
I received the 2015 Australian Mathematical Society medal. The citation read as follows:

The Medal of the Australian Mathematical Society for 2015 is awarded to Dr Scott Morrison.

Scott Morrison was awarded his PhD in 2007 from the University of California at Berkeley and commenced a continuing position at the ANU in 2012.

Scott’s research revolves around low-dimensional and quantum topology, and he has made fundamental contributions to link cohomology, subfactors and fusion categories, higher-dimensional homological algebra, and diagrammatic representation theory. In both blob homology, and the classification of subfactors and their indices, he has begun new fields involving many mathematicians world-wide. Perhaps his most striking work is in subfactor theory, in which he has brought breakthrough ideas and results, spearheading an effort with various collaborators and significantly increasing the variety of methods. This has resulted in the solution of problems of seemingly impossible complexity involving the characterisation of low index subfactors.

Scott publishes in the very best mathematics journals (such as Acta Math). He is considered a leader in his fields, and has collaborated with the very best, including two Fields Medalists (Vaughan Jones and Michael Freedman). In recognition of his research, he was awarded the 2015 Christopher Heyde Medal from the Australian Academy of Science.

Scott is a co-founder and moderator of MathOverflow, which has become the leading website where top experts in many fields of mathematics ask and answer questions (receiving about 10,000 hits daily). It is seen as a game changer in the way current and future mathematicians conduct their research.