changeset 0 f4fc8028aacb
child 1 8174b33dda66
equal deleted inserted replaced
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     1 \documentclass[11pt,leqno]{article}
     3 \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsthm}
     5 \usepackage[all]{xy}
     8 %%%%% excerpts from my include file of standard macros
    10 \def\bc{{\cal B}}
    12 \def\z{\mathbb{Z}}
    13 \def\r{\mathbb{R}}
    14 \def\c{\mathbb{C}}
    15 \def\t{\mathbb{T}}
    17 \def\du{\sqcup}
    18 \def\bd{\partial}
    19 \def\sub{\subset}
    20 \def\sup{\supset}
    21 %\def\setmin{\smallsetminus}
    22 \def\setmin{\setminus}
    23 \def\ep{\epsilon}
    24 \def\sgl{_\mathrm{gl}}
    25 \def\deq{\stackrel{\mathrm{def}}{=}}
    26 \def\pd#1#2{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}
    28 \def\nn#1{{{\it \small [#1]}}}
    31 % equations
    32 \newcommand{\eq}[1]{\begin{displaymath}#1\end{displaymath}}
    33 \newcommand{\eqar}[1]{\begin{eqnarray*}#1\end{eqnarray*}}
    34 \newcommand{\eqspl}[1]{\begin{displaymath}\begin{split}#1\end{split}\end{displaymath}}
    36 % tricky way to iterate macros over a list
    37 \def\semicolon{;}
    38 \def\applytolist#1{
    39 	\expandafter\def\csname multi#1\endcsname##1{
    40 		\def\multiack{##1}\ifx\multiack\semicolon
    41 			\def\next{\relax}
    42 		\else
    43 			\csname #1\endcsname{##1}
    44 			\def\next{\csname multi#1\endcsname}
    45 		\fi
    46 		\next}
    47 	\csname multi#1\endcsname}
    49 % \def\cA{{\cal A}} for A..Z
    50 \def\calc#1{\expandafter\def\csname c#1\endcsname{{\cal #1}}}
    51 \applytolist{calc}QWERTYUIOPLKJHGFDSAZXCVBNM;
    53 % \DeclareMathOperator{\pr}{pr} etc.
    54 \def\declaremathop#1{\expandafter\DeclareMathOperator\csname #1\endcsname{#1}}
    55 \applytolist{declaremathop}{pr}{im}{id}{gl}{tr}{rot}{Eq}{obj}{mor}{ob}{Rep}{End}{Hom}{Mat}{Tet}{cat}{Diff}{sign};
    59 %%%%%% end excerpt
    65 \title{Blob Homology}
    67 \begin{document}
    71 \makeatletter
    72 \@addtoreset{equation}{section}
    73 \gdef\theequation{\thesection.\arabic{equation}}
    74 \makeatother
    75 \newtheorem{thm}[equation]{Theorem}
    76 \newtheorem{prop}[equation]{Proposition}
    77 \newtheorem{lemma}[equation]{Lemma}
    78 \newtheorem{cor}[equation]{Corollary}
    79 \newtheorem{defn}[equation]{Definition}
    83 \maketitle
    85 \section{Introduction}
    87 (motivation, summary/outline, etc.)
    89 (motivation: 
    90 (1) restore exactness in pictures-mod-relations;
    91 (1') add relations-amongst-relations etc. to pictures-mod-relations;
    92 (2) want answer independent of handle decomp (i.e. don't 
    93 just go from coend to derived coend (e.g. Hochschild homology));
    94 (3) ...
    95 )
    97 \section{Definitions}
    99 \subsection{Fields}
   101 Fix a top dimension $n$.
   103 A {\it system of fields} 
   104 \nn{maybe should look for better name; but this is the name I use elsewhere}
   105 is a collection of functors $\cC$ from manifolds of dimension $n$ or less
   106 to sets.
   107 These functors must satisfy various properties (see KW TQFT notes for details).
   108 For example: 
   109 there is a canonical identification $\cC(X \du Y) = \cC(X) \times \cC(Y)$;
   110 there is a restriction map $\cC(X) \to \cC(\bd X)$;
   111 gluing manifolds corresponds to fibered products of fields;
   112 given a field $c \in \cC(Y)$ there is a ``product field" 
   113 $c\times I \in \cC(Y\times I)$; ...
   114 \nn{should eventually include full details of definition of fields.}
   116 \nn{note: probably will suppress from notation the distinction 
   117 between fields and their (orientation-reversal) duals}
   119 \nn{remark that if top dimensional fields are not already linear
   120 then we will soon linearize them(?)}
   122 The definition of a system of fields is intended to generalize 
   123 the relevant properties of the following two examples of fields.
   125 The first example: Fix a target space $B$ and define $\cC(X)$ (where $X$
   126 is a manifold of dimension $n$ or less) to be the set of 
   127 all maps from $X$ to $B$.
   129 The second example will take longer to explain.
   130 Given an $n$-category $C$ with the right sort of duality 
   131 (e.g. pivotal 2-category, 1-category with duals, star 1-category, disklike $n$-category), 
   132 we can construct a system of fields as follows.
   133 Roughly speaking, $\cC(X)$ will the set of all embedded cell complexes in $X$
   134 with codimension $i$ cells labeled by $i$-morphisms of $C$.
   135 We'll spell this out for $n=1,2$ and then describe the general case.
   137 If $X$ has boundary, we require that the cell decompositions are in general
   138 position with respect to the boundary --- the boundary intersects each cell
   139 transversely, so cells meeting the boundary are mere half-cells.
   141 Put another way, the cell decompositions we consider are dual to standard cell
   142 decompositions of $X$.
   144 We will always assume that our $n$-categories have linear $n$-morphisms.
   146 For $n=1$, a field on a 0-manifold $P$ is a labeling of each point of $P$ with
   147 an object (0-morphism) of the 1-category $C$.
   148 A field on a 1-manifold $S$ consists of
   149 \begin{itemize}
   150 	\item A cell decomposition of $S$ (equivalently, a finite collection
   151 of points in the interior of $S$);
   152 	\item a labeling of each 1-cell (and each half 1-cell adjacent to $\bd S$)
   153 by an object (0-morphism) of $C$;
   154 	\item a transverse orientation of each 0-cell, thought of as a choice of
   155 ``domain" and ``range" for the two adjacent 1-cells; and
   156 	\item a labeling of each 0-cell by a morphism (1-morphism) of $C$, with
   157 domain and range determined by the transverse orientation and the labelings of the 1-cells.
   158 \end{itemize}
   160 If $C$ is an algebra (i.e. if $C$ has only one 0-morphism) we can ignore the labels
   161 of 1-cells, so a field on a 1-manifold $S$ is a finite collection of points in the 
   162 interior of $S$, each transversely oriented and each labeled by an element (1-morphism)
   163 of the algebra.
   165 For $n=2$, a field on a 0-manifold $P$ is a labeling of each point of $P$ with
   166 an object of the 2-category $C$.
   167 A field of a 1-manifold is defined as in the $n=1$ case, using the 0- and 1-morphisms of $C$.
   168 A field on a 2-manifold $Y$ consists of
   169 \begin{itemize}
   170 	\item A cell decomposition of $Y$ (equivalently, a graph embedded in $Y$ such
   171 that each component of the complement is homeomorphic to a disk);
   172 	\item a labeling of each 2-cell (and each half 2-cell adjacent to $\bd Y$)
   173 by a 0-morphism of $C$;
   174 	\item a transverse orientation of each 1-cell, thought of as a choice of
   175 ``domain" and ``range" for the two adjacent 2-cells;
   176 	\item a labeling of each 1-cell by a 1-morphism of $C$, with
   177 domain and range determined by the transverse orientation of the 1-cell 
   178 and the labelings of the 2-cells;
   179 	\item for each 0-cell, a homeomorphism of the boundary $R$ of a small neighborhood 
   180 of the 0-cell to $S^1$ such that the intersections of the 1-cells with $R$ are not mapped
   181 to $\pm 1 \in S^1$; and
   182 	\item a labeling of each 0-cell by a 2-morphism of $C$, with domain and range 
   183 determined by the labelings of the 1-cells and the parameterizations of the previous
   184 bullet.
