diff -r 15b13864b02e -r 7340ab80db25 text/hochschild.tex --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/text/hochschild.tex Sun Jun 08 21:34:46 2008 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ +In this section we analyze the blob complex in dimension $n=1$ +and find that for $S^1$ the homology of the blob complex is the +Hochschild homology of the category (algebroid) that we started with. +\nn{or maybe say here that the complexes are quasi-isomorphic? in general, +should perhaps put more emphasis on the complexes and less on the homology.} + +Notation: $HB_i(X) = H_i(\bc_*(X))$. + +Let us first note that there is no loss of generality in assuming that our system of +fields comes from a category. +(Or maybe (???) there {\it is} a loss of generality. +Given any system of fields, $A(I; a, b) = \cC(I; a, b)/U(I; a, b)$ can be +thought of as the morphisms of a 1-category $C$. +More specifically, the objects of $C$ are $\cC(pt)$, the morphisms from $a$ to $b$ +are $A(I; a, b)$, and composition is given by gluing. +If we instead take our fields to be $C$-pictures, the $\cC(pt)$ does not change +and neither does $A(I; a, b) = HB_0(I; a, b)$. +But what about $HB_i(I; a, b)$ for $i > 0$? +Might these higher blob homology groups be different? +Seems unlikely, but I don't feel like trying to prove it at the moment. +In any case, we'll concentrate on the case of fields based on 1-category +pictures for the rest of this section.) + +(Another question: $\bc_*(I)$ is an $A_\infty$-category. +How general of an $A_\infty$-category is it? +Given an arbitrary $A_\infty$-category can one find fields and local relations so +that $\bc_*(I)$ is in some sense equivalent to the original $A_\infty$-category? +Probably not, unless we generalize to the case where $n$-morphisms are complexes.) + +Continuing... + +Let $C$ be a *-1-category. +Then specializing the definitions from above to the case $n=1$ we have: +\begin{itemize} +\item $\cC(pt) = \ob(C)$ . +\item Let $R$ be a 1-manifold and $c \in \cC(\bd R)$. +Then an element of $\cC(R; c)$ is a collection of (transversely oriented) +points in the interior +of $R$, each labeled by a morphism of $C$. +The intervals between the points are labeled by objects of $C$, consistent with +the boundary condition $c$ and the domains and ranges of the point labels. +\item There is an evaluation map $e: \cC(I; a, b) \to \mor(a, b)$ given by +composing the morphism labels of the points. +Note that we also need the * of *-1-category here in order to make all the morphisms point +the same way. +\item For $x \in \mor(a, b)$ let $\chi(x) \in \cC(I; a, b)$ be the field with a single +point (at some standard location) labeled by $x$. +Then the kernel of the evaluation map $U(I; a, b)$ is generated by things of the +form $y - \chi(e(y))$. +Thus we can, if we choose, restrict the blob twig labels to things of this form. +\end{itemize} + +We want to show that $HB_*(S^1)$ is naturally isomorphic to the +Hochschild homology of $C$. +\nn{Or better that the complexes are homotopic +or quasi-isomorphic.} +In order to prove this we will need to extend the blob complex to allow points to also +be labeled by elements of $C$-$C$-bimodules. +%Given an interval (1-ball) so labeled, there is an evaluation map to some tensor product +%(over $C$) of $C$-$C$-bimodules. +%Define the local relations $U(I; a, b)$ to be the direct sum of the kernels of these maps. +%Now we can define the blob complex for $S^1$. +%This complex is the sum of complexes with a fixed cyclic tuple of bimodules present. +%If $M$ is a $C$-$C$-bimodule, let $G_*(M)$ denote the summand of $\bc_*(S^1)$ corresponding +%to the cyclic 1-tuple $(M)$. +%In other words, $G_*(M)$ is a blob-like complex where exactly one point is labeled +%by an element of $M$ and the remaining points are labeled by morphisms of $C$. +%It's clear that $G_*(C)$ is isomorphic to the original bimodule-less +%blob complex for $S^1$. +%\nn{Is it really so clear? Should say more.