Mon, 07 Jul 2008 01:25:14 +0000
changeset 36 f5e553fbd693
parent 35 0adb47730c7a
child 37 2f677e283c26
--- a/bibliography/bibliography.bib	Sun Jul 06 04:33:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/bibliography/bibliography.bib	Mon Jul 07 01:25:14 2008 +0000
@@ -20,6 +20,24 @@
     note    = {draft available at \url{http://canyon23.net/math/tc.pdf}},
+@article {MR1854636,
+    AUTHOR = {Keller, Bernhard},
+     TITLE = {Introduction to {$A$}-infinity algebras and modules},
+   JOURNAL = {Homology Homotopy Appl.},
+  FJOURNAL = {Homology, Homotopy and Applications},
+    VOLUME = {3},
+      YEAR = {2001},
+    NUMBER = {1},
+     PAGES = {1--35 (electronic)},
+      ISSN = {1512-0139},
+   MRCLASS = {18E30 (18D50 18G40 55P43 55U35)},
+  MRNUMBER = {MR1854636 (2004a:18008a)},
+MRREVIEWER = {Ulrike Tillmann},
+      note = {\mathscinet{MR1854636} \arxiv{math.RA/9910179}},
 @article {MR1917056,
     AUTHOR = {Bar-Natan, Dror},
      TITLE = {On {K}hovanov's categorification of the {J}ones polynomial},
--- a/blob1.tex	Sun Jul 06 04:33:51 2008 +0000
+++ b/blob1.tex	Mon Jul 07 01:25:14 2008 +0000
@@ -1180,9 +1180,9 @@
 We now define $\bdy(\tm_k(a_1 \tensor \cdots \tensor a_k))$, first giving an opaque formula, then explaining the combinatorics behind it.
 \notag \bdy(\tm_k(a_1 & \tensor \cdots \tensor a_k)) = \\
-\label{eq:bdy-tm-k-1}   & \phantom{+} \sum_{\ell'=0}^{k-1} (-1)^{\sum_{j=1}^{\ell'} \deg(a_j)} \tm_k(a_1 \tensor \cdots \tensor \bdy a_{\ell'+1} \tensor \cdots \tensor a_k) + \\
+\label{eq:bdy-tm-k-1}   & \phantom{+} \sum_{\ell'=0}^{k-1} (-1)^{\abs{\tm_k}+\sum_{j=1}^{\ell'} \abs{a_j}} \tm_k(a_1 \tensor \cdots \tensor \bdy a_{\ell'+1} \tensor \cdots \tensor a_k) + \\
 \label{eq:bdy-tm-k-2}   &          +  \sum_{\ell=1}^{k-1} \tm_{\ell}(a_1 \tensor \cdots \tensor a_{\ell}) \tensor \tm_{k-\ell}(a_{\ell+1} \tensor \cdots \tensor a_k) + \\
-\label{eq:bdy-tm-k-3}   &          +  \sum_{\ell=1}^{k-1} \sum_{\ell'=0}^{l-1} \tm_{\ell}(a_1 \tensor \cdots \tensor m_{k-\ell + 1}(a_{\ell' + 1} \tensor \cdots \tensor a_{\ell' + k - \ell + 1}) \tensor \cdots \tensor a_k)
+\label{eq:bdy-tm-k-3}   &          +  \sum_{\ell=1}^{k-1} \sum_{\ell'=0}^{l-1} (-1)^{\abs{\tm_k}+\sum_{j=1}^{\ell'} \abs{a_j}} \tm_{\ell}(a_1 \tensor \cdots \tensor m_{k-\ell + 1}(a_{\ell' + 1} \tensor \cdots \tensor a_{\ell' + k - \ell + 1}) \tensor \cdots \tensor a_k)
 The first set of terms in $\bdy(\tm_k(a_1 \tensor \cdots \tensor a_k))$ just have $\bdy$ acting on each argument $a_i$.
 The terms appearing in \eqref{eq:bdy-tm-k-2} and \eqref{eq:bdy-tm-k-3} are indexed by trees with $2$ vertices on $k+1$ leaves.
@@ -1198,12 +1198,11 @@
 where again $\ell + 1$ is the number of branches entering the rightmost vertex, $k-\ell+1$ is the number of branches entering the other vertex, and $\ell'$ is the number of edges meeting the rightmost vertex which start to the left of the other vertex.
