Automated merge with
authorScott Morrison <>
Tue, 30 Mar 2010 16:48:26 -0700
changeset 238 35914358c2a7
parent 235 a36840bd7631 (diff)
parent 237 d42ae7a54143 (current diff)
child 239 05066f611cfd
Automated merge with
--- a/blob1.tex	Tue Mar 30 16:48:16 2010 -0700
+++ b/blob1.tex	Tue Mar 30 16:48:26 2010 -0700
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
 On the other hand, if you are only going to read this paper once,
 {\bf then don't read this version,} as a more complete version will be available in a couple of months.
+\nn{maybe to do: add appendix on various versions of acyclic models}
--- a/text/hochschild.tex	Tue Mar 30 16:48:16 2010 -0700
+++ b/text/hochschild.tex	Tue Mar 30 16:48:26 2010 -0700
@@ -329,8 +329,9 @@
 %and the two boundary points of $N_\ep$ are not labeled points of $b$.
 For a field $y$ on $N_\ep$, let $s_\ep(y)$ be the equivalent picture with~$*$
 labeled by $1\otimes 1$ and the only other labeled points at distance $\pm\ep/2$ from $*$.
-(See Figure \ref{fig:sy}.) Note that $y - s_\ep(y) \in U(N_\ep)$. We can think of
-$\sigma_\ep$ as a chain map $K_*^\ep \to K_*^\ep$ given by replacing the restriction $y$ to $N_\ep$ of each field
+(See Figure \ref{fig:sy}.) Note that $y - s_\ep(y) \in U(N_\ep)$. 
+Let $\sigma_\ep: K_*^\ep \to K_*^\ep$ be the chain map
+given by replacing the restriction $y$ to $N_\ep$ of each field
 appearing in an element of  $K_*^\ep$ with $s_\ep(y)$.
 Note that $\sigma_\ep(x) \in K'_*$.
@@ -369,21 +370,22 @@
 $x \in K_*^\ep$.
 (This is true for any chain in $K_*(C\otimes C)$, since chains are sums of
 finitely many blob diagrams.)
-Then $x$ is homologous to $s_\ep(x)$, which is in $K'_*$, so the inclusion map
+Then $x$ is homologous to $\sigma_\ep(x)$, which is in $K'_*$, so the inclusion map
 $K'_* \sub K_*(C\otimes C)$ is surjective on homology.
-If $y \in K_*(C\otimes C)$ and $\bd y = x \in K'_*$, then $y \in K_*^\ep$ for some $\ep$
+If $y \in K_*(C\otimes C)$ and $\bd y = x \in K_*(C\otimes C)$, then $y \in K_*^\ep$ for some $\ep$
     \bd y = \bd (\sigma_\ep(y) + j_\ep(x)) .
-Since $\sigma_\ep(y) + j_\ep(x) \in F'$, it follows that the inclusion map is injective on homology.
+Since $\sigma_\ep(y) + j_\ep(x) \in K'_*$, it follows that the inclusion map is injective on homology.
 This completes the proof that $K'_*$ is quasi-isomorphic to $K_*(C\otimes C)$.
 Let $K''_* \sub K'_*$ be the subcomplex of $K'_*$ where $*$ is not contained in any blob.
 We will show that the inclusion $i: K''_* \to K'_*$ is a homotopy equivalence.
-First, a lemma:  Let $G''_*$ and $G'_*$ be defined the same as $K''_*$ and $K'_*$, except with
-$S^1$ replaced some (any) neighborhood of $* \in S^1$.
+First, a lemma:  Let $G''_*$ and $G'_*$ be defined similarly to $K''_*$ and $K'_*$, except with
+$S^1$ replaced by some neighborhood $N$ of $* \in S^1$.
+($G''_*$ and $G'_*$ depend on $N$, but that is not reflected in the notation.)
 Then $G''_*$ and $G'_*$ are both contractible
 and the inclusion $G''_* \sub G'_*$ is a homotopy equivalence.
 For $G'_*$ the proof is the same as in (\ref{bcontract}), except that the splitting
@@ -391,8 +393,8 @@
 For $G''_*$ we note that any cycle is supported \nn{need to establish terminology for this; maybe
 in ``basic properties" section above} away from $*$.
 Thus any cycle lies in the image of the normal blob complex of a disjoint union
-of two intervals, which is contractible by (\ref{bcontract}) and (\ref{disjunion}).
-Actually, we need the further (easy) result that the inclusion
+of two intervals, which is contractible by (\ref{bcontract}) and (\ref{disj-union-contract}).
+Finally, it is easy to see that the inclusion
 $G''_* \to G'_*$ induces an isomorphism on $H_0$.
 Next we construct a degree 1 map (homotopy) $h: K'_* \to K'_*$ such that
@@ -465,7 +467,7 @@
-In degree 2, we send $m\ot a \ot b$ to the sum of 24 (=6*4) 2-blob diagrams as shown in
+In degree 2, we send $m\ot a \ot b$ to the sum of 24 ($=6\cdot4$) 2-blob diagrams as shown in
 Figure \ref{fig:hochschild-2-chains}. In Figure \ref{fig:hochschild-2-chains} the 1- and 2-blob diagrams are indicated only by their support.
 We leave it to the reader to determine the labels of the 1-blob diagrams.
@@ -482,7 +484,8 @@
 1-blob diagrams in its boundary.
 Such a 2-cell corresponds to a sum of the 2-blob diagrams obtained by adding $V$
 as an outer (non-twig) blob to each of the 1-blob diagrams in the boundary of the 2-cell.
-Figure \ref{fig:hochschild-example-2-cell} shows this explicitly for one of the 2-cells.
+Figure \ref{fig:hochschild-example-2-cell} shows this explicitly for the 2-cell
+labeled $A$ in Figure \ref{fig:hochschild-2-chains}.
 Note that the (blob complex) boundary of this sum of 2-blob diagrams is
 precisely the sum of the 1-blob diagrams corresponding to the boundary of the 2-cell.
 (Compare with the proof of \ref{bcontract}.)