} + +%\nn{alternative to the above paragraph:} +Fix points $p_1, \ldots, p_k \in S^1$ and $C$-$C$-bimodules $M_1, \ldots M_k$. +We define a blob-like complex $F_*(S^1, (p_i), (M_i))$. +The fields have elements of $M_i$ labeling $p_i$ and elements of $C$ labeling +other points. +The blob twig labels lie in kernels of evaluation maps. +(The range of these evaluation maps is a tensor product (over $C$) of $M_i$'s.) +Let $F_*(M) = F_*(S^1, (*), (M))$, where $* \in S^1$ is some standard base point. +In other words, fields for $F_*(M)$ have an element of $M$ at the fixed point $*$ +and elements of $C$ at variable other points. + +\todo{Some orphaned questions:} +\nn{Or maybe we should claim that $M \to F_*(M)$ is the/a derived coend. +Or maybe that $F_*(M)$ is quasi-isomorphic (or perhaps homotopic) to the Hochschild +complex of $M$.} + +\nn{What else needs to be said to establish quasi-isomorphism to Hochschild complex? +Do we need a map from hoch to blob? +Does the above exactness and contractibility guarantee such a map without writing it +down explicitly? +Probably it's worth writing down an explicit map even if we don't need to.} + + +We claim that +\begin{thm} +The blob complex $\bc_*(S^1; C)$ on the circle is quasi-isomorphic to the +usual Hochschild complex for $C$. +\end{thm} + +This follows from two results. First, we see that +\begin{lem} +\label{lem:module-blob}% +The complex $F_*(C)$ (here $C$ is being thought of as a +$C$-$C$-bimodule, not a category) is quasi-isomorphic to the blob complex +$\bc_*(S^1; C)$. (Proof later.) +\end{lem} + +Next, we show that for any $C$-$C$-bimodule $M$, +\begin{prop} +The complex $F_*(M)$ is quasi-isomorphic to $HC_*(M)$, the usual +Hochschild complex of $M$. +\end{prop} +\begin{proof} +First, since we're working over $\Complex$, note that saying two complexes are quasi-isomorphic simply means they have isomorphic homologies. +\todo{We really don't want to work over $\Complex$, though; it would be nice to talk about torsion!} + +Recall that the usual Hochschild complex of $M$ is uniquely determined, up to quasi-isomorphism, by the following properties: +\begin{enumerate} +\item \label{item:hochschild-additive}% +$HC_*(M_1 \oplus M_2) \cong HC_*(M_1) \oplus HC_*(M_2)$. +\item \label{item:hochschild-exact}% +An exact sequence $0 \to M_1 \into M_2 \onto M_3 \to 0$ gives rise to an +exact sequence $0 \to HC_*(M_1) \into HC_*(M_2) \onto HC_*(M_3) \to 0$. +\item \label{item:hochschild-free}% +$HC_*(C\otimes C)$ (the free $C$-$C$-bimodule with one generator) is +quasi-isomorphic to the 0-step complex $C$. +\item \label{item:hochschild-coinvariants}% +$HH_0(M)$ is isomorphic to the coinvariants of $M$, $M/\langle cm-mc \rangle$. +\end{enumerate} +(Together, these just say that Hochschild homology is `the derived functor of coinvariants'.) +We'll first explain why these properties are characteristic. Take some +$C$-$C$ bimodule $M$. If $M$ is free, that is, a direct sum of copies of +$C \tensor C$, then properties \ref{item:hochschild-additive} and +\ref{item:hochschild-free} determine $HC_*(M)$. Otherwise, choose some +free cover $F \onto