 For example, we have
-\bdy(\tm_2(a \tensor b)) & = \left(\tm_2(\bdy a \tensor b) + \tm_2(a \tensor \bdy b)\right) + \\
-                         & \qquad + a \tensor b + \\
-                         & \qquad + m_2(a \tensor b) \\
-\bdy(\tm_3(a \tensor b \tensor c)) & = \left(\tm_3(\bdy a \tensor b \tensor c) + \tm_3(a \tensor \bdy b \tensor c) + \tm_3(a \tensor b \tensor \bdy c)\right) + \\
-                                   & \qquad + \left(\tm_2(a \tensor b) \tensor c + a \tensor \tm_2(b \tensor c)\right) + \\
-                                   & \qquad + \left(\tm_2(m_2(a \tensor b) \tensor c) + \tm_2(a, m_2(b \tensor c)) + m_3(a \tensor b \tensor c)\right)
+\bdy(\tm_2(a \tensor b)) & = \left(\tm_2(\bdy a \tensor b) + (-1)^{\abs{a}} \tm_2(a \tensor \bdy b)\right) + \\
+                         & \qquad - a \tensor b + m_2(a \tensor b) \\
+\bdy(\tm_3(a \tensor b \tensor c)) & = \left(- \tm_3(\bdy a \tensor b \tensor c) + (-1)^{\abs{a} + 1} \tm_3(a \tensor \bdy b \tensor c) + (-1)^{\abs{a} + \abs{b} + 1} \tm_3(a \tensor b \tensor \bdy c)\right) + \\
+                                   & \qquad + \left(- \tm_2(a \tensor b) \tensor c + a \tensor \tm_2(b \tensor c)\right) + \\
+                                   & \qquad + \left(- \tm_2(m_2(a \tensor b) \tensor c) + \tm_2(a, m_2(b \tensor c)) + m_3(a \tensor b \tensor c)\right)
 \bdy(& \tm_4(a \tensor b \tensor c \tensor d)) = \left(\tm_4(\bdy a \tensor b \tensor c \tensor d) + \cdots + \tm_4(a \tensor b \tensor c \tensor \bdy d)\right) + \\
@@ -1237,8 +1236,8 @@
 \bdy \tm(\T) & = \ssum{2} \tm(\T) \tensor \tm(\T) \times \sigma_{0;l_1,l_2} + \ssum{3} \tm(\T \tensor m(\T) \tensor \T) \times \tau_{0;l_1,l_2,l_3} \\
 \intertext{and we calculate}
-\bdy^2 \tm(\T) & = \ssum{2} (\bdy \tm(\T)) \tensor \tm(\T) \times \sigma_{0;l_1,l_2} \\
-\notag         & \qquad + \ssum{2} \tm(\T) \tensor (\bdy \tm(\T)) \times \sigma_{0;l_1,l_2} \\
+\bdy^2 \tm(\T) & = \ssum{2} \bdy \tm(\T) \tensor \tm(\T) \times \sigma_{0;l_1,l_2} \\
+\notag         & \qquad + \ssum{2} \tm(\T) \tensor \bdy \tm(\T) \times \sigma_{0;l_1,l_2} \\
 \notag         & \qquad + \ssum{3} \bdy \tm(\T \tensor m(\T) \tensor \T) \times \tau_{0;l_1,l_2,l_3} \\
 \label{eq:d21} & = \ssum{3} \tm(\T) \tensor \tm(\T) \tensor \tm(\T) \times \sigma_{0;l_1+l_2,l_3} \sigma_{0;l_1,l_2} \\
 \label{eq:d22} & \qquad + \ssum{4} \tm(\T \tensor m(\T) \tensor \T) \tensor \tm(\T) \times \sigma_{0;l_1+l_2+l_3,l_4} \tau_{0;l_1,l_2,l_3} \\
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/code/signs.nb	Mon Jul 07 01:25:14 2008 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1668 @@
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+ RowBox[{"Clear", "[", 
+  RowBox[{"d", ",", "tm", ",", "m"}], "]"}]], "Input",
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+ RowBox[{
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+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"m", "[", "x_", "]"}], ":=", 
+  RowBox[{"d", "[", "x", "]"}]}]], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.424198093104235*^9, 3.4241981152961454`*^9}}],
+ RowBox[{"d", "[", 
+  RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"a", ",", "b"}], "]"}], "]"}]], "Input",
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+   RowBox[{"a", ",", "b"}], "]"}], "+", 
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+    RowBox[{"a", ",", "b"}], "]"}]}], "+", 
+  RowBox[{
+   SuperscriptBox[
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
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+   RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"a", ",", 
+     RowBox[{"d", "[", "b", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "-", 
+  RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"d", "[", "a", "]"}], ",", "b"}], "]"}]}]], "Output",
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+  RowBox[{"m", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"a", ",", "b", ",", "c"}], "]"}], "+", 
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+   RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"a", ",", 
+     RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+      RowBox[{"b", ",", "c"}], "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
+  RowBox[{"\[Sigma]", " ", 
+   RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+    RowBox[{
+     RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+      RowBox[{"a", ",", "b"}], "]"}], ",", "c"}], "]"}]}], "+", 
+  RowBox[{
+   SuperscriptBox[
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+     RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
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+   RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"a", ",", 
+     RowBox[{"m", "[", 
+      RowBox[{"b", ",", "c"}], "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "-", 
+  RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"m", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"a", ",", "b"}], "]"}], ",", "c"}], "]"}], "+", 
+  RowBox[{
+   SuperscriptBox[
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+     RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+    RowBox[{"2", "+", 
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+     RowBox[{"deg", "[", "b", "]"}]}]], " ", 
+   RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"a", ",", "b", ",", 
+     RowBox[{"d", "[", "c", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
+  RowBox[{
+   SuperscriptBox[
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+    RowBox[{"2", "+", 
+     RowBox[{"deg", "[", "a", "]"}]}]], " ", 
+   RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"a", ",", 
+     RowBox[{"d", "[", "b", "]"}], ",", "c"}], "]"}]}], "+", 
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+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"d", "[", "a", "]"}], ",", "b", ",", "c"}], "]"}]}]], "Output",
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+}, Open  ]],
