Former group members
- Dominic Weiller (PhD student 2017-)
- Dominic is working on TQFTs and the 3-category of Frobenius algebras in a braided tensor category.
- Paul Wedrich (postdoc October 2017-2019)
- Paul works on Khovanov homology and quantum topology
- Daniel Barter (postdoc February 2018-2019)
- Daniel works in representation theory, topological matter, and higher categories.
- Keeley Hoek (Honours student 2019)
- Keeley's thesis studied annulus categories and Drinfeld centres,
proving an equivalence in the semisimple case, and generalising to the case of annulus categories labelled by bimodules.
- Mitchell Rowett (Honours student 2019)
- Mitchell's thesis studied tensor products of tensor module categories over braided categories, and de-equivariantisation,
including the new example $Ad E_8 \otimes_{\mathsf{Fib}} Ad E_8'$.
- Yiming Xu (Honours student 2019, cosupervised with Michael Norrish.)
- Yiming's thesis formalised some material on modal logic in HOL.
- Jack Brand (Honours student 2018)
- Jack is working on Khovanov homology, in particular understanding slice genus bounds.
- Jane Tan (Honours student 2018, cosupervised with Brendan McKay.)
- Jane's thesis was on quartic planar graphs.
- Keeley Hoek (undergraduate research student, semester 2 2018)
- Keeley worked on heuristics for solving lemmas of the form $A=B$ by successive rewriting of subexpressions, in the interactive theorem prover Lean. (report)
- Jack Crawford (undergraduate research student, semester 2 2018
- Jack Crawford formalised Gaussian elimination in Lean. (report) (presentation)
- Corey Jones (postdoc mid 2016-mind 2018)
- Corey works on $C^*$-tensor categories, quantum groups, modular tensor categories, and planar algebras. Corey is now a postdoc at Ohio State.
- Cain Edie-Michell (PhD student 2015-2018)
- Cain's project was on Brauer-Picard groupoids of ADE categories, classifying graded extensions of fusion categories, and modular tensor categories.
Cain is now a postdoc at Vanderbilt.
- Hazel Browne (summer student 2017-2018)
- Hazel studied the Khovanov homology of tangles, comparing Khovanov's and Bar-Natan's approaches. Hazel is now doing honours in pure mathematics at Sydney.
- Fei Lu (summer student 2017-2018)
- Fei learnt about interactive theorem proving, in particular the language Lean.
- Edric Wang (summer student 2017-2018)
- Edric studied tensor categories and module categories.
- Angus Gruen (honours student 2017, University Medal)
- Angus computed Drinfeld centres of the pointed fusion categories, proving Gannon's formulas for the S and T matrices, and preparing a database of modular data for group of order less than 48.
Angus is starting a PhD in mathematics at Caltech in 2018.
- Sam Quinn (honours student - co-supervised with Tony Licata)
- Sam's thesis was on Pivotal categories, matrix units, and towers of biadjunctions. Sam is starting a PhD in mathematics at Chicago in 2018.
- Hoel Queffelec (postdoc 2014-2015)
Hoel is now a member of the CNRS, based at Montpellier.
- Zsuzsanna Dancso (postdoc 2015-2017)
- Zsuzsi is now a senior lecturer and DECRA fellow at the University of Sydney.
- Stephen Morgan (postdoc 2016)
- Stephen is now at the University of Sydney.
- Benjamin Thompson (honours student 2016)
- Ben's thesis was on Khovanov homology for rational tangles. Ben is now working 'down the road'.
- Hilary Hunt (honours student 2014)
- Hilary's thesis was on the cobordism action for Khovanov homology.
- Adam Clearwater (summer student 2015-2016)
- Adam's project investigated further examples of graphs with cyclotomic graph norms, following the techniques of Calegari and Guo.
Adam is now studying at UPenn
- Narjess Afzaly (PhD student 2016, co-supervised with Brendan McKay)
- Narjess wrote a joint paper with David Penneys and me as part of her thesis work.
- Tejas Iyer (honours student 2016, co-supervised with Brendan McKay)
- (webpage)
- Florrie Verity (honours student 2015-2016, co-supervised with Dirk Pattinson)
- Florrie's thesis was on theorem verification applied to vote counting specifications. She's now doing a masters degree in computer science.
Although they were not my students, I'm hosting copies of honours theses for some students here:
- Hannah Keese
- (honours thesis with Tony Licata) subsequently at Paris (masters program) and Cornell (PhD program)
- Dominic Weiller
- (honours thesis with Joan Licata) subsequently doing a PhD with me
- Adele Jackson
- (honours thesis with Joan Licata)