M$, and define $K$ to be this map's kernel. Thus we +have a short exact sequence $0 \to K \into F \onto M \to 0$, and hence a +short exact sequence of complexes $0 \to HC_*(K) \into HC_*(F) \onto HC_*(M) +\to 0$. Such a sequence gives a long exact sequence on homology +\begin{equation*} +%\begin{split} +\cdots \to HH_{i+1}(F) \to HH_{i+1}(M) \to HH_i(K) \to HH_i(F) \to \cdots % \\ +%\cdots \to HH_1(F) \to HH_1(M) \to HH_0(K) \to HH_0(F) \to HH_0(M). +%\end{split} +\end{equation*} +For any $i \geq 1$, $HH_{i+1}(F) = HH_i(F) = 0$, by properties +\ref{item:hochschild-additive} and \ref{item:hochschild-free}, and so +$HH_{i+1}(M) \iso HH_i(F)$. For $i=0$, \todo{}. + +This tells us how to +compute every homology group of $HC_*(M)$; we already know $HH_0(M)$ +(it's just coinvariants, by property \ref{item:hochschild-coinvariants}), +and higher homology groups are determined by lower ones in $HC_*(K)$, and +hence recursively as coinvariants of some other bimodule. + +The proposition then follows from the following lemmas, establishing that $F_*$ has precisely these required properties. +\begin{lem} +\label{lem:hochschild-additive}% +Directly from the definition, $F_*(M_1 \oplus M_2) \cong F_*(M_1) \oplus F_*(M_2)$. +\end{lem} +\begin{lem} +\label{lem:hochschild-exact}% +An exact sequence $0 \to M_1 \into M_2 \onto M_3 \to 0$ gives rise to an +exact sequence $0 \to F_*(M_1) \into F_*(M_2) \onto F_*(M_3) \to 0$. +\end{lem} +\begin{lem} +\label{lem:hochschild-free}% +$F_*(C\otimes C)$ is quasi-isomorphic to the 0-step complex $C$. +\end{lem} +\begin{lem} +\label{lem:hochschild-coinvariants}% +$H_0(F_*(M))$ is isomorphic to the coinvariants of $M$, $M/\langle cm-mc \rangle$. +\end{lem} + +The remainder of this section is devoted to proving Lemmas +\ref{lem:module-blob}, +\ref{lem:hochschild-exact}, \ref{lem:hochschild-free} and +\ref{lem:hochschild-coinvariants}. +\end{proof} + +\begin{proof}[Proof of Lemma \ref{lem:module-blob}] +We show that $F_*(C)$ is quasi-isomorphic to $\bc_*(S^1)$. +$F_*(C)$ differs from $\bc_*(S^1)$ only in that the base point * +is always a labeled point in $F_*(C)$, while in $\bc_*(S^1)$ it may or may not be. +In other words, there is an inclusion map $i: F_*(C) \to \bc_*(S^1)$. + +We define a quasi-inverse \nn{right term?} $s: \bc_*(S^1) \to F_*(C)$ to the inclusion as follows. +If $y$ is a field defined on a neighborhood of *, define $s(y) = y$ if +* is a labeled point in $y$. +Otherwise, define $s(y)$ to be the result of adding a label 1 (identity morphism) at *. +Let $x \in \bc_*(S^1)$. +Let $s(x)$ be the result of replacing each field $y$ (containing *) mentioned in +$x$ with $y$. +It is easy to check that $s$ is a chain map and $s \circ i = \id$. + +Let $G^\ep_* \sub \bc_*(S^1)$ be the subcomplex where there are no labeled points +in a neighborhood $B_\ep$ of *, except perhaps *. +Note that for any chain $x \in \bc_*(S^1)$, $x \in G^\ep_*$ for sufficiently small $\ep$. +\nn{rest of argument goes similarly to above} +\end{proof} +\begin{proof}[Proof of Lemma \ref{lem:hochschild-exact}] +\todo{} +\end{proof} +\begin{proof}[Proof of Lemma \ref{lem:hochschild-free}] +We show that $F_*(C\otimes C)$ is +quasi-isomorphic to the 0-step complex $C$. + +Let $F'_* \sub F_*(C\otimes C)$ be the subcomplex where the label of +the point $*$ is $1 \otimes 1 \in C\otimes C$. +We will show that the inclusion $i: F'_* \to F_*(C\otimes C)$ is a quasi-isomorphism. + +Fix a small $\ep > 0$. +Let $B_\ep$ be the ball of radius $\ep$ around $* \in S^1$. +Let $F^\ep_* \sub F_*(C\otimes C)$ be the subcomplex +generated by blob diagrams $b$ such that $B_\ep$ is either disjoint from +or contained in each blob of $b$, and the two boundary points of $B_\ep$ are not labeled points of $b$. +For a field (picture) $y$ on $B_\ep$, let $s_\ep(y)$ be the equivalent picture with~$*$ +labeled by $1\otimes 1$ and the only other labeled points at distance $\pm\ep/2$ from $*$. +(See Figure xxxx.) +Note that $y - s_\ep(y) \in U(B_\ep)$. +\nn{maybe it's simpler to assume that there are no labeled points, other than $*$, in $B_\ep$.