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+   RowBox[{"a", ":", 
+    RowBox[{"t", "[", "___", "]"}]}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  RowBox[{"With", "[", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"{", 
+     RowBox[{"k", "=", 
+      RowBox[{"Length", "[", "a", "]"}]}], "}"}], ",", 
+    RowBox[{
+     UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", 
+      RowBox[{"i", "=", "1"}], "k"], 
+     RowBox[{
+      SuperscriptBox[
+       RowBox[{"(", 
+        RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+       RowBox[{
+        UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", 
+         RowBox[{"j", "=", "1"}], 
+         RowBox[{"i", "-", "1"}]], 
+        RowBox[{"deg", "[", 
+         RowBox[{"a", "\[LeftDoubleBracket]", "j", "\[RightDoubleBracket]"}], 
+         "]"}]}]], 
+      RowBox[{"MapAt", "[", 
+       RowBox[{"d", ",", "a", ",", "i"}], "]"}]}]}]}], "]"}]}]], "Input",
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+   RowBox[{"a", ",", "b", ",", "c"}], "]"}], "]"}]], "Input",
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+  RowBox[{
+   SuperscriptBox[
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+    RowBox[{
+     RowBox[{"deg", "[", "a", "]"}], "+", 
+     RowBox[{"deg", "[", "b", "]"}]}]], " ", 
+   RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"a", ",", "b", ",", 
+     RowBox[{"d", "[", "c", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
+  RowBox[{
+   SuperscriptBox[
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+    RowBox[{"deg", "[", "a", "]"}]], " ", 
+   RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"a", ",", 
+     RowBox[{"d", "[", "b", "]"}], ",", "c"}], "]"}]}], "+", 
+  RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"d", "[", "a", "]"}], ",", "b", ",", "c"}], "]"}]}]], "Output",
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+}, Open  ]],
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+  RowBox[{"d", "/@", "X"}]}]], "Input",
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+  RowBox[{"d", "[", 
+   RowBox[{
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+     RowBox[{"(", 
+      RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], "n_."], " ", "X_"}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  RowBox[{
+   SuperscriptBox[
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], "n"], " ", 
+   RowBox[{"d", "[", "X", "]"}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"d", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"s_\[Sigma]", " ", "X_"}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  RowBox[{"s", " ", 
+   RowBox[{"d", "[", "X", "]"}]}]}]}], "Input",
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+   RowBox[{"d", "[", "_", "]"}], "]"}], ":=", "0"}]], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.4241988199694157`*^9, 3.4241988233342543`*^9}}],
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+  RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"___", ",", "0", ",", "___"}], "]"}], ":=", "0"}]], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.424198831185544*^9, 3.424198836773579*^9}}],
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"X___", ",", "Y_Plus", ",", "Z__"}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  RowBox[{
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"X", ",", "#", ",", "Z"}], "]"}], "&"}], "/@", 
+   "Y"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"X__", ",", "Y_Plus", ",", "Z___"}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  RowBox[{
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"X", ",", "#", ",", "Z"}], "]"}], "&"}], "/@", 
+   "Y"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"X___", ",", 
+    RowBox[{
+     SuperscriptBox[
+      RowBox[{"(", 
+       RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], "n_."], "Y_"}], ",", "Z___"}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  RowBox[{
+   SuperscriptBox[
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], "n"], 
+   RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"X", ",", "Y", ",", "Z"}], "]"}]}]}]}], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.4242002106090574`*^9, 3.4242002710960336`*^9}, {
+  3.4242009022035217`*^9, 3.4242009251565266`*^9}}],
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"X___", ",", "Y_Plus", ",", "Z__"}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  RowBox[{
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"X", ",", "#", ",", "Z"}], "]"}], "&"}], "/@", 
+   "Y"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"X__", ",", "Y_Plus", ",", "Z___"}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  RowBox[{
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"X", ",", "#", ",", "Z"}], "]"}], "&"}], "/@", 
+   "Y"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"X___", ",", 
+    RowBox[{
+     SuperscriptBox[
+      RowBox[{"(", 
+       RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], "n_."], "Y_"}], ",", "Z___"}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  RowBox[{
+   SuperscriptBox[
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], "n"], 
+   RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"X", ",", "Y", ",", "Z"}], "]"}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"X___", ",", 
+    RowBox[{"s_\[Sigma]", " ", "Y_"}], ",", "Z___"}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  RowBox[{"s", " ", 
+   RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"X", ",", "Y", ",", "Z"}], "]"}]}]}]}], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.424201175196066*^9, 3.4242012093451695`*^9}, {
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+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"X__", ",", 
+    RowBox[{"t", "[", "Y__", "]"}], ",", "Z___"}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"X", ",", "Y", ",", "Z"}], "]"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"X___", ",", 
