author Scott Morrison <scott@tqft.net>
Wed, 02 Jun 2010 11:45:19 -0700
changeset 321 76c301fdf0a2
parent 320 4b64f9c6313f
child 322 091c36b943e7
permissions -rw-r--r--
some changes to blobdef, in particular indexing starts at 1 now

%!TEX root = ../blob1.tex

\section{The blob complex for $A_\infty$ $n$-categories}

Given an $A_\infty$ $n$-category $\cC$ and an $n$-manifold $M$, we define the blob
complex $\bc_*(M)$ to the be the homotopy colimit $\cC(M)$ of Section \ref{sec:ncats}.
\nn{say something about this being anticlimatically tautological?}
We will show below 
in Corollary \ref{cor:new-old}
that this agrees (up to homotopy) with our original definition of the blob complex
in the case of plain $n$-categories.
When we need to distinguish between the new and old definitions, we will refer to the 
new-fangled and old-fashioned blob complex.


An important technical tool in the proofs of this section is provided by the idea of `small blobs'.
Fix $\cU$, an open cover of $M$. Define the `small blob complex' $\bc^{\cU}_*(M)$ to be the subcomplex of $\bc_*(M)$ of all blob diagrams in which every blob is contained in some open set of $\cU$. 
\nn{KW: We need something a little stronger: Every blob diagram (even a 0-blob diagram) is splittable into pieces which are small w.r.t.\ $\cU$.
If field have potentially large coupons/boxes, then this is a non-trivial constraint.
On the other hand, we could probably get away with ignoring this point.
Maybe the exposition will be better if we sweep this technical detail under the rug?}

\begin{thm}[Small blobs] \label{thm:small-blobs}
The inclusion $i: \bc^{\cU}_*(M) \into \bc_*(M)$ is a homotopy equivalence.
The proof appears in \S \ref{appendix:small-blobs}.

\subsection{A product formula}

Let $Y$ be a $k$-manifold, $F$ be an $n{-}k$-manifold, and 
	E = Y\times F .
Let $\cC$ be an $n$-category.
Let $\cF$ be the $k$-category of Example \ref{ex:blob-complexes-of-balls}, 
	\cF(X) = \cC(X\times F)
for $X$ an $m$-ball with $m\le k$.

\nn{need to settle on notation; proof and statement are inconsistent}

\begin{thm} \label{product_thm}
Given a topological $n$-category $C$ and a $n{-}k$-manifold $F$, recall from Example \ref{ex:blob-complexes-of-balls} that there is an  $A_\infty$ $k$-category $C^{\times F}$ defined by
C^{\times F}(B) = \cB_*(B \times F, C).
Now, given a $k$-manifold $Y$, there is a homotopy equivalence between the `old-fashioned' blob complex for $Y \times F$ with coefficients in $C$ and the `new-fangled' (i.e.\ homotopy colimit) blob complex for $Y$ with coefficients in $C^{\times F}$:
\cB_*(Y \times F, C) & \htpy \cB_*(Y, C^{\times F})

\begin{proof}%[Proof of Theorem \ref{product_thm}]
We will use the concrete description of the colimit from Subsection \ref{ss:ncat_fields}.

First we define a map 
	\psi: \bc_*^\cF(Y) \to \bc_*^C(Y\times F) .
In filtration degree 0 we just glue together the various blob diagrams on $X\times F$
(where $X$ is a component of a permissible decomposition of $Y$) to get a blob diagram on
$Y\times F$.
In filtration degrees 1 and higher we define the map to be zero.
It is easy to check that this is a chain map.

In the other direction, we will define a subcomplex $G_*\sub \bc_*^C(Y\times F)$
and a map
	\phi: G_* \to \bc_*^\cF(Y) .

Given a decomposition $K$ of $Y$ into $k$-balls $X_i$, let $K\times F$ denote the corresponding
decomposition of $Y\times F$ into the pieces $X_i\times F$.

Let $G_*\sub \bc_*^C(Y\times F)$ be the subcomplex generated by blob diagrams $a$ such that there
exists a decomposition $K$ of $Y$ such that $a$ splits along $K\times F$.
It follows from Proposition \ref{thm:small-blobs} that $\bc_*^C(Y\times F)$ is homotopic to a subcomplex of $G_*$.
(If the blobs of $a$ are small with respect to a sufficiently fine cover then their
projections to $Y$ are contained in some disjoint union of balls.)
Note that the image of $\psi$ is contained in $G_*$.
(In fact, equal to $G_*$.)

We will define $\phi: G_* \to \bc_*^\cF(Y)$ using the method of acyclic models.
Let $a$ be a generator of $G_*$.
Let $D(a)$ denote the subcomplex of $\bc_*^\cF(Y)$ generated by all $(a, \ol{K})$
such that $a$ splits along each $K_i\times F$.
(Recall that $\ol{K} = (K_0,\ldots,K_l)$ denotes a chain of decompositions;
see Subsection \ref{ss:ncat_fields}.)
\nn{need to define $D(a)$ more clearly; also includes $(b_j, \ol{K})$ where
$\bd(a) = \sum b_j$.}
(By $(a, \ol{K})$ we really mean $(a^\sharp, \ol{K})$, where $a^\sharp$ is 
$a$ split according to $K_0\times F$.
To simplify notation we will just write plain $a$ instead of $a^\sharp$.)
Roughly speaking, $D(a)$ consists of filtration degree 0 stuff which glues up to give
$a$, filtration degree 1 stuff which makes all of the filtration degree 0 stuff homologous, 
filtration degree 2 stuff which kills the homology created by the 
filtration degree 1 stuff, and so on.
More formally,
$D(a)$ is acyclic.

We will prove acyclicity in the first couple of degrees, and \nn{in this draft, at least}
leave the general case to the reader.

Let $K$ and $K'$ be two decompositions of $Y$ compatible with $a$.
We want to show that $(a, K)$ and $(a, K')$ are homologous via filtration degree 1 stuff.
\nn{need to say this better; these two chains don't have the same boundary.}
We might hope that $K$ and $K'$ have a common refinement, but this is not necessarily
the case.
(Consider the $x$-axis and the graph of $y = x^2\sin(1/x)$ in $\r^2$.)
However, we {\it can} find another decomposition $L$ such that $L$ shares common
refinements with both $K$ and $K'$.
Let $KL$ and $K'L$ denote these two refinements.
Then filtration degree 1 chains associated to the four anti-refinemnts
$KL\to K$, $KL\to L$, $K'L\to L$ and $K'L\to K'$
give the desired chain connecting $(a, K)$ and $(a, K')$
(see Figure \ref{zzz4}).

\foreach \x/\label in {-3/K, 0/L, 3/K'} {
	\node(\label) at (\x,0) {$\label$};
\foreach \x/\la/\lb in {-1.5/K/L, 1.5/K'/L} {
	\node(\la \lb) at (\x,-1.5) {$\la \lb$};
	\draw[->] (\la \lb) -- (\la);
	\draw[->] (\la \lb) -- (\lb); 
\caption{Connecting $K$ and $K'$ via $L$}

Consider a different choice of decomposition $L'$ in place of $L$ above.
This leads to a cycle consisting of filtration degree 1 stuff.
We want to show that this cycle bounds a chain of filtration degree 2 stuff.
Choose a decomposition $M$ which has common refinements with each of 
$K$, $KL$, $L$, $K'L$, $K'$, $K'L'$, $L'$ and $KL'$.
\nn{need to also require that $KLM$ antirefines to $KM$, etc.}
Then we have a filtration degree 2 chain, as shown in Figure \ref{zzz5}, which does the trick.
(Each small triangle in Figure \ref{zzz5} can be filled with a filtration degree 2 chain.)