} + +Define a degree 1 chain map $j_\ep : F^\ep_* \to F^\ep_*$ as follows. +Let $x \in F^\ep_*$ be a blob diagram. +If $*$ is not contained in any twig blob, $j_\ep(x)$ is obtained by adding $B_\ep$ to +$x$ as a new twig blob, with label $y - s_\ep(y)$, where $y$ is the restriction of $x$ to $B_\ep$. +If $*$ is contained in a twig blob $B$ with label $u = \sum z_i$, $j_\ep(x)$ is obtained as follows. +Let $y_i$ be the restriction of $z_i$ to $B_\ep$. +Let $x_i$ be equal to $x$ outside of $B$, equal to $z_i$ on $B \setmin B_\ep$, +and have an additional blob $B_\ep$ with label $y_i - s_\ep(y_i)$. +Define $j_\ep(x) = \sum x_i$. +\nn{need to check signs coming from blob complex differential} + +Note that if $x \in F'_* \cap F^\ep_*$ then $j_\ep(x) \in F'_*$ also. + +The key property of $j_\ep$ is +\eq{ + \bd j_\ep + j_\ep \bd = \id - \sigma_\ep , +} +where $\sigma_\ep : F^\ep_* \to F^\ep_*$ is given by replacing the restriction $y$ of each field +mentioned in $x \in F^\ep_*$ with $s_\ep(y)$. +Note that $\sigma_\ep(x) \in F'_*$. + +If $j_\ep$ were defined on all of $F_*(C\otimes C)$, it would show that $\sigma_\ep$ +is a homotopy inverse to the inclusion $F'_* \to F_*(C\otimes C)$. +One strategy would be to try to stitch together various $j_\ep$ for progressively smaller +$\ep$ and show that $F'_*$ is homotopy equivalent to $F_*(C\otimes C)$. +Instead, we'll be less ambitious and just show that +$F'_*$ is quasi-isomorphic to $F_*(C\otimes C)$. + +If $x$ is a cycle in $F_*(C\otimes C)$, then for sufficiently small $\ep$ we have +$x \in F_*^\ep$. +(This is true for any chain in $F_*(C\otimes C)$, since chains are sums of +finitely many blob diagrams.) +Then $x$ is homologous to $s_\ep(x)$, which is in $F'_*$, so the inclusion map +$F'_* \sub F_*(C\otimes C)$ is surjective on homology. +If $y \in F_*(C\otimes C)$ and $\bd y = x \in F'_*$, then $y \in F^\ep_*$ for some $\ep$ +and +\eq{ + \bd y = \bd (\sigma_\ep(y) + j_\ep(x)) . +} +Since $\sigma_\ep(y) + j_\ep(x) \in F'$, it follows that the inclusion map is injective on homology. +This completes the proof that $F'_*$ is quasi-isomorphic to $F_*(C\otimes C)$. + +Let $F''_* \sub F'_*$ be the subcomplex of $F'_*$ where $*$ is not contained in any blob. +We will show that the inclusion $i: F''_* \to F'_*$ is a homotopy equivalence. + +First, a lemma: Let $G''_*$ and $G'_*$ be defined the same as $F''_*$ and $F'_*$, except with +$S^1$ replaced some (any) neighborhood of $* \in S^1$. +Then $G''_*$ and $G'_*$ are both contractible +and the inclusion $G''_* \sub G'_*$ is a homotopy equivalence. +For $G'_*$ the proof is the same as in (\ref{bcontract}), except that the splitting +$G'_0 \to H_0(G'_*)$ concentrates the point labels at two points to the right and left of $*$. +For $G''_*$ we note that any cycle is supported \nn{need to establish terminology for this; maybe +in ``basic properties" section above} away from $*$. +Thus any cycle lies in the image of the normal blob complex of a disjoint union +of two intervals, which is contractible by (\ref{bcontract}) and (\ref{disjunion}). +Actually, we need the further (easy) result that the inclusion +$G''_* \to G'_*$ induces an isomorphism on $H_0$. + +Next we construct a degree 1 map (homotopy) $h: F'_* \to F'_*$ such that +for all $x \in F'_*$ we have +\eq{ + x - \bd h(x) - h(\bd x) \in F''_* . +} +Since $F'_0 = F''_0$, we can take $h_0 = 0$. +Let $x \in F'_1$, with single blob $B \sub S^1$. +If $* \notin B$, then $x \in F''_1$ and we define $h_1(x) = 0$. +If $* \in B$, then we work in the image of $G'_*$ and $G''_*$ (with respect to $B$). +Choose $x'' \in G''_1$ such that $\bd x'' = \bd x$. +Since $G'_*$ is contractible, there exists $y \in G'_2$ such that $\bd y = x - x''$. +Define $h_1(x) = y$. +The general case is similar, except that we have to take lower order homotopies into account. +Let $x \in F'_k$. +If $*$ is not contained in any of the blobs of $x$, then define $h_k(x) = 0$. +Otherwise, let $B$ be the outermost blob of $x$ containing $*$. +By xxxx above, $x = x' \bullet p$, where $x'$ is supported on $B$ and $p$ is supported away from $B$. +So $x' \in G'_l$ for some $l \le k$. +Choose $x'' \in G''_l$ such that $\bd x'' = \bd (x' - h_{l-1}\bd x')$. +Choose $y \in G'_{l+1}$ such that $\bd y = x' - x'' - h_{l-1}\bd x'$. +Define $h_k(x) = y \bullet p$. +This completes the proof that $i: F''_* \to F'_*$ is a homotopy equivalence. +\nn{need to say above more clearly and settle on notation/terminology} + +Finally, we show that $F''_*$ is contractible. +\nn{need to also show that $H_0$ is the right thing; easy, but I won't do it now} +Let $x$ be a cycle in $F''_*$. +The union of the supports of the diagrams in $x$ does not contain $*$, so there exists a +ball $B \subset S^1$ containing the union of the supports and not containing $*$. +Adding $B$ as a blob to $x$ gives a contraction. +\nn{need to say something else in degree zero} +\end{proof} +\begin{proof}[Proof of Lemma \ref{lem:hochschild-coinvariants}] +\todo{} +\end{proof} + +We can also describe explicitly a map from the standard Hochschild +complex to the blob complex on the circle. \nn{What properties does this +map have?} + +\begin{figure}% +$$\mathfig{0.6}{barycentric/barycentric}$$ +\caption{The Hochschild chain $a \tensor b \tensor c$ is sent to +the sum of six blob $2$-chains, corresponding to a barycentric subdivision of a $2$-simplex.} +\label{fig:Hochschild-example}% +\end{figure} + +As an example, Figure \ref{fig:Hochschild-example} shows the image of the Hochschild chain $a \tensor b \tensor c$. Only the $0$-cells are shown explicitly. +The edges marked $x, y$ and $z$ carry the $1$-chains +\begin{align*} +x & = \mathfig{0.1}{barycentric/ux} & u_x = \mathfig{0.1}{barycentric/ux_ca} - \mathfig{0.1}{barycentric/ux_c-a} \\ +y & = \mathfig{0.1}{barycentric/uy} & u_y = \mathfig{0.1}{barycentric/uy_cab} - \mathfig{0.1}{barycentric/uy_ca-b} \\ +z & = \mathfig{0.1}{barycentric/uz} & u_z = \mathfig{0.1}{barycentric/uz_c-a-b} - \mathfig{0.1}{barycentric/uz_cab} +\end{align*} +and the $2$-chain labelled $A$ is +\begin{equation*} +A = \mathfig{0.1}{barycentric/Ax}+\mathfig{0.1}{barycentric/Ay}. +\end{equation*} +Note that we then have +\begin{equation*} +\bdy A = x+y+z. +\end{equation*} + +In general, the Hochschild chain $\Tensor_{i=1}^n a_i$ is sent to the sum of $n!$ blob $(n-1)$-chains, indexed by permutations, +$$\phi\left(\Tensor_{i=1}^n a_i\right) = \sum_{\pi} \phi^\pi(a_1, \ldots, a_n)$$ +with ... (hmmm, problems making this precise; you need to decide where to put the labels, but then it's hard to make an honest chain map!)