+    RowBox[{"t", "[", "Y__", "]"}], ",", "Z__"}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"X", ",", "Y", ",", "Z"}], "]"}]}]}], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.42420197886168*^9, 3.424201999771747*^9}}],
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"deg", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"d", "[", "X_", "]"}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  RowBox[{
+   RowBox[{"deg", "[", "X", "]"}], "-", "1"}]}]], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.4241991779742017`*^9, 3.4241991852346416`*^9}}],
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"deg", "[", "a_m", "]"}], ":=", 
+  RowBox[{
+   RowBox[{"Length", "[", "a", "]"}], "-", "2", "+", 
+   RowBox[{"Plus", "@@", 
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{"deg", "/@", 
+      RowBox[{"List", "@@", "a"}]}], ")"}]}]}]}]], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.4242003314828653`*^9, 3.4242003740440655`*^9}}],
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"deg", "[", "a_tm", "]"}], ":=", 
+  RowBox[{
+   RowBox[{"Length", "[", "a", "]"}], "-", "1", "+", 
+   RowBox[{"Plus", "@@", 
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{"deg", "/@", 
+      RowBox[{"List", "@@", "a"}]}], ")"}]}]}]}]], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.4242003910885744`*^9, 3.4242003932016125`*^9}}],
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"d", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"a", ":", 
+    RowBox[{"HoldPattern", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"tm", "[", "___", "]"}], "]"}]}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  RowBox[{"With", "[", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"{", 
+     RowBox[{"k", "=", 
+      RowBox[{"Length", "[", "a", "]"}]}], "}"}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+    RowBox[{
+     RowBox[{
+      UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", 
+       RowBox[{"l", "=", "1"}], 
+       RowBox[{"k", "-", "1"}]], 
+      RowBox[{
+       RowBox[{"\[Sigma]", "[", 
+        RowBox[{"l", ",", 
+         RowBox[{"List", "@@", "a"}]}], "]"}], " ", 
+       RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+        RowBox[{
+         RowBox[{"Take", "[", 
+          RowBox[{"a", ",", "l"}], "]"}], ",", 
+         RowBox[{"Drop", "[", 
+          RowBox[{"a", ",", "l"}], "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}], "+", 
+     "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+     RowBox[{
+      UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", 
+       RowBox[{"l", "=", "1"}], "k"], 
+      RowBox[{
+       UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", 
+        RowBox[{"lp", "=", "0"}], 
+        RowBox[{"l", "-", "1"}]], 
+       RowBox[{"With", "[", 
+        RowBox[{
+         RowBox[{"{", 
+          RowBox[{
+           RowBox[{"l1", "=", "lp"}], ",", 
+           RowBox[{"l2", "=", 
+            RowBox[{"k", "-", "l", "+", "1"}]}], ",", 
+           RowBox[{"l3", "=", 
+            RowBox[{"l", "-", "1", "-", "lp"}]}]}], "}"}], ",", 
+         RowBox[{
+          SuperscriptBox[
+           RowBox[{"(", 
+            RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+           RowBox[{
+            RowBox[{"l2", 
+             RowBox[{"(", 
+              RowBox[{"k", "-", "1", "+", 
+               RowBox[{
+                UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", 
+                 RowBox[{"j", "=", "1"}], "lp"], 
+                RowBox[{"deg", "[", 
+                 RowBox[{
+                 "a", "\[LeftDoubleBracket]", "j", "\[RightDoubleBracket]"}], 
+                 "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
+            RowBox[{
+             RowBox[{"(", 
+              RowBox[{"k", "-", "l"}], ")"}], 
+             RowBox[{"(", "lp", ")"}]}]}]], 
+          RowBox[{"tm", "@@", 
+           RowBox[{"(", 
+            RowBox[{
+             RowBox[{"Take", "[", 
+              RowBox[{
+               RowBox[{"List", "@@", "a"}], ",", "lp"}], "]"}], "~", "Join", 
+             "~", 
+             RowBox[{"{", 
+              RowBox[{"m", "@@", 
+               RowBox[{"Take", "[", 
+                RowBox[{
+                 RowBox[{"List", "@@", "a"}], ",", 
+                 RowBox[{"{", 
+                  RowBox[{
+                   RowBox[{"lp", "+", "1"}], ",", 
+                   RowBox[{"lp", "+", "k", "-", "l", "+", "1"}]}], "}"}]}], 
+                "]"}]}], "}"}], "~", "Join", "~", 
+             RowBox[{"Drop", "[", 
+              RowBox[{
+               RowBox[{"List", "@@", "a"}], ",", 
+               RowBox[{"lp", "+", "k", "-", "l", "+", "1"}]}], "]"}]}], 
+            ")"}]}]}]}], "]"}]}]}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+   "]"}]}]], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.4241976743520994`*^9, 3.4241979358681407`*^9}, {
+  3.4241980205799503`*^9, 3.4241980693100204`*^9}, {3.4241981831937776`*^9, 
+  3.424198219375805*^9}, {3.4241984876916237`*^9, 3.424198488572891*^9}, {
+  3.4241987823553295`*^9, 3.424198785980542*^9}, {3.4241989378989906`*^9, 
+  3.424198966930736*^9}, {3.4241990027121873`*^9, 3.424199045193272*^9}, {
+  3.424200498352813*^9, 3.4242005144659824`*^9}, {3.4242006132580385`*^9, 
+  3.424200613448312*^9}, {3.42420072089281*^9, 3.4242007272219105`*^9}, {
+  3.424200772507027*^9, 3.424200782811845*^9}, {3.4242012813687344`*^9, 
+  3.424201292494733*^9}, {3.4242071329028273`*^9, 3.424207333311*^9}, {
+  3.4242075895995245`*^9, 3.424207624329464*^9}}],
+ SuperscriptBox[
+  RowBox[{"(", 
+   RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+  RowBox[{
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{"k", "-", "l", "+", "1"}], ")"}], 
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{"k", "-", "1", "+", 
+      RowBox[{
+       UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", 
+        RowBox[{"j", "=", "1"}], "lp"], 
+       RowBox[{"deg", "[", 