   185 \end{itemize}
   186 \nn{need to say this better; don't try to fit everything into the bulleted list}
   188 For general $n$, a field on a $k$-manifold $X^k$ consists of
   189 \begin{itemize}
   190 	\item A cell decomposition of $X$;
   191 	\item an explicit general position homeomorphism from the link of each $j$-cell
   192 to the boundary of the standard $(k-j)$-dimensional bihedron; and
   193 	\item a labeling of each $j$-cell by a $(k-j)$-dimensional morphism of $C$, with
   194 domain and range determined by the labelings of the link of $j$-cell.
   195 \end{itemize}
   197 \nn{next definition might need some work; I think linearity relations should
   198 be treated differently (segregated) from other local relations, but I'm not sure
   199 the next definition is the best way to do it}
   201 For top dimensional ($n$-dimensional) manifolds, we're actually interested 
   202 in the linearized space of fields.
   203 By default, define $\cC_l(X) = \c[\cC(X)]$; that is, $\cC_l(X)$ is
   204 the vector space of finite 
   205 linear combinations of fields on $X$.
   206 If $X$ has boundary, we of course fix a boundary condition: $\cC_l(X; a) = \c[\cC(X; a)]$.
   207 Thus the restriction (to boundary) maps are well defined because we never
   208 take linear combinations of fields with differing boundary conditions.
   210 In some cases we don't linearize the default way; instead we take the
   211 spaces $\cC_l(X; a)$ to be part of the data for the system of fields.
   212 In particular, for fields based on linear $n$-category pictures we linearize as follows.
   213 Define $\cC_l(X; a) = \c[\cC(X; a)]/K$, where $K$ is the space generated by 
   214 obvious relations on 0-cell labels.
   215 More specifically, let $L$ be a cell decomposition of $X$ 
   216 and let $p$ be a 0-cell of $L$.
   217 Let $\alpha_c$ and $\alpha_d$ be two labelings of $L$ which are identical except that
   218 $\alpha_c$ labels $p$ by $c$ and $\alpha_d$ labels $p$ by $d$.
   219 Then the subspace $K$ is generated by things of the form
   220 $\lambda \alpha_c + \alpha_d - \alpha_{\lambda c + d}$, where we leave it to the reader
   221 to infer the meaning of $\alpha_{\lambda c + d}$.
   222 Note that we are still assuming that $n$-categories have linear spaces of $n$-morphisms.
   224 \nn{Maybe comment further: if there's a natural basis of morphisms, then no need; 
   225 will do something similar below; in general, whenever a label lives in a linear
   226 space we do something like this; ? say something about tensor 
   227 product of all the linear label spaces?  Yes:}
   229 For top dimensional ($n$-dimensional) manifolds, we linearize as follows.
   230 Define an ``almost-field" to be a field without labels on the 0-cells.
   231 (Recall that 0-cells are labeled by $n$-morphisms.)
   232 To each unlabeled 0-cell in an almost field there corresponds a (linear) $n$-morphism
   233 space determined by the labeling of the link of the 0-cell.
   234 (If the 0-cell were labeled, the label would live in this space.)
   235 We associate to each almost-labeling the tensor product of these spaces (one for each 0-cell).
   236 We now define $\cC_l(X; a)$ to be the direct sum over all almost labelings of the 
   237 above tensor products.
   241 \subsection{Local relations}
   243 Let $B^n$ denote the standard $n$-ball.
   244 A {\it local relation} is a collection subspaces $U(B^n; c) \sub \cC_l(B^n; c)$ 
   245 (for all $c \in \cC(\bd B^n)$) satisfying the following (three?) properties.
   247 \nn{implies (extended?) isotopy; stable under gluing; open covers?; ...}
   249 For maps into spaces, $U(B^n; c)$ is generated by things of the form $a-b \in \cC_l(B^n; c)$,
   250 where $a$ and $b$ are maps (fields) which are homotopic rel boundary.
   252 For $n$-category pictures, $U(B^n; c)$ is equal to the kernel of the evaluation map
   253 $\cC_l(B^n; c) \to \mor(c', c'')$, where $(c', c'')$ is some (any) division of $c$ into
   254 domain and range.
   256 \nn{maybe examples of local relations before general def?}
   258 Note that the $Y$ is an $n$-manifold which is merely homeomorphic to the standard $B^n$,
   259 then any homeomorphism $B^n \to Y$ induces the same local subspaces for $Y$.
   260 We'll denote these by $U(Y; c) \sub \cC_l(Y; c)$, $c \in \cC(\bd Y)$.
   262 Given a system of fields and local relations, we define the skein space
   263 $A(Y^n; c)$ to be the space of all finite linear combinations of fields on
   264 the $n$-manifold $Y$ modulo local relations.
   265 The Hilbert space $Z(Y; c)$ for the TQFT based on the fields and local relations
   266 is defined to be the dual of $A(Y; c)$.
   267 (See KW TQFT notes or xxxx for details.)
   269 The blob complex is in some sense the derived version of $A(Y; c)$.
   273 \subsection{The blob complex}
   275 Let $X$ be an $n$-manifold.
   276 Assume a fixed system of fields.
   277 In this section we will usually suppress boundary conditions on $X$ from the notation
   278 (e.g. write $\cC_l(X)$ instead of $\cC_l(X; c)$).
   280 We only consider compact manifolds, so if $Y \sub X$ is a closed codimension 0 
   281 submanifold of $X$, then $X \setmin Y$ implicitly means the closure
   282 $\overline{X \setmin Y}$.
   284 We will define $\bc_0(X)$, $\bc_1(X)$ and $\bc_2(X)$, then give the general case.
   286 Define $\bc_0(X) = \cC_l(X)$.
   287 (If $X$ has nonempty boundary, instead define $\bc_0(X; c) = \cC_l(X; c)$.
   288 We'll omit this sort of detail in the rest of this section.)
   289 In other words, $\bc_0(X)$ is just the space of all linearized fields on $X$.
   291 $\bc_1(X)$ is the space of all local relations that can be imposed on $\bc_0(X)$.
   292 More specifically, define a 1-blob diagram to consist of
   293 \begin{itemize}
   294 \item An embedded closed ball (``blob") $B \sub X$.
   295 %\nn{Does $B$ need a homeo to the standard $B^n$?  I don't think so.
   296 %(See note in previous subsection.)}
   297 %\item A field (boundary condition) $c \in \cC(\bd B) = \cC(\bd(X \setmin B))$.
   298 \item A field $r \in \cC(X \setmin B; c)$
   299 (for some $c \in \cC(\bd B) = \cC(\bd(X \setmin B))$).
   300 \item A local relation field $u \in U(B; c)$
   301 (same $c$ as previous bullet).
   302 \end{itemize}
   303 %(Note that the the field $c$ is determined (implicitly) as the boundary of $u$ and/or $r$,
   304 %so we will omit $c$ from the notation.)
   305 Define $\bc_1(X)$ to be the space of all finite linear combinations of
   306 1-blob diagrams, modulo the simple relations relating labels of 0-cells and
   307 also the label ($u$ above) of the blob.