\node(M) at (0,0) {$M$};
\foreach \angle/\label in {0/K', 45/K'L, 90/L, 135/KL, 180/K, 225/KL', 270/L', 315/K'L'} {
	\node(\label) at (\angle:4) {$\label$};
\foreach \label in {K', L, K, L'} {
	\node(\label M) at ($(M)!0.6!(\label)$) {$\label M$};
	\draw[->] (\label M)--(M);
	\draw[->] (\label M)--(\label);
\foreach \k in {K, K'} {
	\foreach \l in {L, L'} {
		\node(\k \l M) at (intersection cs: first line={(\k M)--(\l)}, second line={(\l M)--(\k)}) {$\k \l M$};
		\draw[->] (\k \l M)--(M);
		\draw[->] (\k \l M)--(\k \l );
		\draw[->] (\k \l M)--(\k M);
		\draw[->] (\k \l M)--(\l);
		\draw[->] (\k \l M)--(\l M);
		\draw[->] (\k \l M)--(\k);
\draw[->] (K'L') to[bend right=10] (K');
\draw[->] (K'L') to[bend left=10] (L');
\draw[->] (KL') to[bend left=10] (K);
\draw[->] (KL') to[bend right=10] (L');
\draw[->] (K'L) to[bend left=10] (K');
\draw[->] (K'L) to[bend right=10] (L);
\draw[->] (KL) to[bend right=10] (K);
\draw[->] (KL) to[bend left=10] (L);
\caption{Filling in $K$-$KL$-$L$-$K'L$-$K'$-$K'L'$-$L'$-$KL'$-$K$}

Continuing in this way we see that $D(a)$ is acyclic.

We are now in a position to apply the method of acyclic models to get a map
$\phi:G_* \to \bc_*^\cF(Y)$.
We may assume that $\phi(a)$ has the form $(a, K) + r$, where $(a, K)$ is in filtration degree zero
and $r$ has filtration degree greater than zero.

We now show that $\phi\circ\psi$ and $\psi\circ\phi$ are homotopic to the identity.

$\psi\circ\phi$ is the identity on the nose:
	\psi(\phi(a)) = \psi((a,K)) + \psi(r) = a + 0.
Roughly speaking, $(a, K)$ is just $a$ chopped up into little pieces, and 
$\psi$ glues those pieces back together, yielding $a$.
We have $\psi(r) = 0$ since $\psi$ is zero in positive filtration degrees.
$\phi\circ\psi$ is the identity up to homotopy by another MoAM argument.
To each generator $(a, \ol{K})$ of we associated the acyclic subcomplex $D(a)$ defined above.
Both the identity map and $\phi\circ\psi$ are compatible with this
collection of acyclic subcomplexes, so by the usual MoAM argument these two maps
are homotopic.

This concludes the proof of Theorem \ref{product_thm}.

\nn{need to say something about dim $< n$ above}


The new-fangled and old-fashioned blob complexes are homotopic.
Apply Theorem \ref{product_thm} with the fiber $F$ equal to a point.


Theorem \ref{product_thm} extends to the case of general fiber bundles
	F \to E \to Y .
We outline two approaches.

We can generalize the definition of a $k$-category by replacing the categories
of $j$-balls ($j\le k$) with categories of $j$-balls $D$ equipped with a map $p:D\to Y$.
\nn{need citation to other work that does this; Stolz and Teichner?}
Call this a $k$-category over $Y$.
A fiber bundle $F\to E\to Y$ gives an example of a $k$-category over $Y$:
assign to $p:D\to Y$ the blob complex $\bc_*(p^*(E))$.
Let $\cF_E$ denote this $k$-category over $Y$.
We can adapt the homotopy colimit construction (based decompositions of $Y$ into balls) to
get a chain complex $\cF_E(Y)$.
The proof of Theorem \ref{product_thm} goes through essentially unchanged 
to show that
	\bc_*(E) \simeq \cF_E(Y) .

\nn{The second approach: Choose a decomposition $Y = \cup X_i$
such that the restriction of $E$ to $X_i$ is a product $F\times X_i$.
Choose the product structure as well.
To each codim-1 face $D_i\cap D_j$ we have a bimodule ($S^0$-module).
And more generally to each codim-$j$ face we have an $S^{j-1}$-module.
Decorate the decomposition with these modules and do the colimit.