+        RowBox[{"a", "\[LeftDoubleBracket]", "j", "\[RightDoubleBracket]"}], 
+        "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{"k", "-", "l"}], ")"}], 
+    RowBox[{"(", "lp", ")"}]}]}]]], "Input"],
+ SuperscriptBox[
+  RowBox[{"(", 
+   RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+  RowBox[{
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{"l1", "+", "l2"}], ")"}], "l3"}], "+", 
+   RowBox[{"l2", " ", 
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{"Plus", "@@", 
+      RowBox[{"(", 
+       RowBox[{"deg", "/@", 
+        RowBox[{"Take", "[", 
+         RowBox[{
+          RowBox[{"List", "@@", "a"}], ",", "l1"}], "]"}]}], ")"}]}], 
+     ")"}]}]}]]], "Input"],
+ RowBox[{"Collect", "[", 
+  RowBox[{
+   RowBox[{"d", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"d", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+      RowBox[{"a", ",", "b"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", 
+   RowBox[{"(", 
+    RowBox[{"_tm", "|", "_d", "|", "_t"}], ")"}], ",", "Together"}], 
+  "]"}]], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.424198799299694*^9, 3.424198802804734*^9}, {
+  3.4241991375360546`*^9, 3.4241991665077133`*^9}, {3.424199203320648*^9, 
+  3.4241992055338306`*^9}}],
+Cell[BoxData["0"], "Output",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.424198803315469*^9, 3.424198837724947*^9}, {
+   3.4241990626684*^9, 3.424199205944421*^9}, 3.424200074182886*^9, 
+   3.4242001944958878`*^9, 3.424200409054408*^9, {3.4242004997448144`*^9, 
+   3.4242005193029375`*^9}, 3.424200728914344*^9, 3.424200784414149*^9, 
+   3.424200932707384*^9, 3.4242013241802945`*^9, 3.4242014646823263`*^9, {
+   3.4242073102378225`*^9, 3.424207336445507*^9}, {3.42420760386003*^9, 
+   3.4242076281149073`*^9}}]
+}, Open  ]],
+ RowBox[{"d", "[", 
+  RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"a", ",", "b"}], "]"}], "]"}]], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.424200732269168*^9, 3.424200734181918*^9}}],
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"m", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"a", ",", "b"}], "]"}], "+", 
+  RowBox[{
+   SuperscriptBox[
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+    RowBox[{"1", "+", 
+     RowBox[{"2", " ", 
+      RowBox[{"deg", "[", "a", "]"}]}]}]], " ", 
+   RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"a", ",", "b"}], "]"}]}], "+", 
+  RowBox[{
+   SuperscriptBox[
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+    RowBox[{"1", "+", 
+     RowBox[{"deg", "[", "a", "]"}]}]], " ", 
+   RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"a", ",", 
+     RowBox[{"d", "[", "b", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "-", 
+  RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"d", "[", "a", "]"}], ",", "b"}], "]"}]}]], "Output",
+ CellChangeTimes->{3.4242007344122496`*^9, 3.424200785946352*^9, 
+  3.4242009332481613`*^9, 3.4242011847097454`*^9, 3.424201395322592*^9, 
+  3.42420146061648*^9, 3.4242074562277455`*^9, 3.4242076049616146`*^9}]
+}, Open  ]],
+ RowBox[{"Clear", "[", "\[Sigma]", "]"}]], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.424201810469544*^9, 3.4242018117614017`*^9}}],
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"\[Sigma]", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"l_", ",", "a_List"}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  RowBox[{"With", "[", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"{", 
+     RowBox[{"k", "=", 
+      RowBox[{"Length", "[", "a", "]"}]}], "}"}], ",", 
+    SuperscriptBox[
+     RowBox[{"(", 
+      RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+     RowBox[{
+      RowBox[{
+       RowBox[{"(", 
+        RowBox[{"k", "-", "l", "+", "1"}], ")"}], 
+       RowBox[{"(", 
+        RowBox[{"Plus", "@@", 
+         RowBox[{"(", 
+          RowBox[{"deg", "/@", 
+           RowBox[{"Take", "[", 
+            RowBox[{"a", ",", "l"}], "]"}]}], ")"}]}], ")"}]}], "+", "l"}]]}],
+    "]"}]}]], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.424206850386589*^9, 3.4242069563589697`*^9}, {
+  3.4242070973617215`*^9, 3.4242070975419807`*^9}}],
+ RowBox[{"d", "[", 
+  RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"a", ",", "b", ",", "c"}], "]"}], "]"}]], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.4242005789086466`*^9, 3.424200581302088*^9}}],
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"m", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"a", ",", "b", ",", "c"}], "]"}], "+", 
+  RowBox[{
+   SuperscriptBox[
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+    RowBox[{"1", "+", 
+     RowBox[{"3", " ", 
+      RowBox[{"deg", "[", "a", "]"}]}]}]], " ", 
+   RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"a", ",", 
+     RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+      RowBox[{"b", ",", "c"}], "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
+  RowBox[{
+   SuperscriptBox[
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+    RowBox[{"2", "+", 
+     RowBox[{"2", " ", 
+      RowBox[{"(", 
+       RowBox[{
+        RowBox[{"deg", "[", "a", "]"}], "+", 
+        RowBox[{"deg", "[", "b", "]"}]}], ")"}]}]}]], " ", 
+   RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+    RowBox[{
+     RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+      RowBox[{"a", ",", "b"}], "]"}], ",", "c"}], "]"}]}], "+", 
+  RowBox[{
+   SuperscriptBox[
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+    RowBox[{"1", "+", 
+     RowBox[{"2", " ", 
+      RowBox[{"(", 
+       RowBox[{"2", "+", 
+        RowBox[{"deg", "[", "a", "]"}]}], ")"}]}]}]], " ", 
+   RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"a", ",", 
+     RowBox[{"m", "[", 
+      RowBox[{"b", ",", "c"}], "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
+  RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"m", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"a", ",", "b"}], "]"}], ",", "c"}], "]"}], "+", 
