merging preamble into the main file
authorScott Morrison <>
Fri, 03 Dec 2010 19:11:40 -0600
changeset 675 ccc2d7fe57b3
parent 674 da61ad64619d
child 676 a9b9094e3b9c
merging preamble into the main file
--- a/pnas/pnas.tex	Fri Dec 03 19:04:17 2010 -0600
+++ b/pnas/pnas.tex	Fri Dec 03 19:11:40 2010 -0600
@@ -73,7 +73,209 @@
 %\newcommand{\mfrac}[2]{\frac{\displaystyle #1}{\displaystyle #2}}
+\def\bc{{\mathcal B}}
+\newcommand{\CM}[2]{C_*(\Maps(#1 \to #2))}
+\newcommand{\selfarrow}{\ensuremath{\smash{\tikz[baseline]{\clip (0,0.36) rectangle (0.39,-0.16); \draw[->] (0,0.2) .. controls (0.5,0.6) and (0.5,-0.4) .. (0,0);}}}}
+% kw_macros
+%!TEX root = ../blob1.tex
+%%%%% excerpts from KW's include file of standard macros
+%%% (with various new ones added)
+\def\k{{\bf k}}
+\def\pd#1#2{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}
+% equations
+% new theorems
+% \mathrlap -- a horizontal \smash--------------------------------
+% For comparison, the existing overlap macros:
+% \def\llap#1{\hbox to 0pt{\hss#1}}
+% \def\rlap#1{\hbox to 0pt{#1\hss}}
+\def\clap#1{\hbox to 0pt{\hss#1\hss}}
+% tricky way to iterate macros over a list
+    \expandafter\def\csname multi#1\endcsname##1{
+        \def\multiack{##1}\ifx\multiack\semicolon
+            \def\next{\relax}
+        \else
+            \csname #1\endcsname{##1}
+            \def\next{\csname multi#1\endcsname}
+        \fi
+        \next}
+    \csname multi#1\endcsname}
+% \def\cA{{\cal A}} for A..Z
+\def\calc#1{\expandafter\def\csname c#1\endcsname{{\mathcal #1}}}
+% \def\bbA{{\mathbb A}} for A..Z
+\def\bbc#1{\expandafter\def\csname bb#1\endcsname{{\mathbb #1}}}
+% \def\bA{{\mathbf A}} for A..Z
+\def\bfc#1{\expandafter\def\csname bf#1\endcsname{{\mathbf #1}}}
+% \DeclareMathOperator{\pr}{pr} etc.
+\def\declaremathop#1{\expandafter\DeclareMathOperator\csname #1\endcsname{#1}}
+% \todo, \nn and \noop
+\newcommand{\todo}[1]{\textbf{\color[rgb]{.8,.2,.5}\small TODO: #1}}
+\def\nn#1{{{\color[rgb]{.2,.5,.6} \small [[#1]]}}}
+% references
+\newcommand{\arxiv}[1]{\href{}{\tt arXiv:\nolinkurl{#1}}}
+\newcommand{\doi}[1]{\href{}{{\tt DOI:#1}}}
+\newcommand{\euclid}[1]{\href{}{{\tt at Project Euclid: #1}}}
+\newcommand{\mathscinet}[1]{\href{}{\tt #1}}
+\newcommand{\googlebooks}[1]{(preview at \href{}{google books})}
+% figures
+  \raisebox{-2.5pt}{\includegraphics[width=#1\textwidth]{diagrams/#2}}%
+% packages
+    colorlinks, linkcolor={dark-red},
+    citecolor={dark-blue}, urlcolor={medium-blue}
 %% Don't type in anything in the following section: