adding last label to the 'gadgets' figure, as requested by referee
authorScott Morrison <>
Fri, 18 Nov 2011 13:17:36 -0800
changeset 925 b334cb9383ac
parent 924 e2adf8fe894a
child 926 e8d2f9e0118b
adding last label to the 'gadgets' figure, as requested by referee
Binary file RefereeReport.pdf has changed
Binary file gadgets-external.pdf has changed
--- a/text/intro.tex	Fri Nov 18 13:06:49 2011 -0800
+++ b/text/intro.tex	Fri Nov 18 13:17:36 2011 -0800
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
    } (FU.100);
 \draw[->] (C.210) -- node[above left=3pt] {restrict to \\ standard balls} (tC.42);
 \draw[->] (tC) -- node[below=4.5pt] {c.f. \S \ref{sec:comparing-defs}} (C.220);
-\draw[->] (FU.80) -- node[right] {restrict \\ to balls} (C.-80);
+\draw[->] (FU.80) -- +(0,0.5) -- node[right] {restrict to balls \\ Lem \ref{lem:ncat-from-fields}} (C.-80);
 \draw[->] (BC) -- node[right] {$H_0$ \\ c.f. Proposition \ref{thm:skein-modules}} (A);
 \draw[->] (FU) -- node[left] {blob complex \\ for balls \\ Example \ref{ex:blob-complexes-of-balls}} (Cs);