+  RowBox[{
+   SuperscriptBox[
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+    RowBox[{"2", "+", 
+     RowBox[{"deg", "[", "a", "]"}], "+", 
+     RowBox[{"deg", "[", "b", "]"}]}]], " ", 
+   RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"a", ",", "b", ",", 
+     RowBox[{"d", "[", "c", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
+  RowBox[{
+   SuperscriptBox[
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+    RowBox[{"2", "+", 
+     RowBox[{"deg", "[", "a", "]"}]}]], " ", 
+   RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"a", ",", 
+     RowBox[{"d", "[", "b", "]"}], ",", "c"}], "]"}]}], "+", 
+  RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"d", "[", "a", "]"}], ",", "b", ",", "c"}], "]"}]}]], "Output",
+ CellChangeTimes->{
+  3.4242005816826353`*^9, 3.424200616232315*^9, 3.424200747741416*^9, 
+   3.4242007892711325`*^9, 3.424200933939155*^9, 3.4242011853306384`*^9, 
+   3.4242014129078784`*^9, 3.4242014668153934`*^9, 3.424201520983283*^9, 
+   3.424201813834382*^9, 3.4242019528943405`*^9, {3.42420693098248*^9, 
+   3.424206957600755*^9}, 3.4242070989840546`*^9}]
+}, Open  ]],
+ RowBox[{"Collect", "[", 
+  RowBox[{
+   RowBox[{"d", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"d", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+      RowBox[{"a", ",", "b", ",", "c"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", 
+   RowBox[{"(", 
+    RowBox[{"_tm", "|", "_d", "|", "_t", "|", "_m"}], ")"}], ",", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{
+      RowBox[{"Together", "[", "#", "]"}], "/.", 
+      RowBox[{"{", 
+       RowBox[{
+        SuperscriptBox[
+         RowBox[{"(", 
+          RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+         RowBox[{"2", "_"}]], "\[Rule]", "1"}], "}"}]}], ")"}], "&"}]}], 
+  "]"}]], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.424198799299694*^9, 3.424198802804734*^9}, {
+   3.4241991375360546`*^9, 3.4241991665077133`*^9}, {3.424199203320648*^9, 
+   3.4241992221176767`*^9}, {3.4242004382664127`*^9, 
+   3.4242004391877375`*^9}, {3.4242005411643724`*^9, 3.4242005437080307`*^9}, 
+   3.4242008174216113`*^9, {3.4242020485218463`*^9, 3.4242020686007185`*^9}}],\
+Cell[BoxData["0"], "Output",
+ CellChangeTimes->{
+  3.4241992227786274`*^9, {3.42420019620835*^9, 3.4242002421444035`*^9}, 
+   3.4242002726983376`*^9, 3.4242003764174786`*^9, 3.424200409885603*^9, 
+   3.424200440639826*^9, {3.424200503289912*^9, 3.424200544218765*^9}, {
+   3.424200814537464*^9, 3.4242008178021584`*^9}, 3.424200934660192*^9, {
+   3.4242011874136333`*^9, 3.42420121426224*^9}, 3.4242015234968977`*^9, 
+   3.4242019690475683`*^9, 3.4242020049091344`*^9, 3.4242020689311934`*^9, {
+   3.4242069335261374`*^9, 3.424206960825392*^9}, 3.424207099955451*^9, {
+   3.4242076078457613`*^9, 3.4242076316199474`*^9}}]
+}, Open  ]],
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"\[Sigma]", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"1", ",", 
+    RowBox[{"{", 
+     RowBox[{"_", ",", "_", ",", "_", ",", "_"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  RowBox[{"-", "1"}]}]], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.4242021358173714`*^9, 3.424202143248056*^9}}],
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"\[Sigma]", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"2", ",", 
+    RowBox[{"{", 
+     RowBox[{"a_", ",", "b_", ",", "_", ",", "_"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  SuperscriptBox[
+   RowBox[{"(", 
+    RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"deg", "[", "a", "]"}], "+", 
+    RowBox[{"deg", "[", "b", "]"}]}]]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"\[Sigma]", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"3", ",", 
+    RowBox[{"{", 
+     RowBox[{"_", ",", "_", ",", "_", ",", "_"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  RowBox[{"-", "1"}]}]}], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.424202215401808*^9, 3.4242022541975937`*^9}}],
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"\[Sigma]", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"1", ",", "a_List"}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  SuperscriptBox[
+   RowBox[{"(", 
+    RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{
+     RowBox[{"Length", "[", "a", "]"}], 
+     RowBox[{"deg", "[", 
+      RowBox[{"a", "\[LeftDoubleBracket]", "1", "\[RightDoubleBracket]"}], 
+      "]"}]}], "+", "1"}]]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"\[Sigma]", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"2", ",", "a_List"}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  SuperscriptBox[
+   RowBox[{"(", 
+    RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{
+      RowBox[{"Length", "[", "a", "]"}], "+", "1"}], ")"}], 
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{
+      RowBox[{"deg", "[", 
+       RowBox[{"a", "\[LeftDoubleBracket]", "1", "\[RightDoubleBracket]"}], 
+       "]"}], "+", 
+      RowBox[{"deg", "[", 
+       RowBox[{"a", "\[LeftDoubleBracket]", "2", "\[RightDoubleBracket]"}], 
+       "]"}]}], ")"}]}]]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"\[Sigma]", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"3", ",", "a_List"}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  SuperscriptBox[
+   RowBox[{"(", 
+    RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{
+     RowBox[{"(", 
+      RowBox[{"Length", "[", "a", "]"}], ")"}], 
+     RowBox[{"(", 
+      RowBox[{
+       RowBox[{"deg", "[", 
+        RowBox[{"a", "\[LeftDoubleBracket]", "1", "\[RightDoubleBracket]"}], 
+        "]"}], "+", 
+       RowBox[{"deg", "[", 
+        RowBox[{"a", "\[LeftDoubleBracket]", "2", "\[RightDoubleBracket]"}], 
+        "]"}], "+", 
+       RowBox[{"deg", "[", 
+        RowBox[{"a", "\[LeftDoubleBracket]", "3", "\[RightDoubleBracket]"}], 
