Automated merge with
authorKevin Walker <>
Sat, 17 Jul 2010 20:57:46 -0600
changeset 446 901a7c79976b
parent 444 c3fb6e8a7136 (diff)
parent 445 45807ce15615 (current diff)
child 447 ba4f86b15ff0
Automated merge with
Binary file diagrams/smallblobs/tent.pdf has changed
Binary file diagrams/tempkw/jun23b.pdf has changed
Binary file diagrams/tempkw/jun23c.pdf has changed
--- a/sandbox.tex	Sat Jul 17 20:57:35 2010 -0600
+++ b/sandbox.tex	Sat Jul 17 20:57:46 2010 -0600
@@ -11,20 +11,26 @@
-\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline,line width = 2pt]
-\draw[blue] (0,0) circle (2);
-\fill[red] (0,0) circle (0.1);
-\foreach \qm/\qa/\n in {70/-30/0, 120/95/1, -120/180/2} {
-	\draw[red] (0,0) -- (\qm:2);
-	\path (\qa:1) node {\color{green!50!brown} $\cA_\n$};
-	\path (\qm+20:2.5) node(M\n) {\color{green!50!brown} $\cM_\n$};
-	\draw[line width=1pt, green!50!brown, ->] (M\n.\qm+135) to[out=\qm+135,in=\qm+90] (\qm+5:1.3);
+\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline,line width = 1pt,x=1.5cm,y=1.5cm]
+\draw (0,0) node(R) {}
+	-- (0.75,0) node[below] {$\bar{B}$}
+	--(1.5,0)  node[circle,fill=black,inner sep=2pt] {}
+	arc (0:80:1.5) node[above] {$D \times I$}
+	arc (80:180:1.5);
+\foreach \r in {0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2} {
+	\draw[blue!50, line width = 0.5pt] (\r,0) arc (0:180:\r);
+	(R) node[circle,fill=black,inner sep=2pt] {}
+	arc (45:65:3) node[below] {$B$}
+	arc (65:90:3) node[below] {$A$}
+	arc (90:135:3) node[circle,fill=black,inner sep=2pt] {}
+	arc (-135:-90:3) node[below] {$C$}
+	arc (-90:-45:3);
+\draw[fill]  (150:1.5) circle (2pt) node[above=4pt] {$D$};
+\node at (-2,0) {\scalebox{2.0}{$\uparrow f$}};
+\node at (0.2,0.8) {\scalebox{2.0}{$\uparrow \psi$}};
--- a/text/a_inf_blob.tex	Sat Jul 17 20:57:35 2010 -0600
+++ b/text/a_inf_blob.tex	Sat Jul 17 20:57:46 2010 -0600
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
 However, we {\it can} find another decomposition $L$ such that $L$ shares common
 refinements with both $K$ and $K'$.
 Let $KL$ and $K'L$ denote these two refinements.
-Then filtration degree 1 chains associated to the four anti-refinemnts
+Then filtration degree 1 chains associated to the four anti-refinements
 $KL\to K$, $KL\to L$, $K'L\to L$ and $K'L\to K'$
 give the desired chain connecting $(a, K)$ and $(a, K')$
 (see Figure \ref{zzz4}).
--- a/text/ncat.tex	Sat Jul 17 20:57:35 2010 -0600
+++ b/text/ncat.tex	Sat Jul 17 20:57:46 2010 -0600
@@ -2114,9 +2114,28 @@
 (See Figure \ref{jun23b}.)
+\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline,line width = 1pt,x=1.5cm,y=1.5cm]
+\draw (0,0) node(R) {}
+	-- (0.75,0) node[below] {$\bar{B}$}
+	--(1.5,0)  node[circle,fill=black,inner sep=2pt] {}
+	arc (0:80:1.5) node[above] {$D \times I$}
+	arc (80:180:1.5);
+\foreach \r in {0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2} {
+	\draw[blue!50, line width = 0.5pt] (\r,0) arc (0:180:\r);
+	(R) node[circle,fill=black,inner sep=2pt] {}
+	arc (45:65:3) node[below] {$B$}
+	arc (65:90:3) node[below] {$A$}
+	arc (90:135:3) node[circle,fill=black,inner sep=2pt] {}
+	arc (-135:-90:3) node[below] {$C$}
+	arc (-90:-45:3);
+\draw[fill]  (150:1.5) circle (2pt) node[above=4pt] {$D$};
+\node[green!50!brown] at (-2,0) {\scalebox{2.0}{$\uparrow f$}};
+\node[green!50!brown] at (0.2,0.8) {\scalebox{2.0}{$\uparrow \psi$}};
 \caption{Moving $B$ from top to bottom}
@@ -2136,7 +2155,26 @@
 (See Figure \ref{jun23c}.)
+\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline,line width = 1pt,x=1.5cm,y=-1.5cm]
+\draw (0,0) node(R) {}
+	-- (0.75,0) node[above] {$B$}
+	--(1.5,0)  node[circle,fill=black,inner sep=2pt] {}
+	arc (0:80:1.5) node[below] {$D' \times I$}
+	arc (80:180:1.5);
+\foreach \r in {0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2} {
+	\draw[blue!50, line width = 0.5pt] (\r,0) arc (0:180:\r);
+	(R) node[circle,fill=black,inner sep=2pt] {}
+	arc (45:65:3) node[above] {$\bar{B}$}
+	arc (65:90:3) node[below] {$C$}
+	arc (90:135:3) node[circle,fill=black,inner sep=2pt] {}
+	arc (-135:-90:3) node[below] {$A$}
+	arc (-90:-45:3);
+\draw[fill]  (150:1.5) circle (2pt) node[below=4pt] {$D'$};
+\node[green!50!brown] at (-2,0) {\scalebox{2.0}{$f'\uparrow $}};
+\node[green!50!brown] at (0.2,0.8) {\scalebox{2.0}{$\psi^+\uparrow $}};
 \caption{Moving $B$ from bottom to top}