   308 \nn{maybe spell this out in more detail}
   309 (See xxxx above.)
   310 \nn{maybe restate this in terms of direct sums of tensor products.}
   312 There is a map $\bd : \bc_1(X) \to \bc_0(X)$ which sends $(B, r, u)$ to $ru$, the linear
   313 combination of fields on $X$ obtained by gluing $r$ to $u$.
   314 In other words $\bd : \bc_1(X) \to \bc_0(X)$ is given by 
   315 just erasing the blob from the picture
   316 (but keeping the blob label $u$).
   318 Note that the skein module $A(X)$
   319 is naturally isomorphic to $\bc_0(X)/\bd(\bc_1(X))) = H_0(\bc_*(X))$.
   321 $\bc_2(X)$ is the space of all relations (redundancies) among the relations of $\bc_1(X)$.
   322 More specifically, $\bc_2(X)$ is the space of all finite linear combinations of 
   323 2-blob diagrams (defined below), modulo the usual linear label relations.
   324 \nn{and also modulo blob reordering relations?}
   326 \nn{maybe include longer discussion to motivate the two sorts of 2-blob diagrams}
   328 There are two types of 2-blob diagram: disjoint and nested.
   329 A disjoint 2-blob diagram consists of
   330 \begin{itemize}
   331 \item A pair of disjoint closed balls (blobs) $B_0, B_1 \sub X$.
   332 %\item Fields (boundary conditions) $c_i \in \cC(\bd B_i)$.
   333 \item A field $r \in \cC(X \setmin (B_0 \cup B_1); c_0, c_1)$
   334 (where $c_i \in \cC(\bd B_i)$).
   335 \item Local relation fields $u_i \in U(B_i; c_i)$.
   336 \end{itemize}
   337 Define $\bd(B_0, B_1, r, u_0, u_1) = (B_1, ru_0, u_1) - (B_0, ru_1, u_0) \in \bc_1(X)$.
   338 In other words, the boundary of a disjoint 2-blob diagram
   339 is the sum (with alternating signs)
   340 of the two ways of erasing one of the blobs.
   341 It's easy to check that $\bd^2 = 0$.
   343 A nested 2-blob diagram consists of
   344 \begin{itemize}
   345 \item A pair of nested balls (blobs) $B_0 \sub B_1 \sub X$.
   346 \item A field $r \in \cC(X \setmin B_0; c_0)$
   347 (for some $c_0 \in \cC(\bd B_0)$).
   348 Let $r = r_1 \cup r'$, where $r_1 \in \cC(B_1 \setmin B_0; c_0, c_1)$
   349 (for some $c_1 \in \cC(B_1)$) and
   350 $r' \in \cC(X \setmin B_1; c_1)$.
   351 \item A local relation field $u_0 \in U(B_0; c_0)$.
   352 \end{itemize}
   353 Define $\bd(B_0, B_1, r, u_0) = (B_1, r', r_1u_0) - (B_0, r, u_0)$.
   354 Note that xxxx above guarantees that $r_1u_0 \in U(B_1)$.
   355 As in the disjoint 2-blob case, the boundary of a nested 2-blob is the alternating
   356 sum of the two ways of erasing one of the blobs.
   357 If we erase the inner blob, the outer blob inherits the label $r_1u_0$.
   359 Now for the general case.
   360 A $k$-blob diagram consists of
   361 \begin{itemize}
   362 \item A collection of blobs $B_i \sub X$, $i = 0, \ldots, k-1$.
   363 For each $i$ and $j$, we require that either $B_i \cap B_j$ is empty or
   364 $B_i \sub B_j$ or $B_j \sub B_i$.
   365 (The case $B_i = B_j$ is allowed.
   366 If $B_i \sub B_j$ the boundaries of $B_i$ and $B_j$ are allowed to intersect.)
   367 If a blob has no other blobs strictly contained in it, we call it a twig blob.
   368 %\item Fields (boundary conditions) $c_i \in \cC(\bd B_i)$.
   369 %(These are implied by the data in the next bullets, so we usually
   370 %suppress them from the notation.)
   371 %$c_i$ and $c_j$ must have identical restrictions to $\bd B_i \cap \bd B_j$
   372 %if the latter space is not empty.
   373 \item A field $r \in \cC(X \setmin B^t; c^t)$,
   374 where $B^t$ is the union of all the twig blobs and $c^t \in \cC(\bd B^t)$.
   375 \item For each twig blob $B_j$ a local relation field $u_j \in U(B_j; c_j)$,
   376 where $c_j$ is the restriction of $c^t$ to $\bd B_j$.
   377 If $B_i = B_j$ then $u_i = u_j$.
   378 \end{itemize}
   380 We define $\bc_k(X)$ to be the vector space of all finite linear combinations
   381 of $k$-blob diagrams, modulo the linear label relations and
   382 blob reordering relations defined in the remainder of this paragraph.
   383 Let $x$ be a blob diagram with one undetermined $n$-morphism label.
   384 The unlabeled entity is either a blob or a 0-cell outside of the twig blobs.
   385 Let $a$ and $b$ be two possible $n$-morphism labels for
   386 the unlabeled blob or 0-cell.
   387 Let $c = \lambda a + b$.
   388 Let $x_a$ be the blob diagram with label $a$, and define $x_b$ and $x_c$ similarly.
   389 Then we impose the relation
   390 \eq{
   391 	x_c = \lambda x_a + x_b .
   392 }
   393 \nn{should do this in terms of direct sums of tensor products}
   394 Let $x$ and $x'$ be two blob diagrams which differ only by a permutation $\pi$
   395 of their blob labelings.
   396 Then we impose the relation
   397 \eq{
   398 	x = \sign(\pi) x' .
   399 }
   401 (Alert readers will have noticed that for $k=2$ our definition
   402 of $\bc_k(X)$ is slightly different from the previous definition
   403 of $\bc_2(X)$.
   404 The general definition takes precedence;
   405 the earlier definition was simplified for purposes of exposition.)
   407 The boundary map $\bd : \bc_k(X) \to \bc_{k-1}(X)$ is defined as follows.
   408 Let $b = (\{B_i\}, r, \{u_j\})$ be a $k$-blob diagram.
   409 Let $E_j(b)$ denote the result of erasing the $j$-th blob.
   410 If $B_j$ is not a twig blob, this involves only decrementing
   411 the indices of blobs $B_{j+1},\ldots,B_{k-1}$.
   412 If $B_j$ is a twig blob, we have to assign new local relation labels
   413 if removing $B_j$ creates new twig blobs.
   414 If $B_l$ becomes a twig after removing $B_j$, then set $u_l = r_lu_j$,
   415 where $r_l$ is the restriction of $r$ to $B_l \setmin B_j$.
   416 Finally, define
   417 \eq{
   418 	\bd(b) = \sum_{j=0}^{k-1} (-1)^j E_j(b).
   419 }
   420 The $(-1)^j$ factors imply that the terms of $\bd^2(b)$ all cancel.
   421 Thus we have a chain complex.
   423 \nn{?? say something about the ``shape" of tree? (incl = cone, disj = product)}
   426 \nn{TO DO: ((?)) allow $n$-morphisms to be chain complex instead of just
   427 a vector space; relations to Chas-Sullivan string stuff}
   431 \section{Basic properties of the blob complex}
   433 \begin{prop} \label{disjunion}
   434 There is a natural isomorphism $\bc_*(X \du Y) \cong \bc_*(X) \otimes \bc_*(Y)$.
   435 \end{prop}
   436 \begin{proof}
   437 Given blob diagrams $b_1$ on $X$ and $b_2$ on $Y$, we can combine them
   438 (putting the $b_1$ blobs before the $b_2$ blobs in the ordering) to get a 
   439 blob diagram $(b_1, b_2)$ on $X \du Y$.