+        "]"}]}], ")"}]}], "+", "1"}]]}]}], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.4242025340600157`*^9, 3.4242026162481966`*^9}, {
+  3.424202652159835*^9, 3.4242026904248576`*^9}, {3.424202735649888*^9, 
+  3.424202777089475*^9}}],
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"\[Sigma]", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"k_Integer", ",", "a_List"}], "]"}], ":=", 
+  SuperscriptBox[
+   RowBox[{"(", 
+    RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{
+     RowBox[{"(", 
+      RowBox[{
+       RowBox[{"Length", "[", "a", "]"}], "+", "k", "+", "1"}], ")"}], 
+     RowBox[{"(", 
+      RowBox[{"Plus", "@@", 
+       RowBox[{"(", 
+        RowBox[{"deg", "/@", 
+         RowBox[{"Take", "[", 
+          RowBox[{"a", ",", "k"}], "]"}]}], ")"}]}], ")"}]}], "+", 
+    "k"}]]}]], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.424202789427216*^9, 3.424202836054262*^9}}],
+ RowBox[{"Collect", "[", 
+  RowBox[{
+   RowBox[{"d", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"d", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+      RowBox[{"a", ",", "b", ",", "c", ",", "d"}], "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", 
+   RowBox[{"(", 
+    RowBox[{"_tm", "|", "_d", "|", "_t", "|", "_m"}], ")"}], ",", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{
+      RowBox[{"Together", "[", "#", "]"}], "//.", 
+      RowBox[{"{", 
+       RowBox[{
+        SuperscriptBox[
+         RowBox[{"(", 
+          RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+         RowBox[{"n_Integer", " ", "x_"}]], "\[RuleDelayed]", 
+        SuperscriptBox[
+         RowBox[{"(", 
+          SuperscriptBox[
+           RowBox[{"(", 
+            RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], "n"], ")"}], "x"]}], "}"}]}], ")"}], 
+    "&"}]}], "]"}]], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.424198799299694*^9, 3.424198802804734*^9}, {
+   3.4241991375360546`*^9, 3.4241991665077133`*^9}, {3.424199203320648*^9, 
+   3.4241992221176767`*^9}, {3.4242004382664127`*^9, 
+   3.4242004391877375`*^9}, {3.4242005411643724`*^9, 3.4242005437080307`*^9}, 
+   3.4242008174216113`*^9, {3.4242020485218463`*^9, 3.424202081188819*^9}, {
+   3.424202169736144*^9, 3.4242021956233683`*^9}, {3.4242022722535567`*^9, 
+   3.424202330757682*^9}, 3.4242025057092495`*^9}],
+Cell[BoxData["0"], "Output",
+ CellChangeTimes->{
+  3.4242020826108637`*^9, 3.4242021449905615`*^9, 3.424202196805067*^9, {
+   3.4242022356809683`*^9, 3.424202255329221*^9}, {3.4242023014355183`*^9, 
+   3.4242023313986034`*^9}, 3.424202506440301*^9, 3.424207107165819*^9}]
+}, Open  ]],
+ RowBox[{"Collect", "[", 
+  RowBox[{
+   RowBox[{"d", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"d", "[", 
+     RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+      RowBox[{
+      "a", ",", "b", ",", "c", ",", "d", ",", "e", ",", "f", ",", "g"}], 
+      "]"}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", 
+   RowBox[{"(", 
+    RowBox[{"_tm", "|", "_d", "|", "_t", "|", "_m"}], ")"}], ",", 
+   RowBox[{
+    RowBox[{"(", 
+     RowBox[{
+      RowBox[{"Together", "[", "#", "]"}], "//.", 
+      RowBox[{"{", 
+       RowBox[{
+        SuperscriptBox[
+         RowBox[{"(", 
+          RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], 
+         RowBox[{"n_Integer", " ", "x_"}]], "\[RuleDelayed]", 
+        SuperscriptBox[
+         RowBox[{"(", 
+          SuperscriptBox[
+           RowBox[{"(", 
+            RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ")"}], "n"], ")"}], "x"]}], "}"}]}], ")"}], 
+    "&"}]}], "]"}]], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.424198799299694*^9, 3.424198802804734*^9}, {
+   3.4241991375360546`*^9, 3.4241991665077133`*^9}, {3.424199203320648*^9, 
+   3.4241992221176767`*^9}, {3.4242004382664127`*^9, 
+   3.4242004391877375`*^9}, {3.4242005411643724`*^9, 3.4242005437080307`*^9}, 
+   3.4242008174216113`*^9, {3.4242020485218463`*^9, 3.424202081188819*^9}, {
+   3.424202169736144*^9, 3.4242021956233683`*^9}, {3.4242022722535567`*^9, 
+   3.424202330757682*^9}, {3.4242025057092495`*^9, 3.4242025139210577`*^9}, {
+   3.424202854761162*^9, 3.4242028737084064`*^9}}],
+Cell[BoxData["0"], "Output",
+ CellChangeTimes->{
+  3.4242025147923107`*^9, 3.4242025962594547`*^9, 3.4242027035837793`*^9, 
+   3.4242027793827724`*^9, {3.4242028405106707`*^9, 3.4242028777942815`*^9}, 
+   3.4242071121730194`*^9}]
+}, Open  ]],
+ RowBox[{"d", "[", 
+  RowBox[{"-", 
+   RowBox[{"tm", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"a", ",", 
+     RowBox[{"m", "[", 
+      RowBox[{"b", ",", "c"}], "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "]"}]], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.4242016238211565`*^9, 3.424201638492253*^9}}],
+ RowBox[{
+  RowBox[{"-", 
+   RowBox[{"m", "[", 
+    RowBox[{"a", ",", 
+     RowBox[{"m", "[", 
+      RowBox[{"b", ",", "c"}], "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "+", 
+  RowBox[{"t", "[", 
+   RowBox[{"a", ",", 
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--- a/preamble.tex	Sun Jul 06 04:33:51 2008 +0000
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-% This may speed up compilation of complex documents with many xymatrices.
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-% diagrams -------------------------------------------------------
-% figures ---------------------------------------------------------
-%%% borrowed from Dror's cobordisms paper, use this to include eps or pdf graphics.
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-  \raisebox{-2.5pt}{\includegraphics[width=#1\textwidth]{\pathtodiagrams #2}}%
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-% THEOREMS -------------------------------------------------------
-\newtheorem{defn}[prop]{Definition}         % numbered definition
-\newtheorem*{defn*}{Definition}             % unnumbered definition
-\newenvironment{rem}{\noindent\textsl{Remark.}}{}  % perhaps looks better than rem above?
