
My research interests include

More details can be found on my research page, or my lists of publications and talks.

Part of a link that might or might not be slice.

I joined the ANU in 2012 as a Senior Lecturer, with a 'Discovery Early Career Research Award' from the ARC. In 2015, I received both the Christopher Heyde Medal, from the Australian Academy of Sciences, and the Australian Mathematical Society Medal. In 2016 I was promoted to Associate Professor. In 2018 I began an ARC 'Future Fellowship', and in 2020 was promoted to Professor.

From 2009-2012, I was a Miller Fellow at the UC Berkeley mathematics department During 2007-2009, I was a postdoc at Microsoft Station Q, at UC Santa Barbara.

I completed my Ph.D. in March 2007 at the University of California, Berkeley, studying with Vaughan Jones. My thesis received the Herbert Alexander Prize for Outstanding Dissertation in Pure Mathematics. Before Berkeley, I graduated from the University of New South Wales, Australia, with first class honours and the University Medal in pure mathematics.

Contact details

Email: (and my public key)
Phone: +61 409 999 206 (cell), or +1 (510) 200-8738 (computer)