   440 Because of the blob reordering relations, all blob diagrams on $X \du Y$ arise this way.
   441 In the other direction, any blob diagram on $X\du Y$ is equal (up to sign)
   442 to one that puts $X$ blobs before $Y$ blobs in the ordering, and so determines
   443 a pair of blob diagrams on $X$ and $Y$.
   444 These two maps are compatible with our sign conventions \nn{say more about this?} and
   445 with the linear label relations.
   446 The two maps are inverses of each other.
   447 \nn{should probably say something about sign conventions for the differential
   448 in a tensor product of chain complexes; ask Scott}
   449 \end{proof}
   451 For the next proposition we will temporarily restore $n$-manifold boundary
   452 conditions to the notation.
   454 Suppose that for all $c \in \cC(\bd B^n)$ 
   455 we have a splitting $s: H_0(\bc_*(B^n, c)) \to \bc_0(B^n; c)$ 
   456 of the quotient map
   457 $p: \bc_0(B^n; c) \to H_0(\bc_*(B^n, c))$.
   458 \nn{always the case if we're working over $\c$}.
   459 Then
   460 \begin{prop} \label{bcontract}
   461 For all $c \in \cC(\bd B^n)$ the natural map $p: \bc_*(B^n, c) \to H_0(\bc_*(B^n, c))$
   462 is a chain homotopy equivalence
   463 with inverse $s: H_0(\bc_*(B^n, c)) \to \bc_*(B^n; c)$.
   464 Here we think of $H_0(\bc_*(B^n, c))$ as a 1-step complex concentrated in degree 0.
   465 \end{prop}
   466 \begin{proof}
   467 By assumption $p\circ s = \id$, so all that remains is to find a degree 1 map
   468 $h : \bc_*(B^n; c) \to \bc_*(B^n; c)$ such that $\bd h + h\bd = \id - s \circ p$.
   469 For $i \ge 1$, define $h_i : \bc_i(B^n; c) \to \bc_{i+1}(B^n; c)$ by adding
   470 an $(i{+}1)$-st blob equal to all of $B^n$.
   471 In other words, add a new outermost blob which encloses all of the others.
   472 Define $h_0 : \bc_0(B^n; c) \to \bc_1(B^n; c)$ by setting $h_0(x)$ equal to
   473 the 1-blob with blob $B^n$ and label $x - s(p(x)) \in U(B^n; c)$.
   474 \nn{$x$ is a 0-blob diagram, i.e. $x \in \cC(B^n; c)$}
   475 \end{proof}
   477 (Note that for the above proof to work, we need the linear label relations 
   478 for blob labels.
   479 Also we need to blob reordering relations (?).)
   481 (Note also that if there is no splitting $s$, we can let $h_0 = 0$ and get a homotopy
   482 equivalence to the 2-step complex $U(B^n; c) \to \cC(B^n; c)$.)
   484 (For fields based on $n$-cats, $H_0(\bc_*(B^n; c)) \cong \mor(c', c'')$.)
   486 \medskip
   488 As we noted above,
   489 \begin{prop}
   490 There is a natural isomorphism $H_0(\bc_*(X)) \cong A(X)$.
   491 \qed
   492 \end{prop}
   495 \begin{prop}
   496 For fixed fields ($n$-cat), $\bc_*$ is a functor from the category
   497 of $n$-manifolds and diffeomorphisms to the category of chain complexes and 
   498 (chain map) isomorphisms.
   499 \qed
   500 \end{prop}
   503 In particular,
   504 \begin{prop}  \label{diff0prop}
   505 There is an action of $\Diff(X)$ on $\bc_*(X)$.
   506 \qed
   507 \end{prop}
   509 The above will be greatly strengthened in Section \ref{diffsect}.
   511 \medskip
   513 For the next proposition we will temporarily restore $n$-manifold boundary
   514 conditions to the notation.
   516 Let $X$ be an $n$-manifold, $\bd X = Y \cup (-Y) \cup Z$.
   517 Gluing the two copies of $Y$ together yields an $n$-manifold $X\sgl$
   518 with boundary $Z\sgl$.
   519 Given compatible fields (pictures, boundary conditions) $a$, $b$ and $c$ on $Y$, $-Y$ and $Z$,
   520 we have the blob complex $\bc_*(X; a, b, c)$.
   521 If $b = -a$ (the orientation reversal of $a$), then we can glue up blob diagrams on
   522 $X$ to get blob diagrams on $X\sgl$:
   524 \begin{prop}
   525 There is a natural chain map
   526 \eq{
   527 	\gl: \bigoplus_a \bc_*(X; a, -a, c) \to \bc_*(X\sgl; c\sgl).
   528 }
   529 The sum is over all fields $a$ on $Y$ compatible at their 
   530 ($n{-}2$-dimensional) boundaries with $c$.
   531 `Natural' means natural with respect to the actions of diffeomorphisms.
   532 \qed
   533 \end{prop}
   535 The above map is very far from being an isomorphism, even on homology.
   536 This will be fixed in Section \ref{gluesect} below.
   538 An instance of gluing we will encounter frequently below is where $X = X_1 \du X_2$
   539 and $X\sgl = X_1 \cup_Y X_2$.
   540 (Typically one of $X_1$ or $X_2$ is a disjoint union of balls.)
   541 For $x_i \in \bc_*(X_i)$, we introduce the notation
   542 \eq{
   543 	x_1 \bullet x_2 \deq \gl(x_1 \otimes x_2) .
   544 }
   545 Note that we have resumed our habit of omitting boundary labels from the notation.
   548 \bigskip
   550 \nn{what else?}
   555 \section{$n=1$ and Hochschild homology}
   557 In this section we analyze the blob complex in dimension $n=1$
   558 and find that for $S^1$ the homology of the blob complex is the 
   559 Hochschild homology of the category (algebroid) that we started with.
   561 Notation: $HB_i(X) = H_i(\bc_*(X))$.
   563 Let us first note that there is no loss of generality in assuming that our system of 
   564 fields comes from a category.
   565 (Or maybe (???) there {\it is} a loss of generality.
   566 Given any system of fields, $A(I; a, b) = \cC(I; a, b)/U(I; a, b)$ can be 
   567 thought of as the morphisms of a 1-category $C$.
   568 More specifically, the objects of $C$ are $\cC(pt)$, the morphisms from $a$ to $b$
   569 are $A(I; a, b)$, and composition is given by gluing.
   570 If we instead take our fields to be $C$-pictures, the $\cC(pt)$ does not change
   571 and neither does $A(I; a, b) = HB_0(I; a, b)$.
   572 But what about $HB_i(I; a, b)$ for $i > 0$?
   573 Might these higher blob homology groups be different?
   574 Seems unlikely, but I don't feel like trying to prove it at the moment.
   575 In any case, we'll concentrate on the case of fields based on 1-category
   576 pictures for the rest of this section.)
   578 (Another question: $\bc_*(I)$ is an $A_\infty$-category.
   579 How general of an $A_\infty$-category is it?
   580 Given an arbitrary $A_\infty$-category can one find fields and local relations so
   581 that $\bc_*(I)$ is in some sense equivalent to the original $A_\infty$-category?
   582 Probably not, unless we generalize to the case where $n$-morphisms are complexes.)
   584 Continuing...
   586 Let $C$ be a *-1-category.
   587 Then specializing the definitions from above to the case $n=1$ we have:
   588 \begin{itemize}
   589 \item $\cC(pt) = \ob(C)$ .
