changeset 36 f5e553fbd693
parent 23 7b0a43bdd3c4
child 37 2f677e283c26
--- a/bibliography/bibliography.bib	Sun Jul 06 04:33:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/bibliography/bibliography.bib	Mon Jul 07 01:25:14 2008 +0000
@@ -20,6 +20,24 @@
     note    = {draft available at \url{}},
+@article {MR1854636,
+    AUTHOR = {Keller, Bernhard},
+     TITLE = {Introduction to {$A$}-infinity algebras and modules},
+   JOURNAL = {Homology Homotopy Appl.},
+  FJOURNAL = {Homology, Homotopy and Applications},
+    VOLUME = {3},
+      YEAR = {2001},
+    NUMBER = {1},
+     PAGES = {1--35 (electronic)},
+      ISSN = {1512-0139},
+   MRCLASS = {18E30 (18D50 18G40 55P43 55U35)},
+  MRNUMBER = {MR1854636 (2004a:18008a)},
+MRREVIEWER = {Ulrike Tillmann},
+      note = {\mathscinet{MR1854636} \arxiv{math.RA/9910179}},
 @article {MR1917056,
     AUTHOR = {Bar-Natan, Dror},
      TITLE = {On {K}hovanov's categorification of the {J}ones polynomial},