blob to-do
author Kevin Walker <>
Wed, 01 Jun 2011 15:04:31 -0600
changeset 791 c5a33223af00
parent 790 ec8587c33c0b
child 792 966a571daa10
permissions -rw-r--r--
adding remarks on objects to C.1; this is pretty uninspired writing, so feel free to improve

* extend localization lemma to (topological) homeos

* lemma [inject  6.3.5?] assumes more splittablity than the axioms imply (?)

* Consider moving A_\infty stuff to a subsection

* consider putting conditions for enriched n-cat all in one place

* Peter's suggestion for A_inf definition

* Boundary of colimit -- not so easy to see!

* ** new material in colimit section needs a proof-read

* In the appendix on n=1, explain more about orientations. Also say
what happens on objects for spin manifolds: the unique point has an
automorphism, which translates into a involution on objects. Mention
super-stuff. [partly done]

* should probably allow product things \pi^*(b) to be defined only when b is appropriately splittable

* framings and duality -- work out what's going on! (alternatively, vague-ify current statement)

* make sure we are clear that boundary = germ

* review colors in figures

* maybe say something in colimit section about restriction to submanifolds and submanifolds of boundary (we use this in n-cat axioms)

* ? define Morita equivalence?

* consider proving the gluing formula for higher codimension manifolds with
morita equivalence

* SCOTT will go through appendix C.2 and make it better

* SCOTT: typo in delfig3a -- upper g should be g^{-1}

* SCOTT: make sure acknowledge list doesn't omit anyone from blob seminar who should be included (I think I have all the speakers; does anyone other than the speakers rate a mention?)

* SCOTT: figure for example 3.1.2 (sin 1/z)

* SCOTT: add vertical arrow to middle of figure 19 (decomp poset)

* SCOTT: review/proof-read recent KW changes