   590 \item Let $R$ be a 1-manifold and $c \in \cC(\bd R)$.
   591 Then an element of $\cC(R; c)$ is a collection of (transversely oriented) 
   592 points in the interior
   593 of $R$, each labeled by a morphism of $C$.
   594 The intervals between the points are labeled by objects of $C$, consistent with
   595 the boundary condition $c$ and the domains and ranges of the point labels.
   596 \item There is an evaluation map $e: \cC(I; a, b) \to \mor(a, b)$ given by
   597 composing the morphism labels of the points.
   598 \item For $x \in \mor(a, b)$ let $\chi(x) \in \cC(I; a, b)$ be the field with a single
   599 point (at some standard location) labeled by $x$.
   600 Then the kernel of the evaluation map $U(I; a, b)$ is generated by things of the 
   601 form $y - \chi(e(y))$.
   602 Thus we can, if we choose, restrict the blob twig labels to things of this form.
   603 \end{itemize}
   605 We want to show that $HB_*(S^1)$ is naturally isomorphic to the 
   606 Hochschild homology of $C$.
   607 \nn{Or better that the complexes are homotopic
   608 or quasi-isomorphic.}
   609 In order to prove this we will need to extend the blob complex to allow points to also
   610 be labeled by elements of $C$-$C$-bimodules.
   611 %Given an interval (1-ball) so labeled, there is an evaluation map to some tensor product
   612 %(over $C$) of $C$-$C$-bimodules.
   613 %Define the local relations $U(I; a, b)$ to be the direct sum of the kernels of these maps.
   614 %Now we can define the blob complex for $S^1$.
   615 %This complex is the sum of complexes with a fixed cyclic tuple of bimodules present.
   616 %If $M$ is a $C$-$C$-bimodule, let $G_*(M)$ denote the summand of $\bc_*(S^1)$ corresponding
   617 %to the cyclic 1-tuple $(M)$.
   618 %In other words, $G_*(M)$ is a blob-like complex where exactly one point is labeled
   619 %by an element of $M$ and the remaining points are labeled by morphisms of $C$.
   620 %It's clear that $G_*(C)$ is isomorphic to the original bimodule-less
   621 %blob complex for $S^1$.
   622 %\nn{Is it really so clear?  Should say more.}
   624 %\nn{alternative to the above paragraph:}
   625 Fix points $p_1, \ldots, p_k \in S^1$ and $C$-$C$-bimodules $M_1, \ldots M_k$.
   626 We define a blob-like complex $F_*(S^1, (p_i), (M_i))$.
   627 The fields have elements of $M_i$ labeling $p_i$ and elements of $C$ labeling
   628 other points.
   629 The blob twig labels lie in kernels of evaluation maps.
   630 (The range of these evaluation maps is a tensor product (over $C$) of $M_i$'s.)
   631 Let $F_*(M) = F_*(S^1, (*), (M))$, where $* \in S^1$ is some standard base point.
   632 In other words, fields for $F_*(M)$ have an element of $M$ at the fixed point $*$
   633 and elements of $C$ at variable other points.
   635 We claim that the homology of $F_*(M)$ is isomorphic to the Hochschild
   636 homology of $M$.
   637 \nn{Or maybe we should claim that $M \to F_*(M)$ is the/a derived coend.
   638 Or maybe that $F_*(M)$ is quasi-isomorphic (or perhaps homotopic) to the Hochschild
   639 complex of $M$.}
   640 This follows from the following lemmas:
   641 \begin{itemize}
   642 \item $F_*(M_1 \oplus M_2) \cong F_*(M_1) \oplus F_*(M_2)$.
   643 \item An exact sequence $0 \to M_1 \to M_2 \to M_3 \to 0$
   644 gives rise to an exact sequence $0 \to F_*(M_1) \to F_*(M_2) \to F_*(M_3) \to 0$.
   645 (See below for proof.)
   646 \item $F_*(C\otimes C)$ (the free $C$-$C$-bimodule with one generator) is
   647 homotopic to the 0-step complex $C$.
   648 (See below for proof.)
   649 \item $F_*(C)$ (here $C$ is wearing its $C$-$C$-bimodule hat) is homotopic to $\bc_*(S^1)$.
   650 (See below for proof.)
   651 \end{itemize}
   653 First we show that $F_*(C\otimes C)$ is
   654 homotopic to the 0-step complex $C$.
   656 Let $F'_* \sub F_*(C\otimes C)$ be the subcomplex where the label of  
   657 the point $*$ is $1 \otimes 1 \in C\otimes C$.
   658 We will show that the inclusion $i: F'_* \to F_*(C\otimes C)$ is a quasi-isomorphism.
   660 Fix a small $\ep > 0$.
   661 Let $B_\ep$ be the ball of radius $\ep$ around $* \in S^1$.
   662 Let $F^\ep_* \sub F_*(C\otimes C)$ be the subcomplex where $B_\ep$ is either disjoint from
   663 or contained in all blobs, and the two boundary points of $B_\ep$ are not labeled points.
   664 For a field (picture) $y$ on $B_\ep$, let $s_\ep(y)$ be the equivalent picture with~$*$
   665 labeled by $1\otimes 1$ and the only other labeled points at distance $\pm\ep/2$ from $*$.
   666 (See Figure xxxx.)
   667 \nn{maybe it's simpler to assume that there are no labeled points, other than $*$, in $B_\ep$.}
   669 Define a degree 1 chain map $j_\ep : F^\ep_* \to F^\ep_*$ as follows.
   670 Let $x \in F^\ep_*$ be a blob diagram.
   671 If $*$ is not contained in any twig blob, $j_\ep(x)$ is obtained by adding $B_\ep$ to
   672 $x$ as a new twig blob, with label $y - s_\ep(y)$, where $y$ is the restriction of $x$ to $B_\ep$.
   673 If $*$ is contained in a twig blob $B$ with label $u = \sum z_i$, $j_\ep(x)$ is obtained as follows.
   674 Let $y_i$ be the restriction of $z_i$ to $*$.
   675 Let $x_i$ be equal to $x$ outside of $B$, equal to $z_i$ on $B \setmin B_\ep$, 
   676 and have an additional blob $B_\ep$ with label $y_i - s_\ep(y_i)$.
   677 Define $j_\ep(x) = \sum x_i$.
   679 Note that if $x \in F'_* \cap F^\ep_*$ then $j_\ep(x) \in F'_*$ also.
   681 The key property of $j_\ep$ is
   682 \eq{
   683 	\bd j_\ep + j_\ep \bd = \id - \sigma_\ep ,
   684 }
   685 where $\sigma_\ep : F^\ep_* \to F^\ep_*$ is given by replacing the restriction of each field
   686 mentioned in $x \in F^\ep_*$ (call the restriction $y$) with $s_\ep(y)$.
   687 Note that $\sigma_\ep(x) \in F'$.
   689 If $j_\ep$ were defined on all of $F_*(C\otimes C)$, it would show that $\sigma_\ep$
   690 is a homotopy inverse to the inclusion $F'_* \to F_*(C\otimes C)$.
   691 One strategy would be to try to stitch together various $j_\ep$ for progressively smaller
   692 $\ep$ and show that $F'_*$ is homotopy equivalent to $F_*(C\otimes C)$.
   693 Instead, we'll be less ambitious and just show that 
   694 $F'_*$ is quasi-isomorphic to $F_*(C\otimes C)$.
   696 If $x$ is a cycle in $F_*(C\otimes C)$, then for sufficiently small $\ep$
   697 $x \in F_*^\ep$.