\nn{There is a version of this last construction for arbitrary maps $E \to Y$
(not necessarily a fibration).}

\subsection{A gluing theorem}

Next we prove a gluing theorem.
Let $X$ be a closed $k$-manifold with a splitting $X = X'_1\cup_Y X'_2$.
We will need an explicit collar on $Y$, so rewrite this as
$X = X_1\cup (Y\times J) \cup X_2$.
\nn{need figure}
Given this data we have: \nn{need refs to above for these}
\item An $A_\infty$ $n{-}k$-category $\bc(X)$, which assigns to an $m$-ball
$D$ fields on $D\times X$ (for $m+k < n$) or the blob complex $\bc_*(D\times X; c)$
(for $m+k = n$). \nn{need to explain $c$}.
\item An $A_\infty$ $n{-}k{+}1$-category $\bc(Y)$, defined similarly.
\item Two $\bc(Y)$ modules $\bc(X_1)$ and $\bc(X_2)$, which assign to a marked
$m$-ball $(D, H)$ either fields on $(D\times Y) \cup (H\times X_i)$ (if $m+k < n$)
or the blob complex $\bc_*((D\times Y) \cup (H\times X_i))$ (if $m+k = n$).

$\bc(X) \cong \bc(X_1) \otimes_{\bc(Y), J} \bc(X_2)$.

The proof is similar to that of Theorem \ref{product_thm}.
\nn{need to say something about dimensions less than $n$, 
but for now concentrate on top dimension.}

Let $\cT$ denote the $n{-}k$-category $\bc(X_1) \otimes_{\bc(Y), J} \bc(X_2)$.
Let $D$ be an $n{-}k$-ball.
There is an obvious map from $\cT(D)$ to $\bc_*(D\times X)$.
To get a map in the other direction, we replace $\bc_*(D\times X)$ with a subcomplex
$\cS_*$ which is adapted to a fine open cover of $D\times X$.
For sufficiently small $j$ (depending on the cover), we can find, for each $j$-blob diagram $b$
on $D\times X$, a decomposition of $J$ such that $b$ splits on the corresponding
decomposition of $D\times X$.
The proof that these two maps are inverse to each other is the same as in
Theorem \ref{product_thm}.

This establishes Property \ref{property:gluing}.


\subsection{Reconstructing mapping spaces}

The next theorem shows how to reconstruct a mapping space from local data.
Let $T$ be a topological space, let $M$ be an $n$-manifold, 
and recall the $A_\infty$ $n$-category $\pi^\infty_{\leq n}(T)$ 
of Example \ref{ex:chains-of-maps-to-a-space}.
Think of $\pi^\infty_{\leq n}(T)$ as encoding everything you would ever
want to know about spaces of maps of $k$-balls into $T$ ($k\le n$).
To simplify notation, let $\cT = \pi^\infty_{\leq n}(T)$.

\begin{thm} \label{thm:map-recon}
The blob complex for $M$ with coefficients in the fundamental $A_\infty$ $n$-category for $T$ is quasi-isomorphic to singular chains on maps from $M$ to $T$.
$$\cB^\cT(M) \simeq C_*(\Maps(M\to T)).$$
\nn{This just isn't true, Lurie doesn't do this! I just heard this from Ricardo...}
Lurie has shown in \cite{0911.0018} that the topological chiral homology of an $n$-manifold $M$ with coefficients in \nn{a certain $E_n$ algebra constructed from $T$} recovers  the same space of singular chains on maps from $M$ to $T$, with the additional hypothesis that $T$ is $n-1$-connected. This extra hypothesis is not surprising, in view of the idea that an $E_n$ algebra is roughly equivalent data as an $A_\infty$ $n$-category which is trivial at all but the topmost level.

We begin by constructing chain map $g: \cB^\cT(M) \to C_*(\Maps(M\to T))$.
We then use \ref{extension_lemma_b} to show that $g$ induces isomorphisms on homology.

Recall that the homotopy colimit $\cB^\cT(M)$ is constructed out of a series of
$j$-fold mapping cylinders, $j \ge 0$.
So, as an abelian group (but not as a chain complex), 
	\cB^\cT(M) = \bigoplus_{j\ge 0} C^j,
where $C^j$ denotes the new chains introduced by the $j$-fold mapping cylinders.

