changeset 426 8aca80203f9d
parent 412 87b1507ebc56
child 437 93ce0ba3d2d7
--- a/text/tqftreview.tex	Sun Jul 11 14:31:56 2010 -0600
+++ b/text/tqftreview.tex	Sun Jul 11 14:38:48 2010 -0600
@@ -16,17 +16,17 @@
 A system of fields is very closely related to an $n$-category.
 In one direction, Example \ref{ex:traditional-n-categories(fields)}
 shows how to construct a system of fields from a (traditional) $n$-category.
-We do this in detail for $n=1,2$ (Subsection \ref{sec:example:traditional-n-categories(fields)}) 
+We do this in detail for $n=1,2$ (\S\ref{sec:example:traditional-n-categories(fields)}) 
 and more informally for general $n$.
 In the other direction, 
-our preferred definition of an $n$-category in Section \ref{sec:ncats} is essentially
+our preferred definition of an $n$-category in \S\ref{sec:ncats} is essentially
 just a system of fields restricted to balls of dimensions 0 through $n$;
 one could call this the ``local" part of a system of fields.
 Since this section is intended primarily to motivate
-the blob complex construction of Section \ref{sec:blob-definition}, 
+the blob complex construction of \S\ref{sec:blob-definition}, 
 we suppress some technical details.
-In Section \ref{sec:ncats} the analogous details are treated more carefully.
+In \S\ref{sec:ncats} the analogous details are treated more carefully.
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 Now for the rest of the definition of system of fields.
-(Readers desiring a more precise definition should refer to Subsection \ref{ss:n-cat-def}
+(Readers desiring a more precise definition should refer to \S\ref{ss:n-cat-def}
 and replace $k$-balls with $k$-manifolds.)
 \item There are boundary restriction maps $\cC_k(X) \to \cC_{k-1}(\bd X)$,