of $\bdy Y$. The other is to fix $c \in \cF(\bdy Y)$, and to define $A(Y; c)$, with objects $\cF(Y; c)$ and in which $\Hom(a,b) = A(Y \times [0,1]; a \bullet b \bullet (c \times [0,1]))$.
   204 Going deeper, we associate a $2$-category $A(P)$ to an $(n-2)$-dimensional manifold $P$. The $0$-morphisms are $\cF(P)$, the $1$-morphisms are $\cF(P \times I)$, and they compose by gluing intervals together. (Note that this composition is not associative on the nose, but will be associative up to a $2$-morphism shortly.) Finally the $2$-morphisms from $a$ to $b$, each $1$-morphisms from $x$ to $y$ are given by the vector space
   205 $$A(P \times I \times I; \tikz[baseline=11.5]{\draw (0,0) -- node[below] {$a$} (1,0) -- node[below, sloped] {$y \times I$} (1,1) -- node[above] {$b$} (0,1) (0,0) -- node[above,sloped] {$x \times I$} (0,1);})$$ 
   207 \subsection{Gluing formulas}
   208 Even though the definition of these TQFTs is via an abstract looking (not to mention scarily infinite-dimensional) quotient, we can prove various `gluing formulas' that allow us to compute the invariants algebraically.
   210 \subsubsection{Codimension 1 gluing}
   212 Suppose an $n$-manifold $X$ contains a copy of $Y$, an $n-1$ manifold, as a codimension $0$ submanifold of its boundary. Fix a boundary condition $c \in \cF(\bdy X \setminus Y)$. Then the collection $A(X; c \bullet d)$, as $d$ varies over $\cF(Y)$, forms a module over the $1$-category $A(Y)$. The action is via gluing a collar onto $Y$, then applying a `collaring homeomorphism' $X \cup_Y Y \times I \to X$.
   214 If $X$ contains two copies of $Y$, $A(X)$ is then a bimodule over $A(Y)$. Below, we'll compute the invariant of the `glued up' manifold $X \bigcup_Y \selfarrow$ as the self-tensor product of this bimodule.
   216 \begin{lem}
   217 Any isotopy of $X \bigcup_Y \selfarrow$ is homotopic to a composition of `collar shift' isotopies and isotopies that are constant on $Y$ (i.e. the image of an isotopy of $X$ itself).
   218 \end{lem}
   219 \begin{proof}
   220 First make the isotopy act locally. When it's acting in a small ball overlapping $Y$, conjugate by a collar shift to move it off.
   221 \end{proof}
   223 \begin{thm}
   224 $$A(X \bigcup_Y \selfarrow) \iso A(X) \Tensor_{A(Y)} \selfarrow$$
   225 \end{thm}
   226 \begin{proof}
   227 Certainly there is a map $A(X) \selfarrow \to A(X \bigcup_Y \selfarrow)$. We send an element of $A(X)$ to the corresponding `glued up' element of $A(X \bigcup_Y \selfarrow)$. This is well-defined since $\cU(X)$ maps into $\cU(X \bigcup_Y \selfarrow)$. This map descends down to a map
   228 $$A(X) \Tensor_{A(Y)} \selfarrow \to A(X \bigcup_Y \selfarrow)$$
   229 since the fields $ev$  and $ve$ (here $e \in A(Y), v \in A(X)$) are isotopic on $X \bigcup_Y \selfarrow$ (see Figure \ref{fig:ev-ve}).
   231 \begin{figure}[!ht]
   232 $$
   233 \begin{tikzpicture}[x=4cm,y=4cm]
   234 \node (a) at (0,2) {
   235 \begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.5cm,y=0.5cm]
   236 \node (a1) at (-2,1.2) {};
   237 \node (a2) at (-2,0) {};
   238 \node (b1) at (2,1.2) {};
   239 \node (b2) at (2,0) {};
   240 \draw (a1) arc (270:90:1) -- +(4,0) arc (90:-90:1);
   241 \draw (a2) arc (270:90:2.5) -- +(4,0) arc (90:-90:2.5);
   243 % end caps
   244 \draw (a1) arc (90:450:0.3 and 0.6);
   245 \draw (b1) arc (90:270:0.3 and 0.6);
   246 \draw[dashed] (b1) arc (90:-90:0.3 and 0.6);
   248 % the cylinder
   249 \draw (-1.2,1.2) arc (90:270:0.3 and 0.6);
   250 \draw[dashed] (-1.2,0) arc (-90:90: 0.3 and 0.6);
   251 \draw (-1.2,1.2) -- (1.2,1.2) (-1.2,0) -- (1.2,0);
   252 \draw (1.2,0) arc (-90:270:0.3 and 0.6);
   253 % the donut hole
   254 \draw (-2.5,4.2) arc (-135:-45:2);
   255 \draw (-2,3.9) arc (135:45:1.3);
   257 % labels
   258 \node at (1.8,4) {\Large $v$};
   259 \node at (0,0.5) {\Large $e$};
   260 \end{tikzpicture}
   261 };
   262 \node (ev) at (-1,1) {
   263 \begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.5cm,y=0.5cm]
   264 \node[coordinate] (a1) at (-2,1.2) {};
   265 \node[coordinate] (a2) at (-2,0) {};
   266 \node[coordinate] (b1) at (2,1.2) {};
   267 \node[coordinate] (b2) at (2,0) {};