   698 (This is true for any chain in $F_*(C\otimes C)$, since chains are sums of
   699 finitely many blob diagrams.)
   700 Then $x$ is homologous to $s_\ep(x)$, which is in $F'_*$, so the inclusion map
   701 is surjective on homology.
   702 If $y \in F_*(C\otimes C)$ and $\bd y = x \in F'_*$, then $y \in F^\ep_*$ for some $\ep$
   703 and
   704 \eq{
   705 	\bd x = \bd (\sigma_\ep(y) + j_\ep(x)) .
   706 }
   707 Since $\sigma_\ep(y) + j_\ep(x) \in F'$, it follows that the inclusion map is injective on homology.
   708 This completes the proof that $F'_*$ is quasi-isomorphic to $F_*(C\otimes C)$.
   710 \medskip
   712 Let $F''_* \sub F'_*$ be the subcomplex of $F'_*$ where $*$ is not contained in any blob.
   713 We will show that the inclusion $i: F''_* \to F'_*$ is a homotopy equivalence.
   715 First, a lemma:  Let $G''_*$ and $G'_*$ be defined the same as $F''_*$ and $F'_*$, except with
   716 $S^1$ replaced some (any) neighborhood of $* \in S^1$.
   717 Then $G''_*$ and $G'_*$ are both contractible.
   718 For $G'_*$ the proof is the same as in (\ref{bcontract}), except that the splitting
   719 $G'_0 \to H_0(G'_*)$ concentrates the point labels at two points to the right and left of $*$.
   720 For $G''_*$ we note that any cycle is supported \nn{need to establish terminology for this; maybe
   721 in ``basic properties" section above} away from $*$.
   722 Thus any cycle lies in the image of the normal blob complex of a disjoint union
   723 of two intervals, which is contractible by (\ref{bcontract}) and (\ref{disjunion}).
   724 Actually, we need the further (easy) result that the inclusion
   725 $G''_* \to G'_*$ induces an isomorphism on $H_0$.
   727 Next we construct a degree 1 map (homotopy) $h: F'_* \to F'_*$ such that
   728 for all $x \in F'_*$ we have
   729 \eq{
   730 	x - \bd h(x) - h(\bd x) \in F''_* .
   731 }
   732 Since $F'_0 = F''_0$, we can take $h_0 = 0$.
   733 Let $x \in F'_1$, with single blob $B \sub S^1$.
   734 If $* \notin B$, then $x \in F''_1$ and we define $h_1(x) = 0$.
   735 If $* \in B$, then we work in the image of $G'_*$ and $G''_*$ (with respect to $B$).
   736 Choose $x'' \in G''_1$ such that $\bd x'' = \bd x$.
   737 Since $G'_*$ is contractible, there exists $y \in G'_2$ such that $\bd y = x - x''$.
   738 Define $h_1(x) = y$.
   739 The general case is similar, except that we have to take lower order homotopies into account.
   740 Let $x \in F'_k$.
   741 If $*$ is not contained in any of the blobs of $x$, then define $h_k(x) = 0$.
   742 Otherwise, let $B$ be the outermost blob of $x$ containing $*$.
   743 By xxxx above, $x = x' \bullet p$, where $x'$ is supported on $B$ and $p$ is supported away from $B$.
   744 So $x' \in G'_l$ for some $l \le k$.
   745 Choose $x'' \in G''_l$ such that $\bd x'' = \bd (x' - h_{l-1}\bd x')$.
   746 Choose $y \in G'_{l+1}$ such that $\bd y = x' - x'' - h_{l-1}\bd x'$.
   747 Define $h_k(x) = y \bullet p$.
   748 This completes the proof that $i: F''_* \to F'_*$ is a homotopy equivalence.
   749 \nn{need to say above more clearly and settle on notation/terminology}
   751 Finally, we show that $F''_*$ is contractible.
   752 \nn{need to also show that $H_0$ is the right thing; easy, but I won't do it now}
   753 Let $x$ be a cycle in $F''_*$.
   754 The union of the supports of the diagrams in $x$ does not contain $*$, so there exists a 
   755 ball $B \subset S^1$ containing the union of the supports and not containing $*$.
   756 Adding $B$ as a blob to $x$ gives a contraction.
   757 \nn{need to say something else in degree zero}
   759 This completes the proof that $F_*(C\otimes C)$ is
   760 homotopic to the 0-step complex $C$.
   762 \medskip
   764 Next we show that $F_*(C)$ is homotopic \nn{q-isom?} to $\bc_*(S^1)$
   765 \nn{...}
   767 \bigskip
   769 \nn{still need to prove exactness claim}
   771 \nn{What else needs to be said to establish quasi-isomorphism to Hochschild complex?
   772 Do we need a map from hoch to blob?
   773 Does the above exactness and contractibility guarantee such a map without writing it
   774 down explicitly?
   775 Probably it's worth writing down an explicit map even if we don't need to.}
   779 \section{Action of $C_*(\Diff(X))$}  \label{diffsect}
   781 Let $CD_*(X)$ denote $C_*(\Diff(X))$, the singular chain complex of
   782 the space of diffeomorphisms
   783 of the $n$-manifold $X$ (fixed on $\bd X$).
   784 For convenience, we will permit the singular cells generating $CD_*(X)$ to be more general
   785 than simplices --- they can be based on any linear polyhedron.
   786 \nn{be more restrictive here?  does more need to be said?}
   788 \begin{prop}  \label{CDprop}
   789 For each $n$-manifold $X$ there is a chain map
   790 \eq{
   791 	e_X : CD_*(X) \otimes \bc_*(X) \to \bc_*(X) .
   792 }
   793 On $CD_0(X) \otimes \bc_*(X)$ it agrees with the obvious action of $\Diff(X)$ on $\bc_*(X)$
   794 (Proposition (\ref{diff0prop})).
   795 For any splitting $X = X_1 \cup X_2$, the following diagram commutes
   796 \eq{ \xymatrix{
   797 	 CD_*(X) \otimes \bc_*(X) \ar[r]^{e_X}    & \bc_*(X) \\
   798 	 CD_*(X_1) \otimes CD_*(X_2) \otimes \bc_*(X_1) \otimes \bc_*(X_2) 
   799 	 	\ar@/_4ex/[r]_{e_{X_1} \otimes e_{X_2}}  \ar[u]^{\gl \otimes \gl}  & 
   800 			\bc_*(X_1) \otimes \bc_*(X_2) \ar[u]_{\gl}
   801 } }
   802 Any other map satisfying the above two properties is homotopic to $e_X$.
   803 \end{prop}
   805 The proof will occupy the remainder of this section.
   807 \medskip
   809 Let $f: P \times X \to X$ be a family of diffeomorphisms and $S \sub X$.
   810 We say that {\it $f$ is supported on $S$} if $f(p, x) = f(q, x)$ for all
   811 $x \notin S$ and $p, q \in P$.
   812 Note that if $f$ is supported on $S$ then it is also supported on any $R \sup S$.
   814 Let $\cU = \{U_\alpha\}$ be an open cover of $X$.
   815 A $k$-parameter family of diffeomorphisms $f: P \times X \to X$ is
   816 {\it adapted to $\cU$} if there is a factorization
   817 \eq{
   818 	P = P_1 \times \cdots \times P_m
   819 }
   820 (for some $m \le k$)
   821 and families of diffeomorphisms
   822 \eq{
   823 	f_i :  P_i \times X \to X
   824 }
   825 such that 
   826 \begin{itemize}
   827 \item each $f_i(p, \cdot): X \to X$ is supported on some connected $V_i \sub X$;
   828 \item the $V_i$'s are mutually disjoint;
   829 \item each $V_i$ is the union of at most $k_i$ of the $U_\alpha$'s, 
   830 where $k_i = \dim(P_i)$; and
   831 \item $f(p, \cdot) = f_1(p_1, \cdot) \circ \cdots \circ f_m(p_m, \cdot)$
   832 for all $p = (p_1, \ldots, p_m)$.
