author Scott Morrison <scott@tqft.net>
Sat, 26 Jun 2010 16:31:28 -0700
changeset 400 a02a6158f3bd
parent 342 1d76e832d32f
child 403 ef36cdefb130
permissions -rw-r--r--
Breaking up 'properties' in the intro into smaller subsections, converting many properties back to theorems, and numbering according to where they occur in the text. Not completely done, e.g. the action map which needs statements made consistent.

%!TEX root = ../blob1.tex

\section{Basic properties of the blob complex}

In this section we complete the proofs of Properties 2-4.
Throughout the paper, where possible, we prove results using Properties 1-4, 
rather than the actual definition of blob homology.
This allows the possibility of future improvements to or alternatives on our definition.
In fact, we hope that there may be a characterisation of blob homology in 
terms of Properties 1-4, but at this point we are unaware of one.

Recall Property \ref{property:disjoint-union}, 
that there is a natural isomorphism $\bc_*(X \du Y) \cong \bc_*(X) \otimes \bc_*(Y)$.

\begin{proof}[Proof of Property \ref{property:disjoint-union}]
Given blob diagrams $b_1$ on $X$ and $b_2$ on $Y$, we can combine them
(putting the $b_1$ blobs before the $b_2$ blobs in the ordering) to get a
blob diagram $(b_1, b_2)$ on $X \du Y$.
Because of the blob reordering relations, all blob diagrams on $X \du Y$ arise this way.
In the other direction, any blob diagram on $X\du Y$ is equal (up to sign)
to one that puts $X$ blobs before $Y$ blobs in the ordering, and so determines
a pair of blob diagrams on $X$ and $Y$.
These two maps are compatible with our sign conventions.
(We follow the usual convention for tensors products of complexes, 
as in e.g. \cite{MR1438306}: $d(a \tensor b) = da \tensor b + (-1)^{\deg(a)} a \tensor db$.)
The two maps are inverses of each other.

For the next proposition we will temporarily restore $n$-manifold boundary
conditions to the notation.

Suppose that for all $c \in \cC(\bd B^n)$
we have a splitting $s: H_0(\bc_*(B^n, c)) \to \bc_0(B^n; c)$
of the quotient map
$p: \bc_0(B^n; c) \to H_0(\bc_*(B^n, c))$.
For example, this is always the case if the coefficient ring is a field.
\begin{prop} \label{bcontract}
For all $c \in \cC(\bd B^n)$ the natural map $p: \bc_*(B^n, c) \to H_0(\bc_*(B^n, c))$
is a chain homotopy equivalence
with inverse $s: H_0(\bc_*(B^n, c)) \to \bc_*(B^n; c)$.
Here we think of $H_0(\bc_*(B^n, c))$ as a 1-step complex concentrated in degree 0.
By assumption $p\circ s = \id$, so all that remains is to find a degree 1 map
$h : \bc_*(B^n; c) \to \bc_*(B^n; c)$ such that $\bd h + h\bd = \id - s \circ p$.
For $i \ge 1$, define $h_i : \bc_i(B^n; c) \to \bc_{i+1}(B^n; c)$ by adding
an $(i{+}1)$-st blob equal to all of $B^n$.
In other words, add a new outermost blob which encloses all of the others.
Define $h_0 : \bc_0(B^n; c) \to \bc_1(B^n; c)$ by setting $h_0(x)$ equal to
the 1-blob with blob $B^n$ and label $x - s(p(x)) \in U(B^n; c)$.
This proves Property \ref{property:contractibility} (the second half of the 
statement of this Property was immediate from the definitions).
Note that even when there is no splitting $s$, we can let $h_0 = 0$ and get a homotopy
equivalence to the 2-step complex $U(B^n; c) \to \cC(B^n; c)$.

For fields based on $n$-categories, $H_0(\bc_*(B^n; c)) \cong \mor(c', c'')$,
where $(c', c'')$ is some (any) splitting of $c$ into domain and range.

\begin{cor} \label{disj-union-contract}
If $X$ is a disjoint union of $n$-balls, then $\bc_*(X; c)$ is contractible.

This follows from Properties \ref{property:disjoint-union} and \ref{property:contractibility}.

Define the {\it support} of a blob diagram to be the union of all the 
blobs of the diagram.
Define the support of a linear combination of blob diagrams to be the union of the 
supports of the constituent diagrams.
For future use we prove the following lemma.

\begin{lemma} \label{support-shrink}
Let $L_* \sub \bc_*(X)$ be a subcomplex generated by some
subset of the blob diagrams on $X$, and let $f: L_* \to L_*$
be a chain map which does not increase supports and which induces an isomorphism on
Then $f$ is homotopic (in $\bc_*(X)$) to the identity $L_*\to L_*$.

We will use the method of acyclic models.
Let $b$ be a blob diagram of $L_*$, let $S\sub X$ be the support of $b$, and let
$r$ be the restriction of $b$ to $X\setminus S$.
Note that $S$ is a disjoint union of balls.
Assign to $b$ the acyclic (in positive degrees) subcomplex $T(b) \deq r\bullet\bc_*(S)$.
note that if a diagram $b'$ is part of $\bd b$ then $T(B') \sub T(b)$.
Both $f$ and the identity are compatible with $T$ (in the sense of acyclic models), 
so $f$ and the identity map are homotopic.

For the next proposition we will temporarily restore $n$-manifold boundary
conditions to the notation.

Let $X$ be an $n$-manifold, $\bd X = Y \cup (-Y) \cup Z$.
Gluing the two copies of $Y$ together yields an $n$-manifold $X\sgl$
with boundary $Z\sgl$.
Given compatible fields (boundary conditions) $a$, $b$ and $c$ on $Y$, $-Y$ and $Z$,
we have the blob complex $\bc_*(X; a, b, c)$.
If $b = -a$ (the orientation reversal of $a$), then we can glue up blob diagrams on
$X$ to get blob diagrams on $X\sgl$.
This proves Property \ref{property:gluing-map}, which we restate here in more detail.

\textbf{Property \ref{property:gluing-map}.}\emph{
There is a natural chain map
    \gl: \bigoplus_a \bc_*(X; a, -a, c) \to \bc_*(X\sgl; c\sgl).
The sum is over all fields $a$ on $Y$ compatible at their
($n{-}2$-dimensional) boundaries with $c$.
`Natural' means natural with respect to the actions of diffeomorphisms.

This map is very far from being an isomorphism, even on homology.
We fix this deficit in Section \ref{sec:gluing} below.