-% Marginal notes in draft mode -----------------------------------
-\newcommand{\scott}[1]{\stepcounter{comment}{{\color{blue} $\star^{(\arabic{comment})}$}}\marginpar{\color{blue}  $\star^{(\arabic{comment})}$ \usefont{T1}{scott}{m}{n}  #1 --S}}     % draft mode
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+% This may speed up compilation of complex documents with many xymatrices.
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+% figures ---------------------------------------------------------
+%%% borrowed from Dror's cobordisms paper, use this to include eps or pdf graphics.
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+\newcommand{\pathtodiagrams}{\pathtotrunk diagrams/eps/}
+  \raisebox{-2.5pt}{\includegraphics[width=#1\textwidth]{\pathtodiagrams #2}}%
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+\newcommand{\mathscinet}[1]{\href{http://www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=#1}{\tt #1}}
+% THEOREMS -------------------------------------------------------
+\newtheorem{defn}[prop]{Definition}         % numbered definition
+\newtheorem*{defn*}{Definition}             % unnumbered definition
+\newenvironment{rem}{\noindent\textsl{Remark.}}{}  % perhaps looks better than rem above?
+% Marginal notes in draft mode -----------------------------------
+\newcommand{\scott}[1]{\stepcounter{comment}{{\color{blue} $\star^{(\arabic{comment})}$}}\marginpar{\color{blue}  $\star^{(\arabic{comment})}$ \usefont{T1}{scott}{m}{n}  #1 --S}}     % draft mode
 \newcommand{\kevin}[1]{\stepcounter{comment}{\color{green} $\star^{(\arabic{comment})}$}\marginpar{\color{green}  $\star^{(\arabic{comment})}$  #1 --K}}     % draft mode
-\newcommand{\comment}[1]{\stepcounter{comment}$\star^{(\arabic{comment})}$\marginpar{\tiny $\star^{(\arabic{comment})}$ #1}}     % draft mode
-\newcommand{\todo}[1]{\textbf{TODO: #1}}
-% \mathrlap -- a horizontal \smash--------------------------------
-% For comparison, the existing overlap macros:
-% \def\llap#1{\hbox to 0pt{\hss#1}}
-% \def\rlap#1{\hbox to 0pt{#1\hss}}
-\def\clap#1{\hbox to 0pt{\hss#1\hss}}
-% MATH -----------------------------------------------------------
-\newcommand{\Natural}{\mathbb N}
-\newcommand{\Integer}{\mathbb Z}
-\newcommand{\Rational}{\mathbb Q}
-\newcommand{\Real}{\mathbb R}
-\newcommand{\Complex}{\mathbb C}
-\newcommand{\Field}{\mathbb F}
-\newcommand{\restrict}[2]{#1{}_{\mid #2}{}}
-\newcommand{\setc}[2]{\left\{#1 \;\left| \; #2 \right. \right\}}
-\newcommand{\relations}[2]{\left<#1 \;\left| \; #2 \right. \right>}
-\newcommand{\cone}[3]{C\left(#1 \xrightarrow{#2} #3\right)}
-\newcommand{\pairing}[2]{\left\langle#1 ,#2 \right\rangle}
-\newcommand{\psmallmatrix}[1]{\left(\begin{smallmatrix} #1 \end{smallmatrix}\right)}
-\newcommand{\directSumStack}[2]{{\begin{matrix}#1 \\ \DirectSum \\#2\end{matrix}}}
-\newcommand{\directSumStackThree}[3]{{\begin{matrix}#1 \\ \DirectSum \\#2 \\ \DirectSum \\#3\end{matrix}}}
-\vspace{-0.4cm}% horrible hack, by scott % this only seems to be appropriate in beamer mode...
-% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+\newcommand{\comment}[1]{\stepcounter{comment}$\star^{(\arabic{comment})}$\marginpar{\tiny $\star^{(\arabic{comment})}$ #1}}     % draft mode
+\newcommand{\todo}[1]{\textbf{TODO: #1}}
+% \mathrlap -- a horizontal \smash--------------------------------
+% For comparison, the existing overlap macros:
+% \def\llap#1{\hbox to 0pt{\hss#1}}
+% \def\rlap#1{\hbox to 0pt{#1\hss}}
+\def\clap#1{\hbox to 0pt{\hss#1\hss}}
+% MATH -----------------------------------------------------------
+\newcommand{\Natural}{\mathbb N}
+\newcommand{\Integer}{\mathbb Z}
+\newcommand{\Rational}{\mathbb Q}
+\newcommand{\Real}{\mathbb R}
+\newcommand{\Complex}{\mathbb C}
+\newcommand{\Field}{\mathbb F}
+\newcommand{\restrict}[2]{#1{}_{\mid #2}{}}
+\newcommand{\setc}[2]{\left\{#1 \;\left| \; #2 \right. \right\}}
+\newcommand{\relations}[2]{\left<#1 \;\left| \; #2 \right. \right>}
+\newcommand{\cone}[3]{C\left(#1 \xrightarrow{#2} #3\right)}
+\newcommand{\pairing}[2]{\left\langle#1 ,#2 \right\rangle}
+\newcommand{\psmallmatrix}[1]{\left(\begin{smallmatrix} #1 \end{smallmatrix}\right)}
+\newcommand{\directSumStack}[2]{{\begin{matrix}#1 \\ \DirectSum \\#2\end{matrix}}}
+\newcommand{\directSumStackThree}[3]{{\begin{matrix}#1 \\ \DirectSum \\#2 \\ \DirectSum \\#3\end{matrix}}}
+\vspace{-0.4cm}% horrible hack, by scott % this only seems to be appropriate in beamer mode...
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------