   833 \end{itemize}
   834 A chain $x \in C_k(\Diff(M))$ is (by definition) adapted to $\cU$ if is is the sum
   835 of singular cells, each of which is adapted to $\cU$.
   837 \begin{lemma}  \label{extension_lemma}
   838 Let $x \in CD_k(X)$ be a singular chain such that $\bd x$ is adapted to $\cU$.
   839 Then $x$ is homotopic (rel boundary) to some $x' \in CD_k(X)$ which is adapted to $\cU$.
   840 \end{lemma}
   842 The proof will be given in Section \ref{fam_diff_sect}.
   844 \medskip
   846 Let $B_1, \ldots, B_m$ be a collection of disjoint balls in $X$ 
   847 (e.g.~the support of a blob diagram).
   848 We say that $f:P\times X\to X$ is {\it compatible} with $\{B_j\}$ if
   849 $f$ has support a disjoint collection of balls $D_i \sub X$ and for all $i$ and $j$
   850 either $B_j \sub D_i$ or $B_j \cap D_i = \emptyset$.
   851 A chain $x \in CD_k(X)$ is compatible with $\{B_j\}$ if it is a sum of singular cells, 
   852 each of which is compatible.
   853 (Note that we could strengthen the definition of compatibility to incorporate
   854 a factorization condition, similar to the definition of ``adapted to" above.
   855 The weaker definition given here will suffice for our needs below.)
   857 \begin{cor}  \label{extension_lemma_2}
   858 Let $x \in CD_k(X)$ be a singular chain such that $\bd x$ is compatible with $\{B_j\}$.
   859 Then $x$ is homotopic (rel boundary) to some $x' \in CD_k(X)$ which is compatible with $\{B_j\}$.
   860 \end{cor}
   861 \begin{proof}
   862 This will follow from Lemma \ref{extension_lemma} for 
   863 appropriate choice of cover $\cU = \{U_\alpha\}$.
   864 Let $U_{\alpha_1}, \ldots, U_{\alpha_k}$ be any $k$ open sets of $\cU$, and let
   865 $V_1, \ldots, V_m$ be the connected components of $U_{\alpha_1}\cup\cdots\cup U_{\alpha_k}$.
   866 Choose $\cU$ fine enough so that there exist disjoint balls $B'_j \sup B_j$ such that for all $i$ and $j$
   867 either $V_i \sub B'_j$ or $V_i \cap B'_j = \emptyset$.
   869 Apply Lemma \ref{extension_lemma} first to each singular cell $f_i$ of $\bd x$, 
   870 with the (compatible) support of $f_i$ in place of $X$.
   871 This insures that the resulting homotopy $h_i$ is compatible.
   872 Now apply Lemma \ref{extension_lemma} to $x + \sum h_i$.
   873 \nn{actually, need to start with the 0-skeleton of $\bd x$, then 1-skeleton, etc.; fix this}
   874 \end{proof}
   879 \section{Families of Diffeomorphisms}  \label{fam_diff_sect}
   882 Lo, the proof of Lemma (\ref{extension_lemma}):
   884 \nn{should this be an appendix instead?}
   886 \nn{for pedagogical reasons, should do $k=1,2$ cases first; probably do this in
   887 later draft}
   889 \nn{not sure what the best way to deal with boundary is; for now just give main argument, worry
   890 about boundary later}
   892 Recall that we are given 
   893 an open cover $\cU = \{U_\alpha\}$ and an
   894 $x \in CD_k(X)$ such that $\bd x$ is adapted to $\cU$.
   895 We must find a homotopy of $x$ (rel boundary) to some $x' \in CD_k(X)$ which is adapted to $\cU$.
   897 Let $\{r_\alpha : X \to [0,1]\}$ be a partition of unity for $\cU$.
   899 As a first approximation to the argument we will eventually make, let's replace $x$
   900 with a single singular cell 
   901 \eq{
   902 	f: P \times X \to X .
   903 }
   904 Also, we'll ignore for now issues around $\bd P$.
   906 Our homotopy will have the form
   907 \eqar{
   908 	F: I \times P \times X &\to& X \\
   909 	(t, p, x) &\mapsto& f(u(t, p, x), x)
   910 }
   911 for some function
   912 \eq{
   913 	u : I \times P \times X \to P .
   914 }
   915 First we describe $u$, then we argue that it does what we want it to do.
   917 For each cover index $\alpha$ choose a cell decomposition $K_\alpha$ of $P$.
   918 The various $K_\alpha$ should be in general position with respect to each other.
   919 We will see below that the $K_\alpha$'s need to be sufficiently fine in order
   920 to insure that $F$ above is a homotopy through diffeomorphisms of $X$ and not
   921 merely a homotopy through maps $X\to X$.
   923 Let $L$ be the union of all the $K_\alpha$'s.
   924 $L$ is itself a cell decomposition of $P$.
   925 \nn{next two sentences not needed?}
   926 To each cell $a$ of $L$ we associate the tuple $(c_\alpha)$,
   927 where $c_\alpha$ is the codimension of the cell of $K_\alpha$ which contains $c$.
   928 Since the $K_\alpha$'s are in general position, we have $\sum c_\alpha \le k$.
   930 Let $J$ denote the handle decomposition of $P$ corresponding to $L$.
   931 Each $i$-handle $C$ of $J$ has an $i$-dimensional tangential coordinate and,
   932 more importantly, a $k{-}i$-dimensional normal coordinate.
   934 For each $k$-cell $c$ of each $K_\alpha$, choose a point $p_c \in c \sub P$.
   935 Let $D$ be a $k$-handle of $J$, and let $d$ also denote the corresponding
   936 $k$-cell of $L$.
   937 To $D$ we associate the tuple $(c_\alpha)$ of $k$-cells of the $K_\alpha$'s
   938 which contain $d$, and also the corresponding tuple $(p_{c_\alpha})$ of points in $P$.
   940 For $p \in D$ we define
   941 \eq{
   942 	u(t, p, x) = (1-t)p + t \sum_\alpha r_\alpha(x) p_{c_\alpha} .
   943 }
   944 (Recall that $P$ is a single linear cell, so the weighted average of points of $P$
   945 makes sense.)
   947 So far we have defined $u(t, p, x)$ when $p$ lies in a $k$-handle of $J$.
   948 For handles of $J$ of index less than $k$, we will define $u$ to 
   949 interpolate between the values on $k$-handles defined above.
   951 If $p$ lies in a $k{-}1$-handle $E$, let $\eta : E \to [0,1]$ be the normal coordinate 
   952 of $E$.
   953 In particular, $\eta$ is equal to 0 or 1 only at the intersection of $E$
   954 with a $k$-handle.
   955 Let $\beta$ be the index of the $K_\beta$ containing the $k{-}1$-cell
   956 corresponding to $E$.
   957 Let $q_0, q_1 \in P$ be the points associated to the two $k$-cells of $K_\beta$
   958 adjacent to the $k{-}1$-cell corresponding to $E$.
   959 For $p \in E$, define
   960 \eq{
   961 	u(t, p, x) = (1-t)p + t \left( \sum_{\alpha \ne \beta} r_\alpha(x) p_{c_\alpha}
   962 			+ r_\beta(x) (\eta(p) q_1 + (1-\eta(p)) q_0) \right) .
