no more new pages for sections
authorKevin Walker <>
Tue, 03 Aug 2010 21:45:10 -0600
changeset 511 cd08d1b9d274
parent 510 537de60474ec
child 512 050dba5e7bdd
no more new pages for sections
--- a/blob1.tex	Tue Aug 03 21:34:57 2010 -0600
+++ b/blob1.tex	Tue Aug 03 21:45:10 2010 -0600
@@ -16,43 +16,16 @@
-[revision $\ge$ 481;  $\ge$ 26 July 2010]
+[revision $\ge$ 511;  $\ge$ 3 August 2010]
 {\color[rgb]{.9,.5,.2} \large \textbf{Draft version, read with caution.}}
 We're in the midst of revising this, and hope to have a version on the arXiv soon.
-\paragraph{To do list}
-\item[6] (K) proofs need finishing, then (S) needs to confirm details and try
-to make more understandable
-\item[7] (S) do some work here -- identity morphisms are still imperfect. Say something about the cobordism and stabilization hypotheses \cite{MR1355899} in this setting?
-\item[7.6] is new! (S) read
-\item[8] improve the beginning, finish proof for products,
-check the argument about maps
-\item[9] (K) proofs trail off
-\item Make clear exactly what counts as a ``blob diagram", and search for
-``blob diagram"
-\item Say something about stabilizing an $n$-category (centre), taking the top $k$ levels of a category, and the stabilization hypothesis?
-\item say something about starting with semisimple n-cat (trivial?? not trivial?)
-\item maybe to do: add appendix on various versions of acyclic models
-}  % end \noop