   268 \draw (0.5,1.2) -- (a1) arc (270:90:1) -- +(4,0) arc (90:-90:1);
   269 \draw (0.5,0) -- (a2) arc (270:90:2.5) -- +(4,0) arc (90:-90:2.5);
   271 % end caps
   272 \draw (0.5,1.2) arc (90:450:0.3 and 0.6);
   273 \draw (b1) arc (90:270:0.3 and 0.6);
   274 \draw[dashed] (b1) arc (90:-90:0.3 and 0.6);
   276 % the donut hole
   277 \draw (-2.5,4.2) arc (-135:-45:2);
   278 \draw (-2,3.9) arc (135:45:1.3);
   280 % dots
   281 \draw[dotted] (-2,0.6) ellipse (0.3 and 0.6);
   283 % labels
   284 \node at (1.8,4) {\Large $ev$};
   285 \end{tikzpicture}
   286 };
   287 \node (ve) at (1,1) {
   288 \begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.5cm,y=0.5cm]
   289 \node[coordinate] (a1) at (-2,1.2) {};
   290 \node[coordinate] (a2) at (-2,0) {};
   291 \node[coordinate] (b1) at (2,1.2) {};
   292 \node[coordinate] (b2) at (2,0) {};
   293 \draw (a1) arc (270:90:1) -- +(4,0) arc (90:-90:1) -- (-0.5,1.2);
   294 \draw (a2) arc (270:90:2.5) -- +(4,0) arc (90:-90:2.5) -- (-0.5,0);
   296 % end caps
   297 \draw (a1) arc (90:450:0.3 and 0.6);
   298 \draw (-0.5,1.2) arc (90:270:0.3 and 0.6);
   299 \draw[dashed] (-0.5,1.2) arc (90:-90:0.3 and 0.6);
   301 % dots
   302 \draw[dotted] (2,0.6) ellipse (0.3 and 0.6);
   304 % the donut hole
   305 \draw (-2.5,4.2) arc (-135:-45:2);
   306 \draw (-2,3.9) arc (135:45:1.3);
   308 % labels
   309 \node at (1.8,4) {\Large $ve$};
   310 \end{tikzpicture}
   311 };
   312 \node (b) at (0,0) {
   313 \begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.5cm,y=0.5cm]
   314 \node[coordinate] (a1) at (-2,1.2) {};
   315 \node[coordinate] (a2) at (-2,0) {};
   316 \node[coordinate] (b1) at (2,1.2) {};
   317 \node[coordinate] (b2) at (2,0) {};
   318 \draw (a1) arc (270:90:1) -- +(4,0) arc (90:-90:1) -- (-2,1.2);
   319 \draw (a2) arc (270:90:2.5) -- +(4,0) arc (90:-90:2.5) -- (-2,0);
   321 % the donut hole
   322 \draw (-2.5,4.2) arc (-135:-45:2);
   323 \draw (-2,3.9) arc (135:45:1.3);
   325 % dots
   326 \draw[dotted] (-2,0.6) ellipse (0.3 and 0.6);
   327 \draw[dotted] (2,0.6) ellipse (0.3 and 0.6);
   329 % labels
   330 \node at (1.8,4) {$ve = ev$};
   331 \end{tikzpicture}
   332 };
   333 \draw[->] (a) -- (ev);
   334 \draw[->] (a) -- (ve);
   335 \draw[->] (ev) -- (b);
   336 \draw[->] (ve) -- (b);
   337 \end{tikzpicture}
   338 $$
   339 \caption{Isotopic fields on the glued manifold}
   340 \label{fig:ev-ve}
   341 \end{figure}
   343 There is a map the other way, too. There isn't quite a map $\cF(X \bigcup_Y \selfarrow) \to \cF(X)$, since a field on $X \bigcup_Y \selfarrow$ need not be splittable along $Y$. Nevertheless, every field is isotopic to one that is splittable along $Y$, and combining this with the lemma above we obtain a map $\cF(X \bigcup_Y \selfarrow) / (\text{isotopy}) \to A(X)  \Tensor_{A(Y)} \selfarrow$. We now need to show that this descends to a map from $A(X \bigcup_Y \selfarrow)$. Consider an field of the form $u \bullet f$, for some ball $B$ embedded in $X \bigcup_Y \selfarrow$ and $u \in \cU(B), f \in \cF(X \bigcup_Y \selfarrow \setminus B)$. Now $B$ might cross $Y$, but we can choose an isotopy of $X \bigcup_Y \selfarrow$ so that it doesn't. Thus $u \bullet f$ is sent to a field in $\cU(X)$, and is zero in $A(X)  \Tensor_{A(Y)} \selfarrow$.
   345 It's not too hard to see that these maps are mutual inverses.
   346 \end{proof}
   348 \subsubsection{Codimension 2 gluing}
   350 \section{$n$-categories and fields}
   351 Roughly, the data of a system of fields and local relations and the data of a disklike $n$-category (from \S 6) are intended to be equivalent.
   353 You essentially recover the axioms for a disklike $n$-category by just remembering everything about $\cF(X) / \cU(X)$ for $X$ a ball. 
   354 Almost equivalently, $A(\bullet)$ gives a disklike $n$-category.
   356 Going the other direction, we've already sketch one method of producing a system of fields from an $n$-category (string diagrams). In \S 6.3 we give another (although not explicitly), based on ball decompositions, which are roughly generalized pasting diagrams.
   174 \end{document}
   358 \end{document}