   963 }
   965 In general, for $E$ a $k{-}j$-handle, there is a normal coordinate
   966 $\eta: E \to R$, where $R$ is some $j$-dimensional polyhedron.
   967 The vertices of $R$ are associated to $k$-cells of the $K_\alpha$, and thence to points of $P$.
   968 If we triangulate $R$ (without introducing new vertices), we can linearly extend
   969 a map from the the vertices of $R$ into $P$ to a map of all of $R$ into $P$.
   970 Let $\cN$ be the set of all $\beta$ for which $K_\beta$ has a $k$-cell whose boundary meets
   971 the $k{-}j$-cell corresponding to $E$.
   972 For each $\beta \in \cN$, let $\{q_{\beta i}\}$ be the set of points in $P$ associated to the aforementioned $k$-cells.
   973 Now define, for $p \in E$,
   974 \eq{
   975 	u(t, p, x) = (1-t)p + t \left( 
   976 			\sum_{\alpha \notin \cN} r_\alpha(x) p_{c_\alpha}
   977 				+ \sum_{\beta \in \cN} r_\beta(x) \left( \sum_i \eta_{\beta i}(p) \cdot q_{\beta i} \right)
   978 			 \right) .
   979 }
   980 Here $\eta_{\beta i}(p)$ is the weight given to $q_{\beta i}$ by the linear extension
   981 mentioned above.
   983 This completes the definition of $u: I \times P \times X \to P$.
   985 \medskip
   987 Next we verify that $u$ has the desired properties.
   989 Since $u(0, p, x) = p$ for all $p\in P$ and $x\in X$, $F(0, p, x) = f(p, x)$ for all $p$ and $x$.
   990 Therefore $F$ is a homotopy from $f$ to something.
   992 Next we show that the the $K_\alpha$'s are sufficiently fine cell decompositions,
   993 then $F$ is a homotopy through diffeomorphisms.
   994 We must show that the derivative $\pd{F}{x}(t, p, x)$ is non-singular for all $(t, p, x)$.
   995 We have
   996 \eq{
   997 %	\pd{F}{x}(t, p, x) = \pd{f}{x}(u(t, p, x), x) + \pd{f}{p}(u(t, p, x), x) \pd{u}{x}(t, p, x) .
   998 	\pd{F}{x} = \pd{f}{x} + \pd{f}{p} \pd{u}{x} .
   999 }
  1000 Since $f$ is a family of diffeomorphisms, $\pd{f}{x}$ is non-singular and
  1001 \nn{bounded away from zero, or something like that}.
  1002 (Recall that $X$ and $P$ are compact.)
  1003 Also, $\pd{f}{p}$ is bounded.
  1004 So if we can insure that $\pd{u}{x}$ is sufficiently small, we are done.
  1005 It follows from Equation xxxx above that $\pd{u}{x}$ depends on $\pd{r_\alpha}{x}$
  1006 and the differences amongst the various $p_{c_\alpha}$'s and $q_{\beta i}$'s.
  1007 These differences are small if the cell decompositions $K_\alpha$ are sufficiently fine.
  1008 This completes the proof that $F$ is a homotopy through diffeomorphisms.
  1010 \medskip
  1012 Next we show that for each handle $D \sub P$, $F(1, \cdot, \cdot) : D\times X \to X$
  1013 is a singular cell adapted to $\cU$.
  1014 This will complete the proof of the lemma.
  1015 \nn{except for boundary issues and the `$P$ is a cell' assumption}
  1017 Let $j$ be the codimension of $D$. 
  1018 (Or rather, the codimension of its corresponding cell.  From now on we will not make a distinction
  1019 between handle and corresponding cell.)
  1020 Then $j = j_1 + \cdots + j_m$, $0 \le m \le k$,
  1021 where the $j_i$'s are the codimensions of the $K_\alpha$
  1022 cells of codimension greater than 0 which intersect to form $D$.
  1023 We will show that
  1024 if the relevant $U_\alpha$'s are disjoint, then
  1025 $F(1, \cdot, \cdot) : D\times X \to X$
  1026 is a product of singular cells of dimensions $j_1, \ldots, j_m$.
  1027 If some of the relevant $U_\alpha$'s intersect, then we will get a product of singular
  1028 cells whose dimensions correspond to a partition of the $j_i$'s.
  1029 We will consider some simple special cases first, then do the general case.
  1031 First consider the case $j=0$ (and $m=0$).
  1032 A quick look at Equation xxxx above shows that $u(1, p, x)$, and hence $F(1, p, x)$,
  1033 is independent of $p \in P$.
  1034 So the corresponding map $D \to \Diff(X)$ is constant.
  1036 Next consider the case $j = 1$ (and $m=1$, $j_1=1$).
  1037 Now Equation yyyy applies.
  1038 We can write $D = D'\times I$, where the normal coordinate $\eta$ is constant on $D'$.
  1039 It follows that the singular cell $D \to \Diff(X)$ can be written as a product
  1040 of a constant map $D' \to \Diff(X)$ and a singular 1-cell $I \to \Diff(X)$.
  1041 The singular 1-cell is supported on $U_\beta$, since $r_\beta = 0$ outside of this set.
  1043 Next case: $j=2$, $m=1$, $j_1 = 2$.
  1044 This is similar to the previous case, except that the normal bundle is 2-dimensional instead of 
  1045 1-dimensional.
  1046 We have that $D \to \Diff(X)$ is a product of a constant singular $k{-}2$-cell
  1047 and a 2-cell with support $U_\beta$.
  1049 Next case: $j=2$, $m=2$, $j_1 = j_2 = 2$.
  1050 In this case the codimension 2 cell $D$ is the intersection of two
  1051 codimension 1 cells, from $K_\beta$ and $K_\gamma$.
  1052 We can write $D = D' \times I \times I$, where the normal coordinates are constant
  1053 on $D'$, and the two $I$ factors correspond to $\beta$ and $\gamma$.
  1054 If $U_\beta$ and $U_\gamma$ are disjoint, then we can factor $D$ into a constant $k{-}2$-cell and
  1055 two 1-cells, supported on $U_\beta$ and $U_\gamma$ respectively.
  1056 If $U_\beta$ and $U_\gamma$ intersect, then we can factor $D$ into a constant $k{-}2$-cell and
  1057 a 2-cell supported on $U_\beta \cup U_\gamma$.
  1058 \nn{need to check that this is true}
  1060 \nn{finally, general case...}
  1062 \nn{this completes proof}
  1067 \section{$A_\infty$ action on the boundary}
  1070 \section{Gluing}  \label{gluesect}
  1072 \section{Extension to ...}
  1074 (Need to let the input $n$-category $C$ be a graded thing 
  1075 (e.g.~DGA or $A_\infty$ $n$-category).)
  1078 \section{What else?...}
  1080 \begin{itemize}
  1081 \item Derive Hochschild standard results from blob point of view?
  1082 \item $n=2$ examples
  1083 \item Kh
  1084 \item dimension $n+1$
  1085 \item should be clear about PL vs Diff; probably PL is better
  1086 (or maybe not)
  1087 \item say what we mean by $n$-category, $A_\infty$ or $E_\infty$ $n$-category
  1088 \item something about higher derived coend things (derived 2-coend, e.g.)
  1089 \end{itemize}
  1093 \end{document}
  1097 %Recall that for $n$-category picture fields there is an evaluation map
  1098 %$m: \bc_0(B^n; c, c') \to \mor(c, c')$.
  1099 %If we regard $\mor(c, c')$ as a complex concentrated in degree 0, then this becomes a chain
  1100 %map $m: \bc_*(B^n; c, c') \to \mor(c, c')$.