changeset 491 045e01f63729
parent 489 bdbd890086eb
child 522 a60c035e53bd
--- a/text/intro.tex	Wed Jul 28 11:20:28 2010 -0700
+++ b/text/intro.tex	Wed Jul 28 11:26:41 2010 -0700
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
 \node[box] at (-4,\yb) (tC) {$C$ \\ a `traditional' \\ weak $n$-category};
 \node[box] at (\xa,\ya) (C) {$\cC$ \\ a topological \\ $n$-category};
 \node[box] at (\xb,\ya) (A) {$\underrightarrow{\cC}(M)$ \\ the (dual) TQFT \\ Hilbert space};
-\node[box] at (\xa,\yb) (FU) {$(\cF, \cU)$ \\ fields and\\ local relations};
+\node[box] at (\xa,\yb) (FU) {$(\cF, U)$ \\ fields and\\ local relations};
 \node[box] at (\xb,\yb) (BC) {$\bc_*(M; \cF)$ \\ the blob complex};
 \node[box] at (\xa,\yc) (Cs) {$\cC_*$ \\ an $A_\infty$ \\$n$-category};
 \node[box] at (\xb,\yc) (BCs) {$\underrightarrow{\cC_*}(M)$};
@@ -108,13 +108,13 @@
 \draw[->] (FU) -- node[below] {blob complex \\ for $M$} (BC);
 \draw[->] (Cs) -- node[above] {$\displaystyle \hocolim_{\cell(M)} \cC_*$} node[below] {\S \ref{ss:ncat_fields}} (BCs);
-\draw[->] (FU) -- node[right=10pt] {$\cF(M)/\cU$} (A);
+\draw[->] (FU) -- node[right=10pt] {$\cF(M)/U$} (A);
 \draw[->] (tC) -- node[above] {Example \ref{ex:traditional-n-categories(fields)}} (FU);
 \draw[->] (C.-100) -- node[left] {
 	\S \ref{ss:ncat_fields}
-	%$\displaystyle \cF(M) = \DirectSum_{c \in\cell(M)} \cC(c)$ \\ $\displaystyle \cU(B) = \DirectSum_{c \in \cell(B)} \ker \ev: \cC(c) \to \cC(B)$
+	%$\displaystyle \cF(M) = \DirectSum_{c \in\cell(M)} \cC(c)$ \\ $\displaystyle U(B) = \DirectSum_{c \in \cell(B)} \ker \ev: \cC(c) \to \cC(B)$
    } (FU.100);
 \draw[->] (C) -- node[above left=3pt] {restrict to \\ standard balls} (tC);
 \draw[->] (FU.80) -- node[right] {restrict \\ to balls} (C.-80);