Recall that $C^0$ is a direct sum of chain complexes with the summands indexed by
decompositions of $M$ which have their $n{-}1$-skeletons labeled by $n{-}1$-morphisms
of $\cT$.
Since $\cT = \pi^\infty_{\leq n}(T)$, this means that the summands are indexed by pairs
$(K, \vphi)$, where $K$ is a decomposition of $M$ and $\vphi$ is a continuous
maps from the $n{-}1$-skeleton of $K$ to $T$.
The summand indexed by $(K, \vphi)$ is
	\bigotimes_b D_*(b, \vphi),
where $b$ runs through the $n$-cells of $K$ and $D_*(b, \vphi)$ denotes
chains of maps from $b$ to $T$ compatible with $\vphi$.
We can take the product of these chains of maps to get a chains of maps from
all of $M$ to $K$.
This defines $g$ on $C^0$.

We define $g(C^j) = 0$ for $j > 0$.
It is not hard to see that this defines a chain map from 
$\cB^\cT(M)$ to $C_*(\Maps(M\to T))$.

Next we show that $g$ induces a surjection on homology.
Fix $k > 0$ and choose an open cover $\cU$ of $M$ fine enough so that the union 
of any $k$ open sets of $\cU$ is contained in a disjoint union of balls in $M$.
\nn{maybe should refer to elsewhere in this paper where we made a very similar argument}
Let $S_*$ be the subcomplex of $C_*(\Maps(M\to T))$ generated by chains adapted to $\cU$.
It follows from Lemma \ref{extension_lemma_b} that $C_*(\Maps(M\to T))$
retracts onto $S_*$.

Let $S_{\le k}$ denote the chains of $S_*$ of degree less than or equal to $k$.
We claim that $S_{\le k}$ lies in the image of $g$.
Let $c$ be a generator of $S_{\le k}$ --- that is, a $j$-parameter family of maps $M\to T$,
$j \le k$.
We chose $\cU$ fine enough so that the support of $c$ is contained in a disjoint union of balls
in $M$.
It follow that we can choose a decomposition $K$ of $M$ so that the support of $c$ is 
disjoint from the $n{-}1$-skeleton of $K$.
It is now easy to see that $c$ is in the image of $g$.

Next we show that $g$ is injective on homology.



\nn{maybe should also mention version where we enrich over
spaces rather than chain complexes; should comment on Lurie's \cite{0911.0018} (and others') similar result
for the $E_\infty$ case, and mention that our version does not require 
any connectivity assumptions}


\nn{to be continued...}
\nn{still to do: fiber bundles, general maps}

Various citations we might want to make:
\item \cite{MR2061854} McClure and Smith's review article
\item \cite{MR0420610} May, (inter alia, definition of $E_\infty$ operad)
\item \cite{MR0236922,MR0420609} Boardman and Vogt
\item \cite{MR1256989} definition of framed little-discs operad

We now turn to establishing the gluing formula for blob homology, restated from Property \ref{property:gluing} in the Introduction
%\mbox{}% <-- gets the indenting right
\item For any $(n-1)$-manifold $Y$, the blob homology of $Y \times I$ is
naturally an $A_\infty$ category. % We'll write $\bc_*(Y)$ for $\bc_*(Y \times I)$ below.

\item For any $n$-manifold $X$, with $Y$ a codimension $0$-submanifold of its boundary, the blob homology of $X$ is naturally an
$A_\infty$ module for $\bc_*(Y \times I)$.

\item For any $n$-manifold $X$, with $Y \cup Y^{\text{op}}$ a codimension
$0$-submanifold of its boundary, the blob homology of $X'$, obtained from
$X$ by gluing along $Y$, is the $A_\infty$ self-tensor product of
$\bc_*(X)$ as an $\bc_*(Y \times I)$-bimodule.
\bc_*(X') \iso \bc_*(X) \Tensor^{A_\infty}_{\mathclap{\bc_*(Y \times I)}} \!\!\!\!\!\!\xymatrix{ \ar@(ru